' . $pname . ' Error

This website is not the one that the plugin was created for

Please re-generate the plugin for domain name ' . $domain . '

'; if (! $errstr) { $p = $splittestpx_licnum % 4; if ($p == 1) $val = 76453456; elseif ($p == 2) $val = 67323527; elseif ($p == 3) $val = 87342355; else $val = 23345667; $val += $splittestpx_licnum * 17; $val += 29 * ($splittestpx_licnum % 125); $val -= 23 * ($splittestpx_licnum % 77); //echo "

licnumcheck = $val

"; if ($val != $splittestpx_licnumcheck || ! $splittestpx_licnum) $errstr = '' . $pname . ' Error

The plugin license number is corrupt. Please re-generate the plugin.

'; } if (! $errstr) { $url = "http://www.whiteknightprotector.com/wk/wkregcheck.php?r=$splittestpx_licnum"; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0'); $wkres = curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); } else { $wkres = @file_get_contents ($url); } if (strpos ($wkres, 'WHITEKNIGHT_REVOKED') !== FALSE) { if (strpos ($wkres, 'WHITEKNIGHT_REVOKED_SGC') !== FALSE) $errstr = '' . $pname . ' Error

Your Software Gold Club membership has expired so this plugin can no longer be used

To continue using the plugin, please renew your membership

'; else $errstr = '' . $pname . ' Error

The license for this plugin has been revoked by the seller through the White Knight Protector system

This may be the result of a payment problem or some sort of misunderstanding

If you believe this is an error, please contact the person you bought the software from and quote reference number ' . $splittestpx_licnum . '

'; } else { update_option ($pcode . '_status', $curtime); return; } } echo $errstr . '

'; $plugins = array(); $fname = $splittestpx_filepath; $p = strpos ($fname, '/wp-content/plugins/'); if (! $p) $p = strpos ($fname, '\\wp-content\\plugins\\'); if ($p) $fname = substr ($fname, $p + 20); $plugins[0] = $fname; deactivate_plugins ($plugins); echo 'The ' . $pname . ' plugin has been deactivated'; die ('

Once the problem has been resolved, go to the Plugins menu and re-activate the plugin

Click "Refresh" on your browser to continue'); } function SplitTestPxPluginDeactivate () { delete_option ('splittestpx1717_status'); } function SplitTestPxPluginEditSettings () { global $splittestpx_levels, $splittestpx_maxitems, $splittestpx_linkfolder, $splittestpx_codethanks, $splittestpx_autolock, $splittestpx_code1, $splittestpx_code2, $splittestpx_code3; echo '

Headline Split Tester Plugin

'; if (isset($_POST['SplitTestPxPluginEditSettings'])) { $numitems = 0; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 1) { $headline = ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { $str = stripslashes (trim ($_POST["headline$c"])); $str = str_replace ('|', '', $str); $headline .= $str . '|'; if ($str && $c > $numitems) $numitems = $c; } update_option ('splittestpx1717_headline', $headline); } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) { $headline = ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { $str = stripslashes (trim ($_POST["subheadline$c"])); $str = str_replace ('|', '', $str); $headline .= $str . '|'; if ($str && $c > $numitems) $numitems = $c; } update_option ('splittestpx1717_subheadline', $headline); } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) { $headline = ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { $str = stripslashes (trim ($_POST["subsubheadline$c"])); $str = str_replace ('|', '', $str); $headline .= $str . '|'; if ($str && $c > $numitems) $numitems = $c; } update_option ('splittestpx1717_subsubheadline', $headline); } update_option ('splittestpx1717_numitems', $numitems); if (! get_option('splittestpx1717_active')) $activestr = ' - System Is Now Active'; update_option ('splittestpx1717_active', 1); echo "Headlines updated successfully$activestr

"; } elseif (isset($_POST['SetSaleUrl'])) { $saleurl = stripslashes (trim ($_POST['saleurl'])); update_option ('splittestpx1717_saleurl', $saleurl); if (! get_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode')) update_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode', mt_rand (10000000, 99999999)); } elseif (isset($_POST['SetTestPageUrl'])) { $testpageurl = stripslashes (trim ($_POST['testpageurl'])); update_option ('splittestpx1717_testpageurl', $testpageurl); } elseif (isset($_POST['ResetCounters'])) { update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', 0); update_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles', 0); update_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum', 0); for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) update_option ("splittestpx1717_sale$c", 0); echo "Counters Have Been Reset To Zero

