' . $pname . ' Error

This website is not the one that the plugin was created for

Please re-generate the plugin for domain name ' . $domain . '

'; if (! $errstr) { $p = $splittestpx_licnum % 4; if ($p == 1) $val = 76453456; elseif ($p == 2) $val = 67323527; elseif ($p == 3) $val = 87342355; else $val = 23345667; $val += $splittestpx_licnum * 17; $val += 29 * ($splittestpx_licnum % 125); $val -= 23 * ($splittestpx_licnum % 77); //echo "

licnumcheck = $val

"; if ($val != $splittestpx_licnumcheck || ! $splittestpx_licnum) $errstr = '' . $pname . ' Error

The plugin license number is corrupt. Please re-generate the plugin.

'; } if (! $errstr) { $url = "http://www.whiteknightprotector.com/wk/wkregcheck.php?r=$splittestpx_licnum"; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0'); $wkres = curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); } else { $wkres = @file_get_contents ($url); } if (strpos ($wkres, 'WHITEKNIGHT_REVOKED') !== FALSE) { if (strpos ($wkres, 'WHITEKNIGHT_REVOKED_SGC') !== FALSE) $errstr = '' . $pname . ' Error

Your Software Gold Club membership has expired so this plugin can no longer be used

To continue using the plugin, please renew your membership

'; else $errstr = '' . $pname . ' Error

The license for this plugin has been revoked by the seller through the White Knight Protector system

This may be the result of a payment problem or some sort of misunderstanding

If you believe this is an error, please contact the person you bought the software from and quote reference number ' . $splittestpx_licnum . '

'; } else { update_option ($pcode . '_status', $curtime); return; } } echo $errstr . '

'; $plugins = array(); $fname = $splittestpx_filepath; $p = strpos ($fname, '/wp-content/plugins/'); if (! $p) $p = strpos ($fname, '\\wp-content\\plugins\\'); if ($p) $fname = substr ($fname, $p + 20); $plugins[0] = $fname; deactivate_plugins ($plugins); echo 'The ' . $pname . ' plugin has been deactivated'; die ('

Once the problem has been resolved, go to the Plugins menu and re-activate the plugin

Click "Refresh" on your browser to continue'); } function SplitTestPxPluginDeactivate () { delete_option ('splittestpx1717_status'); } function SplitTestPxPluginEditSettings () { global $splittestpx_levels, $splittestpx_maxitems, $splittestpx_linkfolder, $splittestpx_codethanks, $splittestpx_autolock, $splittestpx_code1, $splittestpx_code2, $splittestpx_code3; echo '

Headline Split Tester Plugin

'; if (isset($_POST['SplitTestPxPluginEditSettings'])) { $numitems = 0; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 1) { $headline = ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { $str = stripslashes (trim ($_POST["headline$c"])); $str = str_replace ('|', '', $str); $headline .= $str . '|'; if ($str && $c > $numitems) $numitems = $c; } update_option ('splittestpx1717_headline', $headline); } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) { $headline = ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { $str = stripslashes (trim ($_POST["subheadline$c"])); $str = str_replace ('|', '', $str); $headline .= $str . '|'; if ($str && $c > $numitems) $numitems = $c; } update_option ('splittestpx1717_subheadline', $headline); } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) { $headline = ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { $str = stripslashes (trim ($_POST["subsubheadline$c"])); $str = str_replace ('|', '', $str); $headline .= $str . '|'; if ($str && $c > $numitems) $numitems = $c; } update_option ('splittestpx1717_subsubheadline', $headline); } update_option ('splittestpx1717_numitems', $numitems); if (! get_option('splittestpx1717_active')) $activestr = ' - System Is Now Active'; update_option ('splittestpx1717_active', 1); echo "Headlines updated successfully$activestr

"; } elseif (isset($_POST['SetSaleUrl'])) { $saleurl = stripslashes (trim ($_POST['saleurl'])); update_option ('splittestpx1717_saleurl', $saleurl); if (! get_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode')) update_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode', mt_rand (10000000, 99999999)); } elseif (isset($_POST['SetTestPageUrl'])) { $testpageurl = stripslashes (trim ($_POST['testpageurl'])); update_option ('splittestpx1717_testpageurl', $testpageurl); } elseif (isset($_POST['ResetCounters'])) { update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', 0); update_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles', 0); update_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum', 0); for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) update_option ("splittestpx1717_sale$c", 0); echo "Counters Have Been Reset To Zero

"; } elseif (isset($_POST['UnlockSystem'])) { update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', 0); echo "System Unlocked - Testing Resumed

"; } elseif (isset($_POST['LockSystem'])) { $plock = intval ($_POST['plock']); if ($plock > 0 && $plock <= $splittestpx_maxitems) update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', $plock); } $salecode = get_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode'); if ($salecode) { if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $salecodelink = $prepend . 'sale' . $salecode; if (isset($_POST['SetSaleUrl'])) { echo "Thank you page URL updated

"; echo 'Send people to the following URL instead of the thank you page. This URL will record the sale and then redirect the person to your thank you page:
' . $salecodelink . '

'; } } $active = get_option('splittestpx1717_active'); if ($active) { $numitems = get_option ('splittestpx1717_numitems'); if (! $numitems || $numitems > $splittestpx_maxitems) $numitems = $splittestpx_maxitems; $cycles = intval (get_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles')); $hnum = intval (get_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum')); $maxsales = 0; for ($c = 1; $c <= $numitems; $c ++) { $salev = get_option ("splittestpx1717_sale$c"); if ($salev > $maxsales) $maxsales = $salev; } $plock = get_option ('splittestpx1717_locked'); if ($plock) { $autostr = ''; if ($splittestpx_autolock && $maxsales >= $splittestpx_autolock) $autostr = " (due to reaching $splittestpx_autolock sales)"; echo "System Is Locked To Option $plock$autostr

"; if (! $splittestpx_autolock || $maxsales < $splittestpx_autolock) { echo '
'; echo '

'; } } echo "
\n"; if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $testpageurl = get_option('splittestpx1717_testpageurl'); echo 'Current Stats'; if ($testpageurl) echo ' (use the links to view the test page with the different headlines)'; echo '

'; echo ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $numitems; $c ++) { $sales = intval (get_option ("splittestpx1717_sale$c")); $visitors = ($hnum >= $c ? $cycles + 1 : $cycles); $pagelink = $prepend . 'option' . $c; $winner = (($sales && $sales == $maxsales) ? '     <==Best' : ' '); if ($testpageurl) echo ""; else echo ""; echo "\n"; } echo '
Headline $c  
Headline $c   $sales sales   ($visitors visitors)$winner
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if (! $plock) { echo '
'; echo 'To lock the system, select an option: '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; } echo '
URL of sales page '; echo '
'; if (! $testpageurl) echo 'Note: This URL should get set automatically the first time you visit the page that contains ' . $splittestpx_code1 . '
'; echo "

\n"; } echo 'Enter the headlines to be tested in the boxes below. In your blog page, put the text ' . $splittestpx_code1 . ' where the Headline should appear. '; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) echo '
Put the text ' . $splittestpx_code2 . ' where the SubHeadline should appear. '; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) echo 'Put the text ' . $splittestpx_code3 . ' where the SubSubHeadline should appear.'; echo "

\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 1) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_headline')); for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { echo "\n"; } } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subheadline')); echo '\n"; } } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subsubheadline')); echo '\n"; } } echo ''; echo '
Headline $c  
 '; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { echo "
SubHeadline $c  
 '; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { echo "
SubSubHeadline $c  
'; echo "
\n"; echo '

'; echo 'The plugin needs to keep track every time someone visits your thank you page

'; echo 'If your thank you page is on this blog, just include the text ' . $splittestpx_codethanks . ' somewhere in the page (it doesn\'t matter where)

'; echo 'If your thank you page is not on this blog, enter the URL of the thank you page in the box below'; if (! $salecodelink) echo ' and the plugin will give you a new URL to send people to instead. The new URL will record the sale and then redirect the person to your thank you page.'; echo "

\n"; $saleurl = get_option ('splittestpx1717_saleurl'); echo '
Thank You Page URL '; echo '

'; if ($salecodelink) echo 'Send people to the following URL instead of the thank you page. This URL will record the sale and then redirect the person to your thank you page:
' . $salecodelink; } function SplitTestPxPluginMenu () { global $splittestpx_filepath; add_options_page ('Headline Tester', 'Headline Tester', 'activate_plugins', $splittestpx_filepath, 'SplitTestPxPluginEditSettings'); } function SplitTestPxPluginContent ($content) { if (is_feed()) return $content; global $splittestpx_codebase; if (strpos ($content, $splittestpx_codebase) === false) return $content; global $splittestpx_levels, $splittestpx_maxitems, $splittestpx_hnum, $splittestpx_linkfolder, $splittestpx_cookie, $splittestpx_code1, $splittestpx_code2, $splittestpx_code3, $splittestpx_codethanks; if (strpos ($content, $splittestpx_codethanks) !== false) { if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $salelink = $prepend . 'sale'; $inscode = ''; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_codethanks, $inscode, $content); return $content; } $pageurl = get_option('splittestpx1717_testpageurl'); if (! $pageurl) update_option ('splittestpx1717_testpageurl', get_permalink()); if (! get_option ('splittestpx1717_active')) { $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code1, 'ERROR - no headlines have been set up. Enter your Headlines using the "Headline Tester" option in the admin "Settings" menu', $content); $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code2, '', $content); $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code3, '', $content); return $content; } $scriptcode = ''; $hnum = $splittestpx_hnum; if (! $hnum) $hnum = get_option ('splittestpx1717_locked'); if (! $hnum) { if (isset ($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie])) $hnum = intval($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie]); if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $splittestpx_maxitems) $hnum = 0; if (! $hnum) { $hnum = get_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum') + 1; $numitems = get_option ('splittestpx1717_numitems'); if (! $numitems || $numitems >= $splittestpx_maxitems) $numitems = $splittestpx_maxitem; if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $numitems) { $hnum = 1; $cycles = get_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles') + 1; update_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles', $cycles); } update_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum', $hnum); $scriptcode = ''; } } { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_headline')); $str = ''; if (isset ($headline[$hnum - 1])) $str = $headline[$hnum - 1]; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code1, $scriptcode . $str, $content); $scriptcode = ''; } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subheadline')); $str = ''; if (isset ($headline[$hnum - 1])) $str = $headline[$hnum - 1]; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code2, $scriptcode . $str, $content); $scriptcode = ''; } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subsubheadline')); $str = ''; if (isset ($headline[$hnum - 1])) $str = $headline[$hnum - 1]; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code3, $scriptcode . $str, $content); $scriptcode = ''; } return $content; } function SplitTestPxPluginLinkHandler () { global $splittestpx_linkfolder; if (strpos ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/' . $splittestpx_linkfolder) === false) return; if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $p = strpos ($prepend, '/', 9); $prepend = substr ($prepend, $p); if (strncmp ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $prepend, strlen($prepend)) != 0) return; global $splittestpx_cookie, $splittestpx_hnum, $splittestpx_maxitems, $splittestpx_autolock; $option = substr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($prepend)); if (substr ($option, 0, 4) == 'sale') { if (! get_option ('splittestpx1717_locked') && isset ($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie])) { $hnum = intval($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie]); if ($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie] != $hnum . 'S') { setcookie ($splittestpx_cookie, $hnum . 'S', time()+365*86400, '/'); if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $splittestpx_maxitems) $hnum = 0; if ($hnum) { $optname = 'splittestpx1717_sale' . $hnum; $numsales = get_option ($optname) + 1; update_option ($optname, $numsales); if ($splittestpx_autolock && $numsales >= $splittestpx_autolock) { update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', $hnum); } } } } $saleurl = get_option ('splittestpx1717_saleurl'); if ($saleurl) { $hnum = intval (substr ($option, 4)); if ($hnum == get_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode')) header ("Location: $saleurl"); } exit (); } elseif (substr ($option, 0, 6) == 'option') { $hnum = intval (substr ($option, 6)); if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $splittestpx_maxitems) $hnum = 0; $pageurl = get_option('splittestpx1717_testpageurl'); if (! $hnum) { die ('Invalid option number in URL'); } elseif ($pageurl) { $p = strpos ($pageurl, '/', 9); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr ($pageurl, $p); $splittestpx_hnum = $hnum; return; } else { die ('Please set the sales page URL in the blog admin Settings menu'); } } } add_action ('init', 'SplitTestPxPluginLinkHandler'); add_action ('admin_head', 'SplitTestPxPluginAdmin'); if (function_exists ('register_deactivation_hook')) register_deactivation_hook ($splittestpx_filepath, 'SplitTestPxPluginDeactivate'); add_filter ('the_content', 'SplitTestPxPluginContent'); add_action ('admin_menu', 'SplitTestPxPluginMenu'); ?> The Morning Letter http://morningletter.com Mon, 24 Jun 2013 06:59:38 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.3.1 Revealed: How A Breakthrough Weight Loss Discovery Exploits A Body Fat “Loophole” To Thin You Day and Night http://morningletter.com/revealed-how-a-breakthrough-weight-loss-discovery-exploits-a-body-fat-loophole-to-thin-you-day-and-night/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=revealed-how-a-breakthrough-weight-loss-discovery-exploits-a-body-fat-loophole-to-thin-you-day-and-night http://morningletter.com/revealed-how-a-breakthrough-weight-loss-discovery-exploits-a-body-fat-loophole-to-thin-you-day-and-night/#comments Fri, 21 Jun 2013 12:09:51 +0000 Tonya Mitchell http://morningletter.com/?p=936 Continue reading ]]> By Dianne Vostler, Health Reporter

“We’re about to see the launch of one of America’s biggest weight loss breakthroughs,” my friend Dr. Karen Vieira told me last night. “It combines some interesting science in ways no one else has thought to exploit for genuine, lasting fat loss.”

