Powerful Techniques – How To Boost Your Eye Vision Naturally!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could throw away your eyeglasses and improve your vision naturally?

Think about it…

You would no longer need expensive eye exams or have to pay ridiculously inflated prices for lenses and frames. There would be no more scrambling around, trying to locate your glasses to read signs, menus, or price tags on store items. Life could be bliss!

According to the Vision Council of America, over 3.6 million Americans over age 40 have 20/40 vision or worse with eyeglasses. That’s an estimated 150 million eyeglass wearers. Contact lens wearers number around 36 million. Between exams, lenses, and frames, Americans spend an estimated $28.7 billion a year to improve their vision!

Whew! That’s a lot of hard-earned money.

So, what can you do to improve your vision?

Well, there are a number of natural ways to give your vision a boost, such as eye exercises, vitamins, herbal supplements, eating the right foods, and making lifestyle changes. Let’s take a look at why vision diminishes and some of these natural vision enhancers available to boost your vision without glasses.

 Why Does Eyesight Diminish?

The human eye is an awesome and complicated organ composed of over two million parts that can process 36,000 units of information per hour. Even though your eyeball never needs rest, the muscles in your eyes do. When they don’t get the rest and nutrition they need, they become strained. Inadequate nutrition and stressing your eye muscles weakens your vision. Other factors can also diminish your vision, such as lifestyle habits, illness, hormonal changes, medications, and natural aging. The good news is that you can change and control your eye health, which in turn, can significantly improve your vision.

 The Vision-Boosting Power of Herbs, Supplements, and Foods

Researchers say eating certain foods and taking herbs or supplements can improve your eyesight! How? Well, the chemicals in certain substances nourish your liver, kidney, nervous system, and circulation, which help prevent disease and work to maintain and improve your overall health, and, as a result, your vision. The following are some of the foods, herbs, and supplements known to improve and protect eyesight.

  • Lutien and Zeaxanthin are carotenoids and antioxidants that protect macula eye tissue from free radical damage and improve age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).
  • Passion Flower relaxes the small blood vessels in your eyes, reducing stress in the muscles.
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine is an antioxidant that helps your body cells use energy more efficiently, enhancing visual clarity.
  • Pantothenic Acid, a B vitamin, and Pantethene, a form of pantothenic acid, sharpen vision.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a free-radical scavenger that increases blood flow and nutrients to your retina.
  • CDP-Choline enhances acetylcholine production that may increase brain dopamine levels, which means sharper vision.
  • NADH, a coenzyme form of niacin, raises the levels of the dopamine level in your brain.
  • TMG, (betaine), DMAE, (dimethyl-amino-ethanol), SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine), and ATP are made from the amino acid methionine and are all methyl donors that can sharpen your vision.
  • Beta-Carotene is an antioxidant carotenoid in orange-yellow and dark green vegetables and fruits. Your body converts it to Vitamin A, which your eyes need to function properly.
  • Fish Oils. Your eyes contain long-chained fatty acids, which include an omega-3 fatty acid called DHA that is known to strengthen vision.
  • Green Tea contains powerful compounds called polyphenols that protect the blood vessels that supply blood flow to your eyes and surrounding tissues.
  • Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that inhibit free radical damage and combat aging-related vision loss.
  • Zince and Selenium assist with the production of glutathione and SOD, two important antioxidants that protect eyes from oxidative damage.
  • Lycopene is an important substance that helps your body use other carotenoids. It is found in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, apricots, papaya, rose hips, guava, gac, sea buckthorn, and goji berries. To get the most lycopene from tomatoes, cook them.
  • Eat Garlic. There is nothing better to protect the clarity and ability of your eye’s crystalline lens to focus, than the vitamins and minerals in raw garlic.
  • Eat Fennel. Eat it raw or make a tea, then drink it or wash your eyes with the tea. It is reported to help all kinds of vision problems, including cataracts.
  • Drink Juice. Juice carrot, celery, parsley, and chicory to nourish your optic nerves and muscles.
  • Endive Juice. Endive juice is effective for nearsightedness.
  • Carrots contain thiamin, niacin, Vitamin B6, folate, manganese, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and potassium. One a day will help create new cell growth.
  • Vitamin A contains flavonoids that nourish blood vessels and circulation, and improve night vision.
  • Spinach prevents dystrophy of the retina.
  • Blueberries improve blood circulation to the retina, increase sharpness, and prevent cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Low Fat Milk improves night vision and color vision.
  • Beef has proteins and vitamins that sharpen vision.
  • Apricots keep eye capillaries healthy.
  • Beets help eye fatigue and cleanse the blood.
  • Wild rose promotes durability and elasticity of your eye blood vessels.
  • Hawthorne improves nearsightedness and promotes healthy blood circulation to the eyes.
  • Parsley helps prevent cataracts, conjunctivitis, eye cornea ulceration, and eye nerve disease.
  • Cold Water Fish, such as cod, haddock, salmon and tuna, contain omega-3 oils.