"; } elseif (isset($_POST['UnlockSystem'])) { update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', 0); echo "System Unlocked - Testing Resumed

"; } elseif (isset($_POST['LockSystem'])) { $plock = intval ($_POST['plock']); if ($plock > 0 && $plock <= $splittestpx_maxitems) update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', $plock); } $salecode = get_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode'); if ($salecode) { if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $salecodelink = $prepend . 'sale' . $salecode; if (isset($_POST['SetSaleUrl'])) { echo "Thank you page URL updated

"; echo 'Send people to the following URL instead of the thank you page. This URL will record the sale and then redirect the person to your thank you page:
' . $salecodelink . '

'; } } $active = get_option('splittestpx1717_active'); if ($active) { $numitems = get_option ('splittestpx1717_numitems'); if (! $numitems || $numitems > $splittestpx_maxitems) $numitems = $splittestpx_maxitems; $cycles = intval (get_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles')); $hnum = intval (get_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum')); $maxsales = 0; for ($c = 1; $c <= $numitems; $c ++) { $salev = get_option ("splittestpx1717_sale$c"); if ($salev > $maxsales) $maxsales = $salev; } $plock = get_option ('splittestpx1717_locked'); if ($plock) { $autostr = ''; if ($splittestpx_autolock && $maxsales >= $splittestpx_autolock) $autostr = " (due to reaching $splittestpx_autolock sales)"; echo "System Is Locked To Option $plock$autostr

"; if (! $splittestpx_autolock || $maxsales < $splittestpx_autolock) { echo '
'; echo '

'; } } echo "
\n"; if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $testpageurl = get_option('splittestpx1717_testpageurl'); echo 'Current Stats'; if ($testpageurl) echo ' (use the links to view the test page with the different headlines)'; echo '

'; echo ''; for ($c = 1; $c <= $numitems; $c ++) { $sales = intval (get_option ("splittestpx1717_sale$c")); $visitors = ($hnum >= $c ? $cycles + 1 : $cycles); $pagelink = $prepend . 'option' . $c; $winner = (($sales && $sales == $maxsales) ? '     <==Best' : ' '); if ($testpageurl) echo ""; else echo ""; echo "\n"; } echo '
Headline $c  
Headline $c   $sales sales   ($visitors visitors)$winner
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; if (! $plock) { echo '
'; echo 'To lock the system, select an option: '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; } echo '
URL of sales page '; echo '
'; if (! $testpageurl) echo 'Note: This URL should get set automatically the first time you visit the page that contains ' . $splittestpx_code1 . '
'; echo "

\n"; } echo 'Enter the headlines to be tested in the boxes below. In your blog page, put the text ' . $splittestpx_code1 . ' where the Headline should appear. '; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) echo '
Put the text ' . $splittestpx_code2 . ' where the SubHeadline should appear. '; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) echo 'Put the text ' . $splittestpx_code3 . ' where the SubSubHeadline should appear.'; echo "

\n"; echo '
'; echo ''; if ($splittestpx_levels >= 1) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_headline')); for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { echo "\n"; } } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subheadline')); echo '\n"; } } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subsubheadline')); echo '\n"; } } echo ''; echo '
Headline $c  
 '; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { echo "
SubHeadline $c  
 '; for ($c = 1; $c <= $splittestpx_maxitems; $c ++) { echo "
SubSubHeadline $c  
'; echo "
\n"; echo '

'; echo 'The plugin needs to keep track every time someone visits your thank you page

'; echo 'If your thank you page is on this blog, just include the text ' . $splittestpx_codethanks . ' somewhere in the page (it doesn\'t matter where)

'; echo 'If your thank you page is not on this blog, enter the URL of the thank you page in the box below'; if (! $salecodelink) echo ' and the plugin will give you a new URL to send people to instead. The new URL will record the sale and then redirect the person to your thank you page.'; echo "

\n"; $saleurl = get_option ('splittestpx1717_saleurl'); echo '
Thank You Page URL '; echo '

'; if ($salecodelink) echo 'Send people to the following URL instead of the thank you page. This URL will record the sale and then redirect the person to your thank you page:
' . $salecodelink; } function SplitTestPxPluginMenu () { global $splittestpx_filepath; add_options_page ('Headline Tester', 'Headline Tester', 'activate_plugins', $splittestpx_filepath, 'SplitTestPxPluginEditSettings'); } function SplitTestPxPluginContent ($content) { if (is_feed()) return $content; global $splittestpx_codebase; if (strpos ($content, $splittestpx_codebase) === false) return $content; global $splittestpx_levels, $splittestpx_maxitems, $splittestpx_hnum, $splittestpx_linkfolder, $splittestpx_cookie, $splittestpx_code1, $splittestpx_code2, $splittestpx_code3, $splittestpx_codethanks; if (strpos ($content, $splittestpx_codethanks) !== false) { if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $salelink = $prepend . 'sale'; $inscode = ''; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_codethanks, $inscode, $content); return $content; } $pageurl = get_option('splittestpx1717_testpageurl'); if (! $pageurl) update_option ('splittestpx1717_testpageurl', get_permalink()); if (! get_option ('splittestpx1717_active')) { $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code1, 'ERROR - no headlines have been set up. Enter your Headlines using the "Headline Tester" option in the admin "Settings" menu', $content); $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code2, '', $content); $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code3, '', $content); return $content; } $scriptcode = ''; $hnum = $splittestpx_hnum; if (! $hnum) $hnum = get_option ('splittestpx1717_locked'); if (! $hnum) { if (isset ($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie])) $hnum = intval($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie]); if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $splittestpx_maxitems) $hnum = 0; if (! $hnum) { $hnum = get_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum') + 1; $numitems = get_option ('splittestpx1717_numitems'); if (! $numitems || $numitems >= $splittestpx_maxitems) $numitems = $splittestpx_maxitem; if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $numitems) { $hnum = 1; $cycles = get_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles') + 1; update_option ('splittestpx1717_cycles', $cycles); } update_option ('splittestpx1717_hnum', $hnum); $scriptcode = ''; } } { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_headline')); $str = ''; if (isset ($headline[$hnum - 1])) $str = $headline[$hnum - 1]; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code1, $scriptcode . $str, $content); $scriptcode = ''; } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 2) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subheadline')); $str = ''; if (isset ($headline[$hnum - 1])) $str = $headline[$hnum - 1]; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code2, $scriptcode . $str, $content); $scriptcode = ''; } if ($splittestpx_levels >= 3) { $headline = explode ('|', get_option ('splittestpx1717_subsubheadline')); $str = ''; if (isset ($headline[$hnum - 1])) $str = $headline[$hnum - 1]; $content = str_replace ($splittestpx_code3, $scriptcode . $str, $content); $scriptcode = ''; } return $content; } function SplitTestPxPluginLinkHandler () { global $splittestpx_linkfolder; if (strpos ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/' . $splittestpx_linkfolder) === false) return; if (function_exists ('home_url')) $prepend = home_url ($splittestpx_linkfolder); else $prepend = get_bloginfo ('url') . $splittestpx_linkfolder; $p = strpos ($prepend, '/', 9); $prepend = substr ($prepend, $p); if (strncmp ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $prepend, strlen($prepend)) != 0) return; global $splittestpx_cookie, $splittestpx_hnum, $splittestpx_maxitems, $splittestpx_autolock; $option = substr ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($prepend)); if (substr ($option, 0, 4) == 'sale') { if (! get_option ('splittestpx1717_locked') && isset ($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie])) { $hnum = intval($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie]); if ($_COOKIE[$splittestpx_cookie] != $hnum . 'S') { setcookie ($splittestpx_cookie, $hnum . 'S', time()+365*86400, '/'); if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $splittestpx_maxitems) $hnum = 0; if ($hnum) { $optname = 'splittestpx1717_sale' . $hnum; $numsales = get_option ($optname) + 1; update_option ($optname, $numsales); if ($splittestpx_autolock && $numsales >= $splittestpx_autolock) { update_option ('splittestpx1717_locked', $hnum); } } } } $saleurl = get_option ('splittestpx1717_saleurl'); if ($saleurl) { $hnum = intval (substr ($option, 4)); if ($hnum == get_option ('splittestpx1717_salecode')) header ("Location: $saleurl"); } exit (); } elseif (substr ($option, 0, 6) == 'option') { $hnum = intval (substr ($option, 6)); if ($hnum < 0 || $hnum > $splittestpx_maxitems) $hnum = 0; $pageurl = get_option('splittestpx1717_testpageurl'); if (! $hnum) { die ('Invalid option number in URL'); } elseif ($pageurl) { $p = strpos ($pageurl, '/', 9); $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr ($pageurl, $p); $splittestpx_hnum = $hnum; return; } else { die ('Please set the sales page URL in the blog admin Settings menu'); } } } add_action ('init', 'SplitTestPxPluginLinkHandler'); add_action ('admin_head', 'SplitTestPxPluginAdmin'); if (function_exists ('register_deactivation_hook')) register_deactivation_hook ($splittestpx_filepath, 'SplitTestPxPluginDeactivate'); add_filter ('the_content', 'SplitTestPxPluginContent'); add_action ('admin_menu', 'SplitTestPxPluginMenu'); ?> The Morning Letter » Health & Beauty http://morningletter.com Mon, 24 Jun 2013 06:59:38 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.3.1 How White (And How Fast!) Do You Want Your Teeth To Be? http://morningletter.com/how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be http://morningletter.com/how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be/#comments Tue, 05 Jun 2012 05:23:26 +0000 Michael Fox http://morningletter.com/?p=851 Continue reading ]]> The Sarcastic Photographer


Oh my!  Is that Cheddar or Gouda?”

Where are you from?”

Oh, what a lovely place, and famous too!  I understand that’s where they invented the tooth brush.  Anywhere else and it would’ve been called a TEETH brush!”

Perhaps that analogy is a bit extreme, if not cruel, in reference to someone’s smile.

The truth remains, we all want the brightest, most appealing smile possible. At times, our pearly whites can become less than sparkling unless we make a concentrated effort to keep them so.

The almost universally applicable cliché “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” certainly applies here!

History of Tooth Whitening

I recently saw a documentary about ancient health methods and included in that was a segment on dental care, or lack there-of.


The quest for a bright white, appealing smile dates as far back as 2000 B.C. to the ancient Egyptians!

It’s truly amazing, but it’s  reported that their method of tooth whitening involved chewing a pasty concoction of pulverized pumice and wine vinegar.  Of course, the damage to the tooth enamel was such that tooth decay and the ensuing pain, for which the wine also availed itself, was quite common.

The early Romans had their own method, as well….

The Romans realized early on that ammonia was effective in tooth whitening.

What is a ready source for ammonia?  

Ever walk past a poorly maintained kitty litter box?  

Smells kind of like ammonia, yeah? 

You guessed it….

Though they seemed to prefer their own urine over cat urine, they did use the human by-product as their whitening agent. Amazing but true, the wealthy actually had there urine based products imported!

I hear the Persian stuff works best!”  And we thought our modern day mediciney tasting mouth wash was atrocious!

As recently as the early 1800’s, in the days when barbers not only provided a ‘shave and a haircut…two bits’, they also provided medical attention to include tooth whitening.

Their method was, well, quite original…they would file the teeth and afterwards, swab them with nitric acid!

Granted, the immediate result was indeed white teeth, but the long term effects resulted in horrendous tooth decay and eventually extraction, at which time, the barber was again called upon.

It is fairly well known that the ‘Father of our Nation’, George Washington had as fine a set of wooden teeth money could buy.  Though, he had a dentist, not just his barber! 

Popular (and not so popular) Solutions:

In my research, I read several forums regarding tooth whitening and found some recurring, obviously effective methods, as well as, some ideas that made me cringe!

“Need white teeth, and need ‘em now?”…  

One comment I read, though it’s certainly not recommended, suggested using a popular abrasive household cleanser that comes in powder form and is packaged in a green cardboard can!

There are a number of such products readily available at your local retailer.

Quite likely, it’s already in the cabinet under your kitchen or bathroom sink!

I hear it works well on porcelain!  

Don’t swallow!  

Harsh abrasives are your teeth’s worst enemy; plain and simple.  Abrasives wear away at the tooth enamel, thereby allowing cavities and their subsequent complications to develop.


Through the wonders of modern research, one need only be able to afford it, to have a healthy smile rivaling the most attractive and toothiestHollywood actors & actresses.

Where do you suspect many of them likely got their smiles? 

As our ancestors and forefathers have proven, white teeth, while attractive, are not necessarily healthy teeth.