I had called her to get an update on anything interesting in the healthy eating and living area, especially if it had anything to do with supplements.

Karen isn’t your average natural health observer. She holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from University of Florida College of Medicine and has been trained in alternative and complementary medicine too. She also coaches clients one-on-one to lose a lot of weight and keep it off.

So if she’s excited about a new weight loss supplement, it’s worth investigating.

“When New Health Labs approached me to help them perfect SlimNoGym, I was surprised to discover they were creating something truly revolutionary in weight loss,” Karen commented. “I’ve seen a lot of weight loss supplements and most don’t do anything new at all. New Health Labs found a loophole no one else bothered to investigate, and it’s quite exciting.”

A loophole? Science is always discovering new things about our bodies. I was hoping this was really good.

So what’s the breakthrough?

“Well, New Health Labs wanted SlimNoGym to become the first product to use day-time fat burning combined with overnight fat blocking. This allows you to burn fat during the day and stops you gaining weight while you sleep.”

It combines both those ideas to work in harmony … so you lose weight 24 hours a day.”

Well, that does sound interesting. But what’s the science to back this up? We’ve all seen “miracle” supplements that make big promises and then can’t deliver. What’s this so-called loophole?

I asked Karen to tell me exactly what made this idea work (by the way, you can watch Dr. Vieiras video by clicking here).

“Let me explain. What New Health Labs saw that others ignored was that our bodies digest calories differently when we’re awake and when we’re asleep,” began Karen. “We burn very few calories overnight – only about one-third of what we burn during the day. So that’s when we put on the pounds.”

“But if night calories can’t become fat in your body – because they’re blocked … then you won’t gain weight overnight. And also, you will keep the calories you managed to burn during the day, away!”

This was a new one to me. Burning calories during the day and blocking them at night from coming back. Exactly how is New Health Labs going to do this?

Overnight fat blocking? What’s that?

Karen laid out the technical points for me. Apparently it’s a two-pronged approach that requires several different ingredients for the day and night capsules. Not only do you need to “hide” fatty calories from your body’s fat-building processes, but also help your fat cells work more efficiently to burn available energy rather than make more fat.

“It’s such a simple concept and proven by science,” finished Karen.

“But before New Health Labs approached me, no one else came up with a way to use it for effective weight loss. After SlimNoGym, there’s no other product designed for day-time fat burning and overnight fat blocking, and it’s a real breakthrough.”

Not adding new fat overnight sounded great to me.

After all, almost all of us make dinner our biggest meal of the day. And who doesn’t enjoy a few snacks while watching their favourite TV show afterward? That’s a lot of calories in the hours before you sleep.

Stopping those calories from making us fat overnight – even if it only blocks some of them – is a lot better than not blocking any.

I was going to ask which ingredients did the fat-blocking …

But Karen continued, “New Health Labs wanted my opinion on more than fat-blocking, though. They also wanted SlimNoGym to accelerate the body’s daytime fat-burning with a very interesting combination of fat burners. They wanted a product that would burn hundreds of extra calories each day too — not just block overnight fat formation.”

“And here’s one of my big frustrations with the weight loss industry,” Karen continued. “Virtually all supplements that claim to burn fat don’t do a very good job. They have the wrong ingredients. Or the wrong amounts. Or combinations that cancel each other out. New Health Labs was doing something different and they wanted my confirmation that they were on the right track.”

So were they? Apparently so, because Karen was already explaining that this created a relationship between overnight fat blocking and daytime fat burning that was greater than each process on its own.

I had to ask her to slow down a bit.

How does fat blocking (overnight) & burning (during the day) create 24/7 weight loss synergy?

“OK, I’ll go a bit slower,” she laughed. “Here’s the thing: in science we love to create processes that push and pull together to get a result. You get twice the results that way.

“Blocking fat overnight is the ‘push’ to make sure you don’t gain any additional pounds. Then burning extra fat during the day is what ‘pulls’ that extra fat out of your fat cells and burns it.

“It means your body fat is ‘under attack’ 24 hours a day this way. It’s constantly being burned away and prevented from re-building.”

That made sense. But did you have to take pills or powders all day and night? That didn’t sound very convenient. I had bad memories of one supplement that required something like 6 different pills every day and it was impossible to remember them all.

But it seems there’s no such awkwardness with SlimNoGym.

They designed the product as a 2-capsule day and night combination. The daytime capsule maximizes fat burning. And the overnight capsule maximizes fat blocking.

“It’s the perfect weight loss recipe,” pointed out Karen. “And so powerful when you use both ideas at once.”

And yet no other natural health company had used modern science to mix these two ideas together until now.

So what are the ingredients, exactly?

“I helped New Health Labs carefully finalize each ingredient … test those ingredients together in combination … and fine-tune everything inside a 2-pill day and night combination so it really works,” explained Karen.

And then she gave me a quick breakdown of the ingredients. Here are my notes of the most important benefits:

5-HTP has been shown to accelerate your fat loss up to 540% in confirmed studies.

Green tea extract boosts your daytime energy burn by 35-43%.

Fenugreek helps insulin work better in your body, which has a proven knock-on effect in suppressing your appetite and burning more fat too.

Brown algae extract has been proven to block as much as 75% of fat from being absorbed by your body. And fucoxanthin (which gives the algae its color) is a proven fat burner too.

Ashwagandha does battle with stress hormone cortisol to help you eat less and burn extra fat.

Calcium “changes the efficiency of weight loss” by up to 70% by helping fat cells do their job better.

Vitamin D is calcium’s helping hand and it also suppresses the production of a certain fat-generating enzymes by up to 500%.

GABA promotes the formation of extra Human Growth Hormone which in turn reduces body fat.

Caralluma fimbriata is an exotic cactus which safely suppresses your appetite.

Pumpkin seed oil contains a wealth of fat-fighting vitamins, minerals and compounds which both burn extra fat and block it too.

There are 10 ingredients in total, and they’re all proven to work.

But how safe is this 24 hour weight loss revolution?

Each ingredient is 100% natural and perfectly safe too, Karen reassures me.

“Which is very important, as you know. It’s no good losing weight if it makes you sick. Instead, you should be feeling happier and healthier with every pound that drops off. You want your life to be better and more enjoyable.

“That’s why safety and results have to go hand in hand. It’s important to set an example with healthy eating and living the right way.”

And she points out that these 10 ingredients have been optimized to work together like a well-oiled 24/7 weight-loss machine. It really does block fat overnight, while burning lots of extra fat during the day.

So are these truly big differences with SlimNoGym?

“Yes, they are,” says Karen.

“SlimNoGym’s overnight fat blocking is an industry first. And they lead the industry with an exceptional combination of fat burners too! I should know, because I helped them perfect those 2 pills. It’s what allows everything to harmonize together all day and all night.”

Karen pointed out that any SlimNoGym customer is probably going to be amazed at the results they get when they try it. That’s the benefit of finding the weight loss loophole that everyone else overlooked.

And there’s even a 31-day free trial offer available now while supplies last. All you’ll pay is shipping and handling – that’s it!

To find out more, click here.

http://morningletter.com/revealed-how-a-breakthrough-weight-loss-discovery-exploits-a-body-fat-loophole-to-thin-you-day-and-night/feed/ 0
Is It Possible To Get A $10,000 Loan in 3 Days? YOU be The Judge After following These Steps! http://morningletter.com/is-it-possible-to-get-a-10000-loan-in-3-days-you-be-the-judge-after-following-these-steps/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=is-it-possible-to-get-a-10000-loan-in-3-days-you-be-the-judge-after-following-these-steps http://morningletter.com/is-it-possible-to-get-a-10000-loan-in-3-days-you-be-the-judge-after-following-these-steps/#comments Fri, 06 Jul 2012 07:21:40 +0000 Sunny Lake http://morningletter.com/?p=888 Continue reading ]]>
Ok…let’s take the suspense out of the way (you need money, that’s suspense enough!). Getting the money could be easier (and safer) than you think.

We’ve all been there, or at least I have.  You think you’re ok, then you’re hit with an unexpected (or larger than expected) expense and you have to find some extra money.  If you have good credit, you have more possibilities.  If your credit is s struggle, you might feel hopeless.  Fear not  – we all have options!

There are several basic types of loans.  Depending on your credit score and timeline, some options will be more attractive.  Unfortunately I have gotten into a financial pinch once or twice, so I have done my homework and found some ways to get the money quickly and safely.

Secured vs. Unsecured Unsecured loans are based on your ability to repay the loan and your financial stability, and the bank doesn’t require any material items be attached.  Secured loans require collateral to ensure that you will repay the loan – a car payment uses the automobile as collateral, so if you don’t repay the loan, the bank will repossess your car.

Line of Credit     Lines of credit are different than a conventional loan because they will allow you to tap into it as you have a need instead of giving you a lump sum up front.  Your choice will depend on your plans and need, as well as your ability to manage cash flow and repay debt.

Open-Ended versus Close-Ended

Open-ended loans are also called revolving credit.  The borrower is able to make payments and take out additional money within the terms of the agreement.  Close-ended are for a specific amount and terms set at the beginning of the term, and they don’t change.


Conventional loans are determined at the onset and specific terms are set for repayment.  Basically you borrow a specific amount and repay a fixed amount over a period of time.

Payday Loans

Payday loans are small, short-term loans, secured by the borrower’s next paycheck.  They are typically used to cover emergency financial situations aren’t advised otherwise.  They carry significant risk for the lender, therefore carry higher rates and penalties.  Be very careful with Payday Loans.  They can turn into a nightmare faster than my family at the holidays!

How can you get the loan you need?  There are a few factors you need to consider when deciding which loan is best, and steps to take to secure it quickly.

  • Credit score
  • Repayment period
  • Financial need / Amount of expense

When taking all of this into consideration, you will make the best decision to ensure you maximize your loan potential while minimizing the overall cost.

Day 1 – Get Your Credit Score

If you don’t know what your credit score is, you should get a report.  CreditKarma.com is a free online resource and valuable tool.  I subscribe to it, and I get email alerts if the status of my credit changes or anyone makes an inquiry.  And while it’s always good to check on it yourself, I like knowing that they will tell me if anything comes up.  Did I mention it’s FREE?!

The higher your credit score, the more money you will potentially be able to borrow and at the lowest rate.  If your score is less than perfect (over 650 is preferable), don’t worry.  There are ways you can fix it and regain control of your finances.

  • Get a credit card if you don’t have one.  Credit scores are based on your loan repayment history.  Get a card.  Make some charges.  And pay the bill on time.
  • Add an installment loan, like a car payment.  Again, on-time payment is essential.  Once I paid off my car, my credit score jumped up 20 points!
  • Pay down your existing cards.  High balances on revolving credit are a red flag to creditors that you are not able to afford your spending.  Pay down high balances.  Try not to let your balance be more than 30% of your overall credit limit.
  • Check your limits and make sure you are being offered all of the credit you’re due.  Having higher limits doesn’t mean you have to spend more.  It shows that you are a good risk.
  • Use your old cards with longer credit histories instead of just relying on new cards.  History matters and showing a long-term relationship with a creditor is a good thing.
  • When reviewing your credit report, dispute any old negatives and make sure you correct any significant errors.  Take the time to make sure your report is right.

Want a surefire way to get out of debt and have great credit?  Pay your bills!  Do it now!  Fixing your credit can take some time.  But if you’re already in good financial shape, your next steps to getting the loan you need are relatively easy.

Also, did you know that your insurance rates are tied to your credit score?  I found this out the hard way.  After some frivolous (but so much fun at the time) spending during my college days, my credit score tanked and my car insurance rates doubled.  That’s a lesson I wish I wouldn’t have needed, but I pulled up my big girl panties and made some changes and got my credit in check.

Day 2 – Join a Credit Union

Now that you know your credit score, you have negotiating power with the lender.   I would suggest getting your loan through a Credit Union.  They are similar to a bank, but instead of being a customer you’re a member.  Credit Unions answer to the members.  Banks answer to profitability.

Not a member of a Credit Union?  Signing up is easy.  And since you have already checked your credit score and corrected any errors, you should have no problem opening an account.

  1. Credit Unions base membership on a commonality – such as where you live or work.  Find the CU that you are eligible to join.
  2. Ask for an application and get started.  You will need your identification and a small initial deposit.  Mine was only $5 to join … really.
  3. Start using your account.

Once you sign up you are eligible to utilize all of the member services.  One of my favorites is the no-charge ATM.  I can use any Credit Union (not just my own) ATM and there is no service charge.  ATM fees can add up in a hurry, so this is awesome!

Credit Unions are competitive and offer great rates on auto (mine was 2.99%), student, home equity, and personal loans.  They typically offer online bill pay options as well, so once you get the loan you can set up repayments on auto-pilot.  If you haven’t started paying your bills online, try it out.  It will change your life!

The Visa card I have through my CU only charges 9.5% interest.  The only condition for the fantastic rate is that I pay online.  PLUS I get 1% cash back every year.  It’s automatically deposited onto my card every January – yay!  Pretty appealing and the only requirement for membership is that I live or work in a particular county.

You know your credit score.  You’ve enrolled in a Credit Union.  You’re well on your way to getting that loan.  Can you really have the extra $10,000 that you need tomorrow?  Yes!

Day 3 – Apply for a Personal Loan

Credit Unions offer a variety of loan programs, so do your homework and figure out which one is best for you and your needs.  But if you need extra money for an unexpected expense, home improvement project, or maybe just an escape to someplace warm (I live in the Pacific Northwest)  a personal loan is a great way to go.

They are typically non-collateralized (no security or equity needed), so they are great for someone who doesn’t want to tie up, or doesn’t have, the equity in their home.  I bought my house a little over a year ago, and since values haven’t increased I can’t get a Home Equity Line of Credit.  I think a lot of people are in the same position.

Personal loans have a defined repayment period, and it is often up to 4 years with a minimum payment required.  However, there is no pre-payment penalty so you can pay it off as quickly as you want or are able to.

Interest rates on Personal Loans at my CU start at 10.99%, so it makes a lot more sense than using your credit card for the expense.

More often than not, the Credit Union will be able to approve your Personal Loan application the same day, so you will be able to access the funds immediately.

Don’t believe me?  I did it, and so can you.  I wanted to consolidate debt from higher-rate credit cards, and I went to my Credit Union for a loan.  Before I walked out the door the money was in my checking account.  Since I was already a member and they had access to my credit score, I got $10,000 in under an hour.

Don’t Risk Your Money

I know there may be quicker ways to get $10,000 … but three days is pretty fast, and you could actually do it in less time (like me in under an hour).

In our economic times, people are turning to risky loans because they think they are the only alternative.  While the fast money might seem attractive, the risks can outweigh the rewards in a hurry.  According to a credit industry survey, Payday Advance Loans average 300% APR.

This is one step away from a Loan Shark (or my grandma)!  Maybe they won’t break your legs if you don’t pay, but they might as well.  300% is insane!  Especially when you consider you can get a Personal Loan from a Credit Union is the same amount of time for as low as 10%.

Advances on your credit card may seem attractive because of their convenience, but they are expensive.  And it’s some of the highest risk money when you are using your credit card like an ATM.  They usually offer an initial low “teaser” rate, but then quickly jump up from 1-7% higher than the interest rate on the credit card.

Convenience is a dark mistress and usually costs you dearly.  And no one wants to borrow money from their family members (have I mentioned my family holidays?!).  So take some time and get the right loan at the right rate.  You can still have your money quickly, and it will save you in the long run.  And paying less for more always sounds good!

Easy as 1-2-3

I think we all have three days (or less) to get a $10,000 loan.  Remember the simple steps:

  1. Get your credit score
  2. Join a Credit Union
  3. Apply for a Personal Loan

Securing a loan in under a week may seem beyond possibility, but it’s not.  I’ve done it and so can you!

http://morningletter.com/is-it-possible-to-get-a-10000-loan-in-3-days-you-be-the-judge-after-following-these-steps/feed/ 0
The Uncensored Truth About Tax Lien Certificates – How Much Money Can You REALLY Make With Them? http://morningletter.com/the-uncensored-truth-about-tax-lien-certificates-how-much-money-can-you-really-make-with-them/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-uncensored-truth-about-tax-lien-certificates-how-much-money-can-you-really-make-with-them http://morningletter.com/the-uncensored-truth-about-tax-lien-certificates-how-much-money-can-you-really-make-with-them/#comments Fri, 06 Jul 2012 07:18:04 +0000 Sunny Lake http://morningletter.com/?p=884 Continue reading ]]>
In our current economy there are a few simple truths – People can’t always pay their bills, and people are looking for secure ways to make extra income.  So it begs the question, Is there a way to generate additional, guaranteed income?  I believe the answer is YES.

Everyone needs money to fulfill immediate needs…

…state and local governments are no different as they are responsible for providing services, law enforcement, etc for their residents.  And a large portion of this revenue is generated through property taxes.  Budgets are created based on the constant income, and they fall short when people fail to pay.

So how does the government cover the shortage?  Some counties sell Tax Lien Certificates (TLC).  Various county governments will auction TLC to cover the deficit.  They offer a guaranteed rate of return and are secured with real property.

Although this is not a new concept, it’s not well-known or understood.  However, banks and savvy investors have been buying TLC for over 100 years, and they are often seen as one of the investment world’s best kept secretsRich Dad Poor Dad author, Robert Kiyosaki, discusses the benefits of TLC in his books.

How is this possible?  When people are behind in paying property taxes, they are hit with high interest rates and fines to “encourage” timely payments.  In addition to high interest rates and fines, they must repay within a set timeframe or the property will be foreclosed upon.

What does this mean to you?

  • You can purchase the government-backed, real-property-secured, guaranteed-interest-rate certificates at auction (in effect paying the property taxes for the owner).
  • The County gets the tax revenue, and you hold a tax lien on the property.
  • The interest rate is set and guaranteed by the government (and is the responsibility of the property owner), and they can range anywhere from 8-50% depending on the area.
  • Once the back-taxes are paid, you get your initial investment plus the interest!

What are the drawbacks?  8-50% guaranteed interest sounds too good to be true.  As with any financial decision, you need to know the risks.  While the likelihood of you losing money is extremely low, there are some things to consider.

  • Your money isn’t liquid.  Until the tax payer comes current on the property taxes with penalties and fees, you don’t have access to your money.  This can be anywhere from 6 months to 4 years, much like a CD.
  • You could own hard to sell property.  If the taxes are not repaid and the property forecloses, you as the tax lien holder could acquire the property through the foreclosure.

I have read stories of people quitting their day jobs after learning how to generate income buying Tax Lien Certificates.  Maybe they are too good to be true, or maybe they have a larger amount for their initial investments and have a greater capacity for risk.  Regardless, I believe if you are willing to take some time and do your homework you can make money (and if you really invest time and effort, A LOT OF MONEY!).

If this has you wanting to learn more, now is your chance.  With a few simple steps and some due diligence, you can be on your way to making money and securing your financial future.  According to Warren Buffett “The rich invest time.  The poor invest money.”

Take your time, and you can do this right!

So…want to get started?

I have had my real estate license for the past 7+ years, so I am well-versed in real property, liens, foreclosures, and real estate law.  Even with my background and knowledge of title reports and legal descriptions, I invest in TLC only after doing my homework.

After reading this, you will be well on your way to understanding the system and have a solid knowledge base to start researching possible investments.

To begin the process, you will need to answer these questions:

  1. What is my target market?
  2. When and where are the auctions held?
  3. Where can I get a list of the properties and their descriptions?  Are there any unsold certificates available from the previous sale?
  4. What are the rules of the sale?
  5. What is the interest rate and how is it calculated?

1. Identify Your Target Market

Some of the hardest hit real estate markets are in Arizona and Florida, and they happen to be two of the states (plus the District of Columbia) that allow the purchase of Tax Lien Certificates.

Maricopa County in Arizona (including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, and Tempe) has one of the highest delinquency rates of property taxes, and sells a high volume of Tax Lien Certificates at an interest rate starting at 16%.  As of March 9, 2012 they have over 30,000 properties on the list.  As a first-time investor of TLC, this is where I would start.

 2.  Auction Basics

Find out where and when the auction is being held for the County you’re interested in.  The Maricopa County Treasurers Office held their annual online auction on February 6, and a number of the certificates were left unsold.  You may be able to purchase the certificates directly from the Treasurers office.

3. Property List

Wherever you want to invest, you will need to get a list of the current properties from the County Treasurers Office.  Some are available online and others through the mail.   Many times there is a nominal fee to receive a copy of the list.

Once you get the list, you will need to narrow it down.  There will be residential, commercial, and raw land listings included.  So depending on your comfort level and understanding of real estate, this is a great place to start.  In the off-chance the property goes into foreclosure and you become the owner, it is best to know what you are getting and if it would be something you could liquidate or use.

Another way to select target properties is looking at the “Amount Owed” versus the “Assessed Value”.  Ideally you can identify properties with little owed and a high value.  An owner is more-likely to repay the taxes quickly, so you would get a return on your investment without a long wait.

If the property does end up going into foreclosure, a higher assessed value can mean more money for you down the road.  Make sure to view some comparable properties to help you determine that actual value if you were to sell it in the future.

You are responsible for doing the necessary due diligence and educating yourself on the properties.  The worst case scenario would be ending up with raw land in the middle of the desert that you can’t sell and are now responsible for taxes on, or acquiring a property that needs large amounts of additional money to get into sellable condition.

Research shows that 98% of tax lien certificate holders receive payments to the value of their investments within two years.

You will need to put in the time to research the properties and make determinations on the risk versus the reward.  The initial investment of your time could prove the most valuable in securing your future.

4. The Rules of the Game

Every auction has rules you need to know before going in.  In some markets, the auctions are based on the interest rate.  The auction will start at a set percentage and go down until they have a bidder that is willing to take the lowest interest rate.

By committing to your target area, you will always know the rules.  Until you are either comfortable with the process or have a large sum for your initial investment, you are much better off purchasing within a specific area.

You may be required to register as a bidder with the Treasurers office.  Once registered you are given a bidder number and password so you can login to the bid site and bid on certificates you are interested in.  The auction will “close” on a specific date or time and you can make entries up until that point.

Cash is king at an auction, and you must either bring cash or a cashier’s check to finalize the sale of the certificate.  Personal checks are not accepted.  Some require the money on the spot, and others give you up to 72 hours and will allow an auto-withdrawl from your account.  Know this before you go in so you are prepared.

5. Finding Out the Return on Investment

Every state and county sets their interest rate and determines how it is calculated.  To use my example of Maricopa County, the base rate is 16%.  Depending on the number of active bidders on a property, the interest rate can go down to zero.

You must know your tolerance for risk before going into any auction.  If your tolerance is high, you may be able to take a lower interest rate in hopes that you will end up owning the property in a foreclosure.  You could potentially own a home worth $70,000 for a $2,000 investment – that’s a huge return on your investment!

If you have a lower tolerance level, it would be wise to set your “floor” interest rate and stick to it.  Even if you end up at 8%, that is much better than investing in a CD, leaving your money in a savings account, or investing in a volatile stock market.

In Iowa, the interest rate is 2% per month, so if the taxes are delinquent for a year your return on investment is 24% – which is fantastic.  Every state and every county calculate interest differently and have a different base rate.  In going back to the first step of knowing your target area, you will have a solid understanding of your possible ROI.

Security in Uncertain Times 

The economy has taken a toll over the past few years, and very few have been fortunate enough to avoid financial fallout.  But there is hope and there are options for creating wealth if you are willing to look for opportunities and put in the time.

I know that Tax Lien Certificates are a way to do help achieve financial freedom.  There is little risk involved and the rewards can be great.  As with anything worthwhile, you have to be willing to invest time and energy.  But with the possible upsides, it is definitely worth considering.

You now have a solid understanding of what Tax Lien Certificates are, what they can mean to you, and how you can purchase them.  So what’s stopping you?  Where else can you find low-risk investments typically achieving 15-50% annual returns?  Put in the time, do the work, reap the rewards.  It all sounds simple and in honesty, it is.

A few recommendations -

If you read my article in detail, you’re not only HOT for learning more about how to cash in on one of the safest and most profitable REAL business models out there but you probably want start right now! And why not…thousands of people out there have created a passive stream of income with tax lien certificates (and others, REAL wealth!).

So…without further a due, two great reads you got to get your hands on:

1. Melford & Concetta Bibens’s  “Tax Liens Made Easy” (taxliensmadeeasy.com). Great course full of top notch WORKING strategies on how to make it big time with tax lien certificates. Melford and Concetta have truly done an outstanding job in teaching people with zero experience and little cash to make it big in this business. Worth every penny!

2. Larry Loftis’s book “Profit by Investing in Real Estate Tax Liens: Earn Safe, Secured, and Fixed Returns Every Time” is in my opinion one of the leading books on the subject. Fresh, unique, out-of-the-box strategies, all well explained in much detail and based on REAL life  experience.

Larry walks the talk so to speak! The guy manages a tax lien pool of over $12 Million and knows every trick and strategy out there. He has been cited as a tax lien expert in The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur magazine, Wealth magazine, Msn.Money, TheStreet.com and more. You can grab a copy of his book at Amazon.com.

http://morningletter.com/the-uncensored-truth-about-tax-lien-certificates-how-much-money-can-you-really-make-with-them/feed/ 0
Want To Buy Real Estate But No Money? Want A “Zero-Down” Strategy? Follow These Steps… http://morningletter.com/want-to-buy-real-estate-but-no-money-want-a-zero-down-strategy-follow-these-steps/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=want-to-buy-real-estate-but-no-money-want-a-zero-down-strategy-follow-these-steps http://morningletter.com/want-to-buy-real-estate-but-no-money-want-a-zero-down-strategy-follow-these-steps/#comments Fri, 06 Jul 2012 06:54:38 +0000 Sunny Lake http://morningletter.com/?p=879 Continue reading ]]>
If any of you have trouble sleeping like I do, then you’ve seen the infomercials … Make millions from investing in real estate with no money down!!!!  Too good to be true?  Not at all!

Save yourself the $399 and don’t buy the program.  What they don’t necessarily tell you in the infomercial is that there are ways to buy without spending your own money (a tricky use of semantics), but you will still need cash at closing.  And if that sounds good to you, I’ll tell you about the options.

But I’m a realist, and I like to give you practical choices.  So while I will let you in on the “secrets”, I will also tell you about programs you can take advantage of that actually offer zero down.

What the infomercials will sell you:

  • “Subject To” – You buy houses “subject to” the existing financing.  So you leverage other people’s credit and take ownership of the property with the original terms of the note with the initial lender.
  • Lease Option – In a nutshell the buyer rents the property for an extended period of time, and has an option to buy it for a specified amount.  The rent paid goes towards the down payment.
  • Buy to Let – In this scenario the buyer is required to rent out the property and the future rental income is used as collateral.  The buyer needs to present a business plan as well as applications from potential tenants.
  • Seller Refinance – The seller refinances the home and gets the cash from the proceeds, and the buyer gives the seller a promissory note for the balance of the equity.
  • Government Loan Programs – This is the most viable option in my opinion, so I will discuss it in further detail.
  • Borrow money from you family or friends for your down payment
  • Borrow against your life insurance policy
  • Use other property as collateral
  • Home equity loan (if you have other property)
  • Trade – The buyer trades the seller for something he needs in lieu of a down payment
  • Investor – Again … it’s not your money that is being used as a down payment.

Some of these opportunities are more realistic than others.  And as I mentioned, several don’t require you to use YOUR money as a down payment, but still require cash to close.

I come from a family of martyrs, so I don’t like to owe anyone anything.  The thought of asking a family member or friend for money makes my skin crawl and sends me running towards the bar.  I would rather stand on my own two feet and get a loan myself.

I have worked in the real estate industry for nearly 8 years, and I have seen the market highs and lows.  I have seen amazing mortgage “deals” come and go.  The most reliable programs I have seen come from the US Government.  Shocking, I know!

There are two zero-down loan programs offered by the government – VA and USDA.  Both have low interest rates.  You can qualify for a VA Loan if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • Veteran
  • Active duty personnel
  • National Guard / Reservist
  • Surviving spouse

For those of us who have not served, there is another government-guaranteed, zero-down loan program that we may be eligible for and it is worth checking out – USDA Rural Housing Loans.  This program was created to improve the life in rural areas, by providing loans and grants for housing and community facilities.  The process is quite simple, and is broken down into a few steps.

  1. Find out if you quality
  2. Find out if the property qualifies
  3. Purchase the home

Do I Qualify?

As with any government program, there are requirements for eligibility.  For USDA Rural Housing Loans, as with any loan, you must have good credit, the monthly housing costs can’t exceed 29% of your income, your income can’t exceed 115% of the median income for the area, and the property must be owner-occupied.

Know Your Score

Knowing your credit score is always important.  Better credit can get you lower interest rates, saving you money in the long run.

If you don’t know your credit score, check out CreditKarma.com.  It is a FREE online credit report, and it’s very easy to use (I promise they don’t pay me to say that).  CreditKarma also notifies you automatically if there has been a change in your score or someone has accessed your information.

For a USDA loan, the minimum required FICO score is 620.  You also must have an established credit history of at least 24 months.

Know the Ratios

You know your credit score – great!  There is another set of numbers you need to be familiar with as well, your debt-to-income ratio.  Standards for USDA loans are 29/41, which simply means that the housing costs (mortgage, insurance, and taxes) can’t exceed 29% of your monthly income, and your overall monthly debt costs can’t exceed 41% of your monthly income.

Higher ratios may be considered if you have good credit (660+), stable employment history, potential for increased earnings, and proven ability to save.  The 29/41 rule is smart to live by so you don’t get in over your head financially, but it can be stretched in special cases.

Know Your Debt

Now that you know what the requirements are for debt-to-income ratio, you need to know your debt load.  That is easy to determine, but can be hard to accept when it’s laid out in front of you.

Don’t be afraid of your debt.  Fear will hold you back from facing it head on and making progress to get rid of it.  I always say this – knowledge is power.  If you have debt, understand where it came from and how you can avoid taking it on in the future.

List out all of your monthly expenses.  I use an Excel spreadsheet so I have a visual reminder of everything I regularly spend money on.  This list may include car payments, student loans, utilities, groceries, credit card debt, etc.

Once you have your total monthly expenses, you will know how much you can spend on housing.  Make sure it doesn’t exceed 41% of your total monthly income.

Verify Your Income

Depending on your employment, verifying your income will have different requirements.  It can be as easy as submitting a written Verification of Income and a current paystub, or as involved as submitting two years of Federal Tax Returns.

You must report all of your income, which may include alimony, child support, disability, or social security benefits.  Also if you have a non-purchasing spouse, his/her income must be verified as well to make sure your income does not exceed the limits of the program.

There are applicable deductions to reach your adjusted income, which should be discussed and verified with your lender.  They include minor children, disable or handicapped dependents, full-time students, elderly dependents, medical expenses, and childcare expenses.

Once you reach your adjusted income, you need to confirm that it does not exceed 115% of the median household income for your area.  Again, this is something you need to review with your lender to make sure you are eligible.

Verify Owner-Occupancy

This is probably the easiest step in the eligibility process – establishing that you will be occupying the home.  To qualify for a USDA loan you can’t own another primary residence.

QUALIFIED!!!  Once you have proven that you are eligible for the program, you can start looking for properties.

Does the Property Qualify?

Since this loan program was introduced to increase livability in rural areas, you must find a home that fits the guidelines.  Rural areas include places with lower populations, and certain towns and cities.

Types of Properties

While they do require that the property is owner-occupied, there is flexibility as to what you can purchase.  The property can be a single-family home, condo, planned unit development, or manufactured home.

The rural housing program has recently been updated.  According to a Mortgage Officer from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, there is no limit on lot size, but the land can’t account for over 30% of the value of the property unless it’s typical for the area.  Also, farm properties are not eligible – they don’t want buyers making money off of the land.

Verify the Location

There are also location guidelines, and are specific to your area.  If you are interested in purchasing a home through the rural housing program, ask your local lender for a map.  You can also verify eligibility online at http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov.

Thankfully in many cases, the definition of rural is loose.  As long as you don’t want to live downtown, your options might be far greater than you imagine.

Make the Deal

Once you and the property qualify for a USDA loan, all you have left to do is buy it!  USDA loans have lots of benefits to buyers as well as the community.

They require no down payment, and there are no prepayment penalties for rural housing loans.  They have low monthly mortgage insurance, and offer 30-year fixed interest rates.  Closing costs can even be financed into the loan if the appraised value is higher than the purchase price.


Being the practical person that I am, I always want to give people honest, real-life advice and options.  Government-backed loans like USDA or VA are solid opportunities to purchase real estate with no money down.  When I say zero down, I mean zero down!

There are riskier choices available that don’t require you to spend your own money, but they do require a financial investment from someone upfront.  I don’t discount any of the alternatives – they work.  If they didn’t, no one would buy the programs you see on television in the middle of the night.

Next time you find yourself awake in the middle of the night cruising through the channels, skip the ones enticing you with promises of real estate riches.  You now have a solid information base to research the choices AND a healthy dose of reality!

And on that subject…

If you want to learn more (well, MUCH more!) about how to make a full time living in the real-estate market I suggest you get Joe Crump’s real estate investing course at realestatemoneymaker.com. Why? Simple…

First, Joe KNOWS his stuff like probably no other real-estate investor knows. From finding sellers who will sell you their home with zero down payment and no credit check, to maximizing your profit potential once you sell the property…and how to systematize your business so you can repeat this process every single day.

Second and most important…his course provides you with more “out of the box” strategies, systematical approaches, exploitable loopholes,  and experience based advice (that REALLY WORKS!) than most real-estate products priced 10 to 100 times more!

http://morningletter.com/want-to-buy-real-estate-but-no-money-want-a-zero-down-strategy-follow-these-steps/feed/ 0
Chiseled jaw line? Better looking cheeks? Bye-bye chubby skin? 5 Secrets For A Perfect Face (and Moist Coffee Grounds!) http://morningletter.com/chiseled-jaw-line-better-looking-cheeks-bye-bye-chubby-skin-5-secrets-for-a-perfect-face-and-moist-coffee-grounds/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chiseled-jaw-line-better-looking-cheeks-bye-bye-chubby-skin-5-secrets-for-a-perfect-face-and-moist-coffee-grounds http://morningletter.com/chiseled-jaw-line-better-looking-cheeks-bye-bye-chubby-skin-5-secrets-for-a-perfect-face-and-moist-coffee-grounds/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 15:24:13 +0000 Stephanie Nolan http://morningletter.com/?p=865 Continue reading ]]> Just about everyone worries about their facial skin.  Let’s face it (yes, pun is intended) .

The first thing that people notice is a person’s face – is there skin glowing, is there jaw line chiseled or do they have a double chin, does their complexion glow or is it dull looking?

Many of us wish to get rid of wrinkles without paying big bucks for Botox. Did you know that a new Japanese research has proven the yoga exercises are effective for firming your face and neck muscles?

Yoga facial exercises will leave you with glowing skin, firmer and stronger facial muscles, and even reduces wrinkles and lines that nobody wants.  Of course, this does not happen overnight!

If you start yoga facial exercises today, you will see results in a matter of two weeks.  Two weeks!  Best of all yoga facial exercises do not cost a penny compared to expensive, painful Botox injections.

It is important that you do these facial exercises 2 to 3 times a day.  You do not have to be in your bathroom to perform the exercises; they can be done while you drive to work, while you watch TV, while you read a book, and even why you take a shower!

Exercise 1 – Tilt Your Head

Did you know that keeping your chin up will literally prevent your face from developing jowls?

For this exercise, you must tilt your head and neck all the way back, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and hold for 30 seconds.  Repeat 5 to 6 times.  Doing this will firm your jaw and neck line, which prevents sagging! 

Exercise 2 – Work Your Fingers

Many of us have worry lines that are well earned.  Now it is time to reduce their presence!

You will need to place your fingers on your forehead, directly above your eyebrows (as your fingers are on your forehead) close your eyes, and slowly move your fingers upward towards the top of your head.

Press firmly as you move your fingers. When your fingers reach your hairline, it is time to open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows high. Then slowly move your fingers back down to your eyebrows.  This needs to be repeated 10 times.

This exercise works because exercising your facial fontails muscle is extremely important to reduce the appearance of those well earned worry lines! 

Exercise 3 – Lip Lines

Over time, every woman will come to a time in her life where the area above her upper lips will lose its elasticity, which leads to those tiny little lines well known as “smoker” lines.

This happens even if you have never smoked a cigarette in your life!  This exercise will prevent those lines from appearing and significantly asking for attention.

You need to tightly stretch your upper lip over your top teeth and smile, hold this position for 5 to 7 seconds, and then repeat.  This needs to be repeated it 3 to 6 times depending upon the severity of the “smoker” lines.

This may sound silly but it actually works because it elongates the muscles around the mouth that help you to compress your lips making them resistant to wrinkles.  Seriously, who likes wrinkles? 

Exercise 4 – Frown Lines

Everyone squints from time to time.  Did you know that squinting will pull the corrugated muscles that are between your brows together?  If a person squints often enough, eventually the corrugated muscles will stay that way!  The good news is you can smooth them out without a needle or Botox. You can reduce the appearance of frown lines naturally with the yoga facial exercises.

For this exercise, you need to furrow your eyebrows intensely far more than you typically would.  This makes your frown lines become deeper and firmer to the touch.

If you are unsure if you have done this correctly….

Simply rub your fingers over your lines, and make sure that you can feel them significantly.  Once you have done this correctly, you need to place your fingertips at the inner edge of each brow and then slowly pull your lines apart.

Hold this position for 5 seconds and then relax your face and repeat the entire exercise twice.  Annelise Hagen, the author of The Yoga Face states that if you do this exercise in front of a mirror that you can actually see your lines erasing!

According to Hagen, this exercise works because while we maximize the muscle contraction causing these lines we are actually stretching and strengthening the muscles which will lead to softer and less noticeable lines. 

Exercise 5 – Cheekbones

Even if your dream is to have prominent cheekbones, there is one thing to remember — you need to have a little fat on your cheeks!  Why? Because a little bit of fat on the cheeks instantly radiates youth!

Over time, it is common for most of the fat that surrounds and cushions are cheekbones to disappear, which will lead to a thinner, bony looking appearance.  Not many people wish to look like a skeleton!

This facial yoga exercise is simple to perform, just like the rest!

You need to take a deep breath and hold all the air inside your mouth, puffing out your cheeks as if you were playing a trumpet.  The first few times you may want to do this in front of a mirror to ensure you have enough air in your cheeks.

Do not open your mouth, and switch the air from cheek to cheek, alternating between left and right until you run out of breath.  You will need to repeat this at least three times.

This exercise works because it stretches and tones three different muscles that surround our cheekbones, according to Hagen.

Have you noticed that people who play brass instruments commonly have fuller and youthful looking faces?

This is because they are constantly exercising their cheek muscles! Who knew that by holding your breath could lead to a youthful appearance?

There are other ways that you can have amazingly beautiful facial skin…

If you are like many Americans who drink coffee in the morning, and even throughout the day –you will have an abundant amount of coffee grounds.

Forget about purchasing expensive facial exfoliates and all over body scrubs, instead use a handful of your leftover coffee grounds to exfoliate your face and scrub your body.

Moist coffee grounds remove dead skin cells from our face, but not only that, they help tighten and firm our pores resulting in our skin to have an incredibly smooth appearance and feel.

If you have a dry skin, you may want to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of cold olive oil to your coffee grounds before applying to your skin.

This trick is simple, but easily forgotten.  Many women wear makeup on a daily basis but never wash their makeup brushes and sponges.

Dirty makeup brushes and sponges are full of bacteria and grime.  Rubbing the brushes and sponges all of your face simply cannot do any good.  Wash all makeup brushes, sponges and tools once a week with a small dash of shampoo and warm water.

After you have preformed the yoga facial exercises, exfoliate your skin with the coffee grounds, you may want to use other natural remedies to improve your facial skin.

Did you know that the inside of a banana peel can be used as a facial moisturizer?  Simply scrape off the innards of your banana peel, apply it to your face, and allow it to sit on your face for approximately 15 min. and then rinse.

Do not stop there!  Bananas are not the only fruit that naturally provides benefits for facial skin.

Potatoes help reduce puffiness while citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit’s provide powerful astringent properties, avocados plump up your complexion, and pineapples will instantly brighten your skin.

Remember to always use the inner, fleshy part of the fruit or vegetable!

Yoga facial exercises, coffee, fruit and vegetable moisturizers all aid in creating the perfect facial skin but let’s not forget about cleaning our pores, boosting our circulation, and flushing out toxins.  It is important to fight acne with a weekly steam facial!

You do not need a fancy steam machine or to schedule an appointment at a spa in order to properly have a facial steam.  You have all the equipment in your home!

The only thing you need for a weekly facial steam is a pot of water, a stovetop, and a towel.  If you will love aromas and fresh herbs, feel free to put a handful of lavender, vanilla, chamomile, or any other herb of your choice in the water.

Simply bring the water to boil.  Reduce the heat and let it simmer for approximately 5 to 10 min. then place the pot of hot water on your kitchen table or countertop, and gently drape a towel over the back of your head, carefully lean your face over the steaming pot of water.

Be careful not to place your face too close which could cause you to burn yourself!  Stay in this position for roughly 5 min. and then finish your facial steam by rinsing your face with cool water, which closes pores.

Now, last and most important…

DON’T JUST READ…go and implement what you just learned today because it works!!!


I am always asked what product I like when it comes to skin rejuvenation. Tough! With so many products out there and so much B.S, it’s the exception rather than the rule that works. Yes, few products actually do as promised. And you know what, in my opinion it’s not even about the money…for me it’s about the time I waste on something that’s not working as it should. The frustration of hope without results.

Anyway, no matter what product you use always know one thing – don’t expect miracles! If you understand that and want to try a real product that will yield realistic results then I recommend you give Kollagen Intensiv™  (kollagenintensiv.com) a try. No need to expand on the product here, go to their website and you can read plenty about it (especially regarding its performance in clinical trials).

http://morningletter.com/chiseled-jaw-line-better-looking-cheeks-bye-bye-chubby-skin-5-secrets-for-a-perfect-face-and-moist-coffee-grounds/feed/ 0
The One “Trick” That Always Works For Seducing Woman (ALWAYS!) http://morningletter.com/the-one-trick-that-always-works-for-seducing-woman-always/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-one-trick-that-always-works-for-seducing-woman-always http://morningletter.com/the-one-trick-that-always-works-for-seducing-woman-always/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 15:20:08 +0000 Stephanie Nolan http://morningletter.com/?p=858 Continue reading ]]> You’ve got your eyes on one particular girl, and you don’t have the guts to ask her out.

You’ve thought about the tough guy approach (even if you are the farthest thing from a tough guy!), and you’ve thought about the friend approach — and now you’re left scratching your head wondering what you can do to be attractive by making a girl laugh.


How in the world will you get the girl of your dreams to find you attractive?! Don’t worry; there is a tried-and-true method which some guys use, and others need to use.

We’ve all heard it; numerous studies have proven it… tickle her funny bone! No, I don’t mean to literally tickle her (although you can try if you wish); I’m talking about making her laugh!

Just about every girl loves a funny guy! And, those that don’t are probably lacking the humor gene, just saying!

Think about it, how many of your buddies have ended up dating a girl because he made her laugh? Now it’s your turn! It’s time to move past the dreaded friend zone into the dating zone! 

The Basics

It’s important to remember that before you even attempt to date a girl by making her laugh, you need to learn how to use humor and wit that will not repulse her! Learning how to be funny takes time and practice. Yes, practice!

Don’t EVER use pick up lines that can have her running for the door before you even get to introduce yourself! For example, never, ever say something likeIs your dad a baker? No, why? Because, you have nice buns!”

A line like this is NOT funny, and will NOT make you attractive! Ok, so you may snicker about it with pals, but it won’t land you a date! (By the way, there is always a flip side to things…Martin Merril from makewomenlaugh.com says that one of the neatest most effective way to get a girl to laugh is using lame jokes and spinning them around correctly…yes, it’s more art than science and you got to learn how to do it but WELL worth it).

Being funny is hard work, and even harder to master! But, the good news is, once you have mastered this skill, you will find your attractive meter has increased dramatically!

Learning how to make a girl laugh not only increases your chances that you will be spending EVERY weekend (heck, maybe even week nights) on a date, but it also makes you the popular guy that everyone loves to love. Think Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler and Hugh Grant.

What do all these men have in common? They are all extremelytalented men with their own sense of humor.

Let’s face it,none of the men mentioned have ever had a hard time dating a girl!

Always Look at the Bright Side!

The first step is to look at EVERYTHING from the bright side. Everything in life can be funny, even those things that don’t seem so funny can be twisted into a humorous conversation.

Think about how comedians make their living.

Perhaps you were walking to work today, and spilled hot coffee all over your shirt. Is this funny when it happens? No! But, you can use this situation, and make it funny!

“Wow, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me! I was walking to work, not paying attention, and before I knew it, I had hot coffee all over my shirt! There was no time to change my shirt, so I had to work all day like that! Oh the looks I received from my co-workers!”

A line similar to this breaks the ice, and gets the girl laughing!

Try to make everything funny in one way or another! Practice this step, but while you do, remember it’s not just about how you say it, but how behave while you are saying it.

If you are having a hard time with this, rent a few DVD’s, and watch standup comedians. Learning from the pro’s can never hurt. Pay attention to their body language when they tell the audience a joke. Take notes if you need too!

It Works!

You may be wondering — how does being funny make girls want to date me or better yet, make me become attractive to girls. Think about it for a minute.

When you approach a girl (especially one you want to ask out on a date) the tension starts to build.

Most of the time, girls are on guard when a guy approaches them — wondering what pick up line you are going to use on her that she hasn’t already heard. Don’t be this guy!

Instead, you should immediately reveal your funny side. Why? Because revealing your funny side instantlyeases the tension, and makes a girl laugh, working in your favor. How?

As soon as you make a girl laugh, she immediately warms up to you, and loses all preconceived thoughts. You have become someone she enjoys talking to without holding back.

Congratulations, you just made yourself human to her! 

Say Goodbye to Bad Boy Charm!

As soon as you break the ice and start the introductions, lose the bad boy charm! There is no need to try to be a show off – in fact; you may risk losing everything you worked so hard to get. Instead, this is the point where you need to be the nice, funny guy.

Start the conversation about something you have in common – the party you are at, the restaurant, etc., then move on to a funny incident that involves yourself looking like a fool.

“Wow, there are a lot of people here tonight. Do you know all these people? Hey, did I tell you about the time I spilled coffee on my shirt, and worked like that ALL day long?”

Studies have shown that girls enjoylistening to a guy who admits he made a stupid mistake. Be the funny guy!

Girls assume that guys want to dominate, and instantly put up barriers, walls, brick, you name it. Avoid this by allowing her to feel as if she dominates the conversation when you share your funny incident.

Perhaps, start your conversion with something like…”Every time I try to talk to a girl, I find that I get tongue-tied. I never know what to say, and then I end up looking like a fool. Hey, wait a minute… I am doing it again, aren’t I?

Never Make Yourself Look Completely Foolish!

While it’s ok to make yourself look like fool from time to time, it’s not ok to rely on it. Relying on it gives her a chance to walk all over you. Don’t ever allow anyone that opportunity, not even the girl you want to date!

It’s important to make fun of ONLY your good side, never your bad side. Making fun of your bad side (and revealing something that you truly lack) only makes you look like you have no ego or self respect. It’s important to let her know you care about yourself.

After all, we have all heard the saying “if a person can’t love himself, then how can he love others.” Girls remember this!

Avoid the Friend Zone!

As you two start talking, the girl may either think of you as her new guy-friend, or things could start heating up and you could be heading towards the dating zone!

Never, ever let the conversation enter the friend zone! Doing this only works against EVERYTHING you are working towards –being attractive to girls, not becoming best friends stuck in the friend zone with no chance of ever entering the dating zone!

While you two are speaking, make it obvious and clear that you are attracted to her, and would like to get to know her better.

Be a Man!

Now that you have made yourself appear to be a funny, charming man; it’s time to turn on the charm a little bit, and be a man that makes her feel protected when you are around.

Remember that you need to make her feel cared for, and gently reminded that you are the man who can, and will make her feel safe.

There is no need to be cocky, or to start a fight with another man; instead, concentrate on treating her like a lady, and being a complete gentleman when she is around.

If you want to be attractive by making girls laugh, you need to use humor, warm up to them and let them know you are interested in being more than friends.

Always remember to avoid the dreaded friend zone!

 You need to be the man she feels protected and safe around!

Girls love a man who is charming and funny. But, more than that; if you havefollowed the steps in this article, you have already shown her that you have a lot of charm and humor in you and that you can protect her and keep her safe. Touchdown!

There are a Few Key Points to Remember

  • Avoid the friend zone.
  • Learning to be funny takes time and practice.
  • Find everyday life humorous.
  • Watch stand up comedians.
  • Goodbye bad boy!
  • NEVER make fun of your bad points!
  • Girls want to feel protected and safe.
  • Tell her your intentions.

The next time you see a girl you want to ask out on a date, remember that girls love guys who can make them laugh, are clever, witty and charming, all while being chivalrous and protective.

If you can master these skills, there is little a girl can do to prevent herself from falling head over heels in love with you, and bragging about the amazing new guy in her life!

And by the way, don’t forget to grab a copy of Martin’s strategy packed (and VERY fun to read!) eBook at makewomenlaugh.com.

http://morningletter.com/the-one-trick-that-always-works-for-seducing-woman-always/feed/ 0
How White (And How Fast!) Do You Want Your Teeth To Be? http://morningletter.com/how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be http://morningletter.com/how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 05:23:26 +0000 Michael Fox http://morningletter.com/?p=851 Continue reading ]]> The Sarcastic Photographer


Oh my!  Is that Cheddar or Gouda?”

Where are you from?”

Oh, what a lovely place, and famous too!  I understand that’s where they invented the tooth brush.  Anywhere else and it would’ve been called a TEETH brush!”

Perhaps that analogy is a bit extreme, if not cruel, in reference to someone’s smile.

The truth remains, we all want the brightest, most appealing smile possible. At times, our pearly whites can become less than sparkling unless we make a concentrated effort to keep them so.

The almost universally applicable cliché “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” certainly applies here!

History of Tooth Whitening

I recently saw a documentary about ancient health methods and included in that was a segment on dental care, or lack there-of.


The quest for a bright white, appealing smile dates as far back as 2000 B.C. to the ancient Egyptians!

It’s truly amazing, but it’s  reported that their method of tooth whitening involved chewing a pasty concoction of pulverized pumice and wine vinegar.  Of course, the damage to the tooth enamel was such that tooth decay and the ensuing pain, for which the wine also availed itself, was quite common.

The early Romans had their own method, as well….

The Romans realized early on that ammonia was effective in tooth whitening.

What is a ready source for ammonia?  

Ever walk past a poorly maintained kitty litter box?  

Smells kind of like ammonia, yeah? 

You guessed it….

Though they seemed to prefer their own urine over cat urine, they did use the human by-product as their whitening agent. Amazing but true, the wealthy actually had there urine based products imported!

I hear the Persian stuff works best!”  And we thought our modern day mediciney tasting mouth wash was atrocious!

As recently as the early 1800’s, in the days when barbers not only provided a ‘shave and a haircut…two bits’, they also provided medical attention to include tooth whitening.

Their method was, well, quite original…they would file the teeth and afterwards, swab them with nitric acid!

Granted, the immediate result was indeed white teeth, but the long term effects resulted in horrendous tooth decay and eventually extraction, at which time, the barber was again called upon.

It is fairly well known that the ‘Father of our Nation’, George Washington had as fine a set of wooden teeth money could buy.  Though, he had a dentist, not just his barber! 

Popular (and not so popular) Solutions:

In my research, I read several forums regarding tooth whitening and found some recurring, obviously effective methods, as well as, some ideas that made me cringe!

“Need white teeth, and need ‘em now?”…  

One comment I read, though it’s certainly not recommended, suggested using a popular abrasive household cleanser that comes in powder form and is packaged in a green cardboard can!

There are a number of such products readily available at your local retailer.

Quite likely, it’s already in the cabinet under your kitchen or bathroom sink!

I hear it works well on porcelain!  

Don’t swallow!  

Harsh abrasives are your teeth’s worst enemy; plain and simple.  Abrasives wear away at the tooth enamel, thereby allowing cavities and their subsequent complications to develop.


Through the wonders of modern research, one need only be able to afford it, to have a healthy smile rivaling the most attractive and toothiestHollywood actors & actresses.

Where do you suspect many of them likely got their smiles? 

As our ancestors and forefathers have proven, white teeth, while attractive, are not necessarily healthy teeth.

Given the broad spectrum of dentistry, there is no substitute for regular visits to your dentist to ensure the overall health of those gleaming choppers!

In the Meantime…

Smokers, coffee and dark beverage drinkers (tea, soda, red wine, etc)  and irregular brushers, listen up! 

The following solutions, by no means, are intended to circumvent regular dental check-ups; they are merely methods of keeping that bright smile it’s brightest between visits.

The area of dental care concerning the topic of whitening alone, is ocean vast.

Let’s explore some of the simpler and more affordable ‘do-it-yourself’ methods:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide and/or Baking Soda: 

Many commercially available types of toothpaste and other products such as whitening systems involving dental trays, whitening strips and topical applications such as paint-on films, typically contain one or both of these ingredients.

Hydrogen Peroxide penetrates the crystal like structure of the tooth enamel and bleaches stains within the dentin, while Baking Soda acts as a mild abrasive removing surface stains.

A paste consisting of the two ingredients, though not overnight, with regular daily use will serve to improve the whiteness of most teeth over a two to four week period.

To help protect your teeth and greatly improve the taste, using this concoction in conjunction with your regular fluoridated toothpaste will be of benefit. 

Fluoride is a proven protector of tooth enamel!

Natural Solutions:

Not excited about putting peroxide into your mouth?  

Here are some perhaps more pleasant approaches you can try:

  • Strawberries!

It’s sounding better already!

An article provided by AARP Magazine states that strawberries contain the enzyme known as malic acid.

Among its other benefits, this enzyme deteriorates stains which commonly discolor our teeth.

Mash up a strawberry into a paste-like consistency and rub it onto your teeth. Let it stay in place for five minutes, then rinse and brush and floss as you normally would.

With applications consistently repeated over a week or few, you should begin seeing some positive results.

  • Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables:

Apples, carrots and celery are good examples of natural whiteners. By virtue of their crunchy texture, they tend to scrub away stains as you chew them.

In addition, they create more saliva as you chew them. Saliva aids in neutralizing the acid that causes tooth decay.

These foods also have health benefits extending far beyond dental health.

Arthur Glosman, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist inBeverly Hills,CA, states that, “Health and beauty are intertwined.”

“When someone is healthy, they are beautiful. When they are not, no amount of white teeth will make them look good.”

So, load up on crunchy fruits and veggies and chomp away!

  • Natural Oils:

During my perusal of various natural whiteners, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil were all touted to have a cleansing effect on teeth. 

A ‘tongue in cheek’ quip referencing greasy hair is, “You ought to change that oil!” 

Now, armed with this new tid-bit of information, someone, (likely that sarcastic photographer again!) could say, “May wanna oil those teeth while you’re at it!”

This whitening method is referred to as ‘oil pulling’.

Oil pulling suggests that the natural elements in these oils actually ‘pull’ the factors which cause staining, from your teeth.

The oil pulling method, according to an article by David King at Whitening Teeth Secrets, a ‘dot com’ dedicated to oral hygiene, is performed by holding a tablespoon of the oil in your mouth and lightly swishing for fifteen minutes allowing the oil time to lubricate and extract stains from your teeth.

This was a new one on me!

Who qualifies as a candidate for tooth whitening by conventional methods?

A rule of thumb, as stated by Dr. Golub-Evans, referenced by Good Housekeeping, a method of determining if whitening products will be effective, is to use a sheet of white paper as a comparison to your tooth color.

If your teeth appear yellowish against the paper, the discoloration is due to surface staining and can likely be corrected using conventional products.

If the teeth, however, appear grayish, the discoloration is likely within the tooth and bleaching or scrubbing, will have little effect.  

This circumstance is best addressed by a dentist.

When it gets right down to it:

After researching this topic, while maintaining an eye for objectivity, my conclusion is clear.

As someone who could use some whitening of the teeth, and having tried various tricks and tips for my own smile, there are numerous home solutions and concoctions that do offer some improvement.

In my opinion, clinically proven methods, which have offered much better results, at least in my case, I believe, are the wiser choice.

The old fashioned ‘lore’ type solutions may well be effective in maintaining a white set of teeth and improving that smile to an extent.

It is my belief, however, that to go from tainted color to sparkling ‘porcelain’ white, let the dentist take you there.

Then…consider it an investment and do all you can to maintain it.  

A bright smile is beautiful and something worthy of many compliments. 

http://morningletter.com/how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be/feed/ 0
Got A Car? Want To Sell It At A HIGHER Price Than What It’s Worth? Easy! http://morningletter.com/got-a-car-want-to-sell-it-at-a-higher-price-than-what-its-worth-easy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=got-a-car-want-to-sell-it-at-a-higher-price-than-what-its-worth-easy http://morningletter.com/got-a-car-want-to-sell-it-at-a-higher-price-than-what-its-worth-easy/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 05:12:48 +0000 Michael Fox http://morningletter.com/?p=847 Continue reading ]]> Since the days of the old ‘Wild West’ horse traders, modes of transportation have been bought, sold, traded and yes, even stolen!

The need for mobility has and always will, involve the buying and selling of ‘modes’!

Have you ever contemplated how many cars there are on the roads?

AMega-gaggle!”  (That’s a WHOLE bunch!)

And at some point, each and every last one of them has been bought and sold

So, just who is selling all these cars that seem to always be in our way?

EVERYBODY sooner or later!

There are car sales people who make a living at it (and some who don’t!);

There are car restorers who either do it for a living or as a sideline;

And of course, my ol’ friend, John Q. Public!  (That’s us!)

In a car deal, no different than any other deal, there are two sides to the negotiation; a buyer and a seller.

This article is tailored for the seller.  The buyer, for the purposes of this conversation, is the opposition!

All of the information contained in this article is from interviews with people who are actually in the business of selling cars

managers and successful, well seasoned car salesmen!

There’s a little bit of my personal experience and insight, also.

“A B C…it’s easy as 1 2 3!”

Everybody sing along! 

When getting rid of a car, if you just want to get rid of it, give it away!

Done deal!

If putting a few bucks in your pocket in the process sounds appealing, read on!

First Verse:

A – As appropriate as ‘ADVERTISE’ would be for step ‘A’…it isn’t.

We could say it was ‘APPEARANCE’, but that would only be a part of it.

It is PREPARATION.  Or, getting the car ready to sell!

Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer for a moment.  Would you be excited about paying top dollar for a car that was in less than top condition?

Of course not!

The first logical step then would be to make the car just as close to like new as possible.  (The key concept here is ‘as possible’.)

The quality of the silk purse is directly proportionate to the quality of the sow’s ear from which it was made!

…hence, as close as possible!

  1. All of those little idiosyncrasies and mechanical quirks that you have learned to live with must now be considered and dealt with.

But it’s normal for a car this age to have some quirks, right?


And a normal car brings a normal price…or less!

(You might wanna recheck the title of this article!)

Once you (and likely a mechanic and perhaps even a paint & body shop) have completely ironed out the wrinkles, the visible ones and the ones under the hood;

Start a tally sheet and write down exactly what you spent for the repairs.

(Keep the tally sheet handy through-out the process, we’ll add to it!)

  1. POP-QUIZ:  If you want to buy, let’s say, a used refrigerator…Just a spare to keep in the garage…nothing fancy.

John up the street has one he’ll let go for cheap.  It’s only a couple years old and   it seems to work just fine!

Never mind the grime around the handle, the ‘beer plaster’ in the bottom, the dent in the door from when Mary threw an iron frying pan at him (and missed) and its missing a shelf!

Across town, you’ve spotted one that is 9 years old and dang if it isn’t the same model as John’s!

But, it’s in as perfect condition as can reasonably be expected…and it’s three times the price of John’s ‘El Cheapo’!

Which will you choose?

You like John’s for the money?

“Then as bad and nasty as that one is, it’s probably perfect for you!”


(A car salesman shared that as his sarcastic comeback to someone wouldn’t hook up on his much nicer model!)

Car dealers go to great lengths to make automobiles look like new!

Well, actually  the dealers have a detailer create the silk purse for them!

They want to present each vehicle as something a prospect would want to own! Inside and out!

Be it a clunker or a show piece, before it hits the lot, it has been ‘renewed’ to its maximum, reasonable potential! Mechanically and appearance-wise!

  1. If you prefer to detail it yourself, go for it!  If you don’t own a pressure washer; I highly recommend you invest 50’ish bucks and rent one for the day.

Using a pressure washer is kind of like eating a potato chip… 

“Betcha can’t eat just one!”

Once you fire up a pressure washer, you’ll become a pressure washing ANIMAL!

The under- carriage, the wheels and wheel wells, under the hood, the driveway, the eves of the house…

Run Fido…RUN!

After you’ve done all you can to make the car as pristine as possible, take it to a detailer;

…if for no other reason than to have him envy your work!

If you’re willing to let someone else have all the fun, drop the car off at a professional detailer for a day and plan on spending $50 to $75’ish.

Relax, Fido.

And by the way, for this step, jot down $250 on the tally sheet!

Here’s a neat little trick I picked up from a used car salesman; while you’re out & about, pick up the cheapest vinyl garden hose you can find…

Cut a couple of eight foot sections to coil up and put under each front seat for that‘new car smell!’

That’s worth at least $50 on the tally sheet!

Before pricing the vehicle (which we’ll get to) it needs to look its absolute best!

Did I mention…

A normal car brings a normal price…or less!  ??

Well, guess what…

Your car is no longer normal!

Second Verse: 

B’ – Be generous to yourself!

If you still want to sell it…(she’s looking pretty good about now, huh?)

  1. Let’s price ‘er out, while at the same time, keeping it reasonably real!

Despite seeming ‘new-like’ she is a year or few old!

First, go to Kelly Blue Book (www.kbb.com) and find the blue book value of your specific car.

The chances are astronomical that an informed buyer will check!

  1. Remember the tally sheet?  It’s time to add it all up!

Now DOUBLE it …every dime …and tack it onto the bluebook!


Perhaps, but that’s beside the point!  We’re selling a car here!

Crazy is good!  I hear some of the old horse traders were certifiable!

  1. Should you expect to get every penny of your price at the time of sale?

Absolutely!  You are FEARLESS!

Will you get every cent?  Probably not, but you have to start somewhere, right?

Here’s a quick, and true story that may ease your mind:

I remember an encounter at a dealership as a kid.  I was with my dad while he was shopping for a new pick-up truck.

As a salesman approached with a smile and an extended hand, Dad, a very matter-of-fact fellow, asked,

How much?”

The salesman offered some completely outrageous figure and Dad asked gruffly,

Do I look stupid?”

The salesman was cucumber cool when he laughed and replied,

“No sir, absolutely not…but in case you were, I didn’t wanna miss you!”

Three hours later, we had a new truck!

The salesman had cleverly established a starting point with gracious headroom!

Bump that price! You just might meet a dummy…or at least, you’ve left yourself some wiggle room!

Third Verse:

C’ – Cash in!

Everything to this point has all been prerequisite.

It is brass tacks (or brass something!) time now!

  1. Advertise! Finally!

Are you sure you still want to let it go?  Okay, if you’re sure…it’s game on!

Post an ad in whatever medium you choose…or several!

Craigslist, Auto Trader, what have you.



2004, Yada Yada. 

Impeccably maintained!  (It now looks the part…right?)

Average miles!  (up to 15,000 a year is reasonable) 

(List features and accessories)

I MUST SELL and YOU MUST SEE!  (It’s good if they think you’re desperate to sell!) 


Available at 1234 My Street,  

Hindenburg, My State 

(123) 456-7899


The purpose of your add is to do one thing and one thing only! To get a potential buyer on site to look at your car!

You will not sell it over the phone! 

  1. Handling the phone ‘inquisitions’…How do pros do it at a dealership?

Give as little info as possible on the phone and set the appointment!

“You’ve GOT to come see this one!” 

“It may well be exactly what you’re looking for!”

“Need directions?”

“Well how much IS the darn thing?”

(If they don’t ask, (yeah right!)…don’t offer!)

“I’m looking for the best offer I can get!  I’ll tell you this much, I’ve turned down (quote barebones bluebook price)”

“Are you looking for an awesome car or a cheap car?

…because this car is IMMACULATE!” 

(And by now, it dang well better be! Though all’s fair in love, war and horse trading…NEVER misrepresent!)

“Would 6 pm or 7 be better for you to come check it out?”

“Um, hem, haw, uh…I was looking to be in a lower price range.”

“This one might change your mind if you saw it! Can you make it by around 6…or would 7 work better?”

“Naw, it’s out of my price range.”

“Well, I do understand. Thanks for the call and have a nice day.”


NOTEAt a car dealership, mishandling a sales call can be grounds for reprimand!

  1. Okay…here you are, finally face to face with, at least, a semi-serious tire kicker!

Don’t lose the deal over a few bucks, you have ample wiggle room! But don’t give the car away!  You worked too hard getting it ready!

“So, how much you gonna knock off for those parking lot dings on the door?”

“I took that into consideration when I priced the car and held back about $100 for that very reason!”

Point – Counter point!  This is horse trading, y’all! 

And you are FEARLESS, remember?

The prospect wants to work you down and you want to hold as firm to your price as you can!

If it comes to an undeniable stalemate, don’t be afraid to say,

“Thanks for coming by!”  We are in this for profit, right? 


Let the person walk. There will be others!

Unless you’re working for a dealership!

“Where’s your customer?”

“Oh, he was just a tire kicker.”

“Well, how bout you go find that tire kicker and bring him back so I can talk to him? …and don’t come back without him!”

Those guys play hardball!

On ‘holding profit’:

An acquaintance/sales manager at a dealership told me;

“If a salesman brings a bare bones, give-away deal to my desk for approval, he had better duck because it’s coming right back at him…wadded up!” 

(Whew! Thank goodness for paper!  Back in the days of chariot sales, did they write deals on stone tablets?  Yikes!!)

Dealerships must make a profit!

Why shouldn’t you?

Holy Cow!  You finally found a real buyer and held a good profit!

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve earned it!

Was it worth it? Sure it was!


Now that you’ve closed the deal, leave NO loose ends…

You’ve been paid, the buyer has the car, the paperwork is squared away…

You’re ready to pay off the loan (if applicable in your case),

And, he is entitled to the pink slip…


Done deal!

A B C … 1 2 3!

http://morningletter.com/got-a-car-want-to-sell-it-at-a-higher-price-than-what-its-worth-easy/feed/ 0
2,140 Words About How To Be THE Guy Woman Pick Out Of The Bunch! http://morningletter.com/2140-words-about-how-to-be-the-guy-woman-pick-out-of-the-bunch/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=2140-words-about-how-to-be-the-guy-woman-pick-out-of-the-bunch http://morningletter.com/2140-words-about-how-to-be-the-guy-woman-pick-out-of-the-bunch/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 04:52:32 +0000 Michael Fox http://morningletter.com/?p=842 Continue reading ]]> They aren’t QUITE as ELUSIVE as they can seem!

Nikki is single, she appears to be available and she is fine fine super fine! 

…As she so daintily sips her Daiquiri.

She and Ken accidently brushed shoulders earlier.

They both smiled and cordially apologized.

She even gently gave his arm a squeeze.

She pleasantly said with a cute giggle,

“Oh! … I’m sorry.  I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

He acknowledged in kind and they went their separate ways.

In a few minutes Ken saunters over with his best Clooney and asks her to dance…

…Only to be rejected!

Politely, mind you, but denied, none the less.

Two songs later, Nikki’s out on the dance floor with someone else! 

Now?  All of a sudden?  She fits the profile of any number of derogatory nick names?

I mean, Geez Ken, at least she could’ve told you she had a boyfriend! 

And look at that guy!  He’s not all that 

And guess what, he’s not her boyfriend either! 

Not YET anyway! 

Every woman has the right to pick and choose who she wishes to be with… 

…All according to her personal tastes and preferences! 

So, why not Ken?

Why would she decline Ken’s offer, and then accept someone else’s?

Ken is taller and arguably more handsome, to include his physique!

Even his clothes say, “Sharp”! 

Mr. Else’remember?  His first name is ‘Someone’… had also encountered her earlier!  And he too had recognized her fine qualities! 

The difference between Ken and Mr. Else was that Ken, who initially had a pretty good chance, began making suggestive gestures for his buddies when he thought she wasn’t watching! 


She actually was interested!  Ken got busted because she just happened to be checking out his butt as he started his ‘shenanigans’…doing his “I’ve GOT this” charades!

So, instead, she saw right through him AND she didn’t find the disrespect amusing! 


Mr. Else, on the other hand, realized that she was somewhat refined and from all appearances,

A ‘Lady’ expecting to be treated as such!   

Later, if and, “When we get behind closed doors”, she may well be a tigress! 

But for now, by her poise and demeanor, she is a ‘Lady’!

During his brief encounter with her, Mr. Else smiled, then casually and respectfully complimented her necklace and went on his way.

Both men had ‘planted a seed’.

Ever heard,

You reap what you sow?” 

All women are different…in ‘some’ ways.

Consider this:

Have you accidentally or otherwise overheard several women talking about some guy?

 “Oh!  And THEN you know what he did?” 

“No! Do tell!” 

“Right when I was just about to…you know…he had the audacity to; 

“Shhhhhh, they’re listening!” 

“<pssst pssst pssst>” 

 “No WAY!  You are kidding me!” 

The third woman ponders, “Hmmm, he did?…mmm.”… As she *very subtly repositions. 

(*Body language…learn to read it.  It can sneak right by you in the blink of an eye!) 

Woman #3?   She might even engage in a conversation about the size of cucumbers on the produce isle if you use the right approach and catch her in the right mood! 

“Trying to make the right impression on a woman with the wrong approach is like trying to start your car with your house key!” 

Though, women share some general similarities with regards to likes and dislikes, 

There are certain things that a woman looks for in a man that she uses to determine whether he is someone she is attracted to.

To some, it may go no further than his physical characteristics.

No man is all things to every woman.

A cold hard factor that also comes into play is a phenomenon called natural selection.

Aside from being similar in concept to the familiar term “survival of the fittest”, natural selection, as it pertains to this topic, strongly influences the instincts of desire.

While outward appearances are certainly involved in deciding who we find physically attractive, beauty and handsomeness are not the only factors.

“Beauty is only skin deep”?  Sure…that cliché didn’t just appear out of nowhere!

As in the episode with Ken and Mr. Else, Mr. Else was obviously not a bad looking guy…he was acceptable to Nikki.

In fact, put Ken and Mr. Self on a stage in front of a panel of female judges and Ken would likely win hands down if it was a Mr. Buff Guy of the Week contest;

But when it comes to overall attractiveness…

…It’s less about the looks and more about the man!

Women like what they like!

But…do we take everything she says too literally?

That girl loves chocolate!  She said so herself!”

Try taking her to Peterbrooke for dinner a few times a week!

Then see how long before, 

A) She no longer accepts your invitation to dinner!


B) She no longer fits in your Miata! 

With roles reversed, I experienced a similar situation!

“I hope you like my lasagna…I even used Portabella mushrooms!” 

“Oh!… I love it!  And Portabellas?…They’re my favorite!” 

“I know!  I’ve heard you mention that!” 

Within a month’s time, I would wake up in cold sweats from nightmares about being tied down while she shoved hands full of Portabella mushrooms in my mouth!

They are no longer my favorite! 

So what does she want?

According to Men’s Health Magazine;

The number one character trait that women find desirable and should be reflected in a man’s persona if he is to successfully meet and engage a woman, 


Confidence, includes self respect, self esteem and an overall feeling of comfort within one’s own skin. 

And it shows! 

Confidence is not to be confused with, arrogance and/or being overbearing! 

A confident man smiles easily, not like “Smiling Bob” from the male enhancement ads, but comfortably.

False Vibrato is not a trait of a truly confident man.

He laughs appropriately, is considerate and consistent …he never breaks stride…

To elaborate briefly on ‘consistent’;

Let’s don’t confuse consistent with predictable!

Consistently unpredictable’, however, can be an interesting trait…

IF it isn’t overplayed!  Think about it.

Finally, on ‘confidence’, ol’ rugged Jack Palance said it best in an Aqua Velva commercial;

He slapped the After Shave onto his leathery face, then, using just his disarming smile and merely three words, he said it all,

“Ain’t confidence sexy?”

There are other character traits women find appealing that tend to go hand in hand with confidence such as: 

  • Sincerity
  • Kindness
  • Understanding (to include fairness)
  • Strength
  • Conviction
  • Commitment
  • Respectfulness
  • And last but certainly not least, experience!  

He knows how and how not to treat a woman!

A confident man who conveys those traits through his persona and his actions…

Is what many, if not most women consider a great catch! 

The overall characteristics which comprise such a fellow, are well described in a song by Trisha Yearwood titled,

That’s what I like about you! 

Check it out sometime!  It’s a rockin’ country song! 

She just wants a good and SEXY man!

As for a ‘sexy’ man?  A sexy man is a man who makes her feel sexy in what ever way works best for her! 

Jack Sparrow or Jason Bourne? 

Tommy Lee Jones or Harrison Ford? 

Sam Elliot or Mel Brookes? 

I’ve asked around!  The ‘rugged’ and the ‘handsome’ are neck & neck!

So, just looking for MS. RIGHT NOW?

Or, Mrs. Right For Ever & Ever til….? 

I couldn’t take it any longer!

LORD I was crazed!

When this feelin’ came upon me like a Tidal Wave!

I started swearin’ to my God and on my mother’s grave,

I would love you til the end of time!

I swore, I would love you til the end of time!

So now I’m praying for the end of time!

To hurry up and arrive!


Careful what you wish for! 

If there are any ‘magic’ words that are sure-fired, stone cold guaranteed to make every woman who hears them succumb to a man’s every desire…

I’d like to know what they are!

Wouldn’t you?

The fact is…I don’t know if any such words even exist…in fact, I have serious doubts!

So instead, let’s take a step at time!

Our operative word here is… 


In some settings, though still dependent upon the woman you spring this on;

  “Hey Baby…guess what I’ve got in my pocket and you can have a bite!” 

…might actually get a rise out of an occasional woman…say

 …“Woman #3” (from above)? 

On the other extreme, the “tingle” you might stimulate, could be that tingle in the,

Palm of her hand!  (But then again, if she’s a slapper, hey…who knows!) 

According to Dictionary.com… 

Finesse is described as Extreme delicacyand Skill in handling sensitive situations”  

“Subtle action”, discriminating, tasteful, strategic, artful… 

Finesse is not a strong suit for the typical bull in a China Shop!

Tact applies, as well.

For our purposes, while finessing includes ‘going with her flow’, it equally, means creating a flow of your own which she will willingly, preferably gladly follow! 

Think about this:

Did you invite her into your realm, or did you invite yourself into hers? 


But then “who’s zoomin’ whom” here?”

Ever heard?…

“Either lead or follow or get out of the way!”

May I suggest lead…when possible?

As long as you lead confidently and with finesse, she will follow.

If she begins to fall behind, you’re leading her in the wrong direction!

Go back to where she was and hopefully figure out where you took a wrong turn.

…and Quickly! 

Hint:  ‘No’ doesn’t always mean no…the first time. 

Sometimes it just means; 

“Not Yet!” or “Not right now!” 

And at times, just a little gentle coaxing is all it takes to figure out it’s really NO! 

“Oh my GOD!  I’m not riding that ride!” 

Is she just ‘being a girl’ or does she mean…I AM NOT RIDING THAT! 

“Aw come on!” with a gentle tug in the direction of the ride entrance. 

“Nope, she ain’t ridin’ it…and that is final!”  

About those strategic ‘Magic’ words…

I approach this topic with extreme care not to suggest any under-handed gimmicks, but the truth is, in some cases, it seems we just can’t resist the temptation to;

“Test the waters!”

Okay, by now, she seems accepting, and the situation seems comfortable

…She’s following, or at least allowing you to lead!

You make the call…do you drop a suggestive innuendo?

“Yeah!  Speaking of the hot summer weather, how’s your ‘temperature’ about now?” 


“Guh dunk, guh dunk, guh dunk…snort!” 

An ill-placed or poorly timed or tackily suggestive ‘innuendo’ can be an instant: 

 Deal Breaker! 

IF and only if, you feel the time and the climate seem appropriate,

There are tactfully subtle phrases that you can likely get away with which may or may or not trigger a response…

Just as an example…

As innocently as is humanly possible…no smirks, no highbrow…

…Absolutely NOTHING to indicate anything beyond face value…

“Whew, it is really ‘packed deep and tight’ up in here tonight!”

“Wanna get some fresh air?”

Body language!  Watch for it!

If there is even the slightest chance that she ‘got it’ she will let you know…silently.

At Asylum.com there is a much more in depth study of female body language entitled:

“A Guide to Reading Body Language”

The high points for this scenario include:

She may look away and blink to unsuccessfully hide her rolling eyes,

In which case…DROP IT!  And remember, you didn’t mean anything!

She’s reading you, too!  …And, she obviously misses nothing!

But that’s not necessarily a bad thing…she’s paying attention!

If she looks down and messes with her hair and maybe even exposes her neck that displays a coy vulnerability.  ‘Submissiveness’.

She thinks and maybe even hopes she knows what you meant!

But, she’s not really sure because you played it so well!

Nothing readable…yet?

What? You missed when she smiled seductively and nearly squirmed out of her chair?

Yeah, I missed that too!

If she agrees to go outside for a breath of air, you’re likely off the hooksafe! 

It is case by case!  

She may just come back with an equally provocative innuendo and; 

Blow your mind!

If she makes any friendly physical contact en route to the great outdoors, she shows signs of wanting to be in your space!

If she responds favorably to any contact you may subtly offer, that’s a great buying sign!

She’s okay with you in her space!

Yes sir!

But still, did she get it?  At this point…it doesn’t really matter!

Things seem to be moving forward nicely!   

A comedian from the 1940’s, Woody Woodberry, proposed a toast! 

“I finally met the perfect girl, no man could ask for more?”

“She’s deaf and dumb and over-sexed…and owns a liquor store!” 

CHEERS!  …and happy hunting!


P.S. It’s fun learning new ways to interact with woman and UNDERSTAND them (as much as possible at least!). As guys, most of the time we PRETEND we know what they want and how they think. W-R-O-N-G. But you know that already don’t you! I personally love hearing it all from them…letting THEM teach ME. And if you are with me on this (are you?) go and read a great eBook called “Guy Gets Girl” at guygetsgirl.com.

http://morningletter.com/2140-words-about-how-to-be-the-guy-woman-pick-out-of-the-bunch/feed/ 0
The REAL Secret Of Mind Control Hypnosis – How To Use It And ALWAYS Get What You Want! http://morningletter.com/the-real-secret-of-mind-control-hypnosis-how-to-use-it-and-always-get-what-you-want/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-real-secret-of-mind-control-hypnosis-how-to-use-it-and-always-get-what-you-want http://morningletter.com/the-real-secret-of-mind-control-hypnosis-how-to-use-it-and-always-get-what-you-want/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 04:42:32 +0000 Lynn Hetzler http://morningletter.com/?p=836 Continue reading ]]> Imagine always getting what you want in life: the best jobs, the most attractive lovers and, most of all, the respect you deserve.

Gain a clear-cut advantage over everyone around you, from your co-workers to your sworn enemies, by mastering the fine art of covert persuasion. Unleash the power of mind control hypnosis and you will be delighted when people stumble over themselves, begging to please you. Grab the master keys of hypnosis and unlock the power of mind control hypnosis to ALWAYS get what you want!

The conscious mind is the gatekeeper to the unconscious…

Consciousness is the decision-maker that creates a “blanket statements” about the world around you. Your conscious mind decides whether the things you see and hear are large or small, good or bad, real or imagined. This blanket statement then drifts backwards into the subconscious, where the brain files the experience as a generally positive or negative memory. To hypnotize someone, you first need to get past the gatekeeper of the conscious mind so you control the person’s perception of the information you suggest.

Mentalists are master mind controllers because they understand one simple concept: reality is only real because our conscious minds tell us so. Your boss is your superior only because you both agree to the relationship; he has no natural superiority over you. Gold is valuable only to humans because we perceive it as having value – gold means nothing to your pet parakeet.

To harness the power of mind control hypnosis, you must learn the golden rule of hypnosis: the ABS formula.

The ABS formula stands for Absorb attention, Bypass critical factors and Stimulate with suggestion. The first thing you must do is grab the individual’s attention and keep them focused on that singular item. Next, bypass the person’s critical thinking skills – get them to relax and let their guard down. Lastly, suggest what you would like them to do. Every hypnosis technique is a variation on the ABS formula, each technique focused on a different aspect of ABS.

The Four Master Keys

Persuasion artists softly dominate others by turning the four master keys of hypnosis.

The first master key is to relax the gatekeeper of the brain, the conscious mind. Nightclub hypnotists do this by telling subjects that their eyes are growing heavy, a technique that will not work well as you call someone to action in the boardroom or the bedroom. Instead, use covert tactics such as “the insurance game” or “logical offsetting” to quickly vault past the resistance of the conscious mind.

The Insurance Game is a group of persuasion tactics systematically assembled to supply leverage against another person. Play the insurance game by consistently doing favors for someone so he will always feel obligated to do something in return. A master mind controller builds up insurance by performing multiple favors that consistently give him the upper hand in that relationship.

For example, start showing up for work five minutes before the boss every day and leave coffee and donuts on her desk. The daily treat serves as a physical reminder that you are more dedicated than your supervisor is because you consistently start work before she does. It does not really matter if you perform any work before your boss arrives, as long as you create the perception of dedication.

The second master key is imagination – invite the individual to imagine how good life would be if they did it your way. While imagination seems trivial or childish, psychologists agree that whenever the imagination and will conflict, imagination always wins. Imagination reshapes reality.

Anyone who has been on a diet can tell you about the cake that called to them all day, beckoning the dieter to imagine how pretty it looks sitting in the cake pan with all that delicious frosting, pretty sprinkles and sugary goodness. Imagination assures the conscious mind that one taste of frosting is innocent enough, and little bite would be morally acceptable, then three bites is okay, until finally the individual loses all willpower and wolfs down the entire cake. Imagination made the dieter ignore the realistic consequences of eating cake.

Invite your subject to imagine how good they will feel when they do as you suggest.

Master key number three: repetition. The human mind accepts a perception as being reality if they are exposed to the idea enough times. Psychologists think people accept concepts after hearing them 12 to 15 times. Repeat your suggestions in the exact same way or say them slightly differently each time, just keep repeating them. To say it one more time – repetition is master key number three.

The fourth master key is positivity. People naturally gravitate towards experiences that make them feel good; they also resist situations that seem confusing or difficult. Reduce resistance by framing your words and actions with a positive tone.

Learn how to say Yes even when you mean No. Instead of saying, “No, you cannot have a raise,” say instead, “Yes, I agree that you want more money and that the company cannot afford it right now.” Framing sentences in a positive manner makes you seem supportive – positivity changes the perception of reality.

The 10-Second Hypnosis

Traditional hypnosis invokes changes by making direct suggestions to the unconscious mind. Here are four steps you can use to hypnotize someone in ten seconds:

  1. Tell them to close their eyes and go into a trance
  2. Suggest that every time you do something, such as touch their shoulder, they should go deeper into the trance
  3. Talk directly to the unconscious mind by first reassuring the person they can relax and then making simple, direct suggestions
  4. End the session by telling the individual that they will awaken when you snap your fingers

Traditional hypnosis works because the unconscious has a hard time telling the difference between reality and imagination. The subconscious is simply not equipped to make the decision whether something is true or false – the job of critical thinking and decision-making is up to your conscious mind. Traditional hypnosis works well in nightclubs because the subjects are relaxed and willing to participate.

Face it – traditional hypnosis is a joke, nothing more than a parlor trick to make your subject cluck like a chicken.

You need something more powerful than traditional hypnosis to effect real change in your life. Traditional hypnosis is less effective on individuals with highly critical or analytical minds because their conscious minds resist and reject suggestive thoughts before they reach the subconscious. The people YOU need to influence are smarter than the average nightclub patron is. Furthermore, you would be a laughingstock if you told your boss to close his eyes and fall into a trance when trying to land a promotion.

You need to take mind control hypnosis to the next level if you are going to control the greatest minds in the United States today. If you think you are the only one to think of using the power of mind control to always get you want, you have another thing coming. The puny and out-dated hypnosis techniques your father taught you are not going to get you the pleasure and respect you require and deserve. You need something more sophisticated than the rinky-dink, hocus-pocus hypnosis tactics of yesteryear.

Two techniques are today’s benchmark of mind control hypnosis because they provide advanced results when trying to influence the behavior of a sophisticated person. These techniques are the Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Ericksonian Hypnosis

Ericksonian Hypnosis uses stories and metaphors to reduce resistance of the conscious mind. There are two types of metaphors: Isomorphic metaphors and embedded commands.

Use an isomorphic metaphor to tell a story that offers up the moral you wish to deliver. The unconscious mind builds a one-to-one relationship with elements of the story and elements of the problem situation. You can use an isomorphic metaphor by telling a story about a worker just like you who made a boss almost exactly like him a millionaire. Allow your supervisor to make emotional connections to the characters in your story and suggest that he too could experience a happy ending.

Embedded commands weave indirect suggestions within an interesting story that engages and distracts the conscious mind, leaving the unconscious mind open to suggestion. In our example story, the fictional supervisor gave the dedicated worker a raise.

Neuro-linguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP, helps you train other people to think in a way that influences their behavior in a way that benefits you. NLP anchors are emotions sparked by environmental influences. An example of an NLP anchor is the song playing on the radio when you got your first kiss; you attach certain emotions to that song. When you hear the song decades later, you feel those same emotions. The song is an NLP anchor.

You can develop NLP anchors in others. Take notice when another person imagines a specific moment in his past, like when he graduated or had his first child. As he recollects the situation, he will feel just as proud as he did at that time.

You can make your subject feel good every time you remind him of this particular event. If talk about the birth of his child each time he bought dinner, he would soon associated those positive emotions with buying you a meal. Purchasing food for you becomes the new anchor for his feelings. Anchor positive emotions to improved behavior.

You are smart and worthwhile; others should crave your approval and eagerly cater to your every whim. Ditch the art deco hypnosis your father used on you when you were a child and use a grown-up system of mind control. Employ cutting-edge psychological techniques to optimize every advantage over your competitors. Use the most sophisticated powers of advanced mind control techniques so that you ALWAYS get what you want.

Last, make sure to grab a copy of Kevin Hogan’sCovert Hypnosis” (coverthypnosis.net). Why? Simple…because it ROCKS! Kevin is a real master in teaching hypnosis secrets you won’t find anywhere else. His course is WELL WORTH the $47 he charges for it (it’s one of those cases of “you are crazy for pricing this so low”!). By the way, I specially loved the section about “how to use 20 of the most powerful hypnotic language patterns ever spoken“.

http://morningletter.com/the-real-secret-of-mind-control-hypnosis-how-to-use-it-and-always-get-what-you-want/feed/ 0