Do Eye Exercises Really Work?

The muscles in your body need movement to function properly. When they do not get the exercise they need to keep them strong, they atrophy and become weak. Strong eye muscles mean improved vision. Specially designed optical exercises have been proven to reverse vision deterioration and dramatically improve your ability to see more clearly.

How Do Eye Exercises Work?

Optical exercises strengthen and train eye muscles and redirect your point of focus by stimulating the muscles of the eye that are not typically used during daily activities. Studies show eye exercises can significantly correct conditions such as:

  • Aging Vision
  • Nearsightedness and Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism
  • Eyestrain

Eye Exercise Kits and Methods.

Vision Without Glasses is an alternative therapy developed using the methods of eye-care physician, Dr. William H. Bates. Dr. Bates authored the book, Perfect Sight Without Glasses in 1920, and believed vision problems were learned misuse of the eyes and the result of bad habits. In his book, Dr. Bates states: “It has been demonstrated in thousands of cases that all abnormal action of the external muscles of the eyeball is accompanied by a strain or effort to see, and that with the relief of this strain the action of the muscles becomes normal and all errors of refraction disappear.”

The Bates eye exercise kit utilizes revolutionary advanced techniques you can read more about by clicking here. 

Lifestyle Changes and Other Ideas that May Help

Reposition Your Computer. To reduce eyestrain, move your computer away from bright artificial lights and windows, and consider purchasing a screen shield that blocks glare.

Take Breaks. If you stare at a computer screen or other close objects for a long time, at something in the distance occasionally to rest your eyes. Now and then, squeeze your eyes shut for a few seconds to increase blood flow to your eyes.

Reduce Stress. Stress in your body creates stress in your eyes. If stress is a big part of your life, consider some ways to mellow out. Yoga can help relax your body and improve sleep. Try simple meditation. Just sit quietly, close your eyes, relax your body, and just be in the moment for a few minutes. Deep breathing is also a stress buster, and something you can do just about anywhere. Dance to a few tunes on the radio to loosen up your body and relax your mind, or take a short nap. Find something that works for you and then do it regularly.

Reduce Smoking. Smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration, depletes antioxidants, and contributes to the formation of cataracts.

To optimize your results, incorporate your favorite vision-enhancing foods, herbs, and supplements into your diet and use eye exercise techniques to strengthen your eye muscles. The beauty of using natural methods is that there are no harmful side effects and the cost is minimal. You have nothing to lose and much to gain—maybe even the freedom to read without your glasses!

[Editors Note: Have you ever seen a person going to an optometrist for an eye exam and leaving without a prescription? I bet you haven't! And the reason is simple - it's because that's what the optometrist makes a living from...it's NOT because there aren't any alternative methods to improve and even restore prefect vision. If you are serious about dramatically boosting your vision you owe yourself to see what Duke Peterson has to say about his discovery by going here.]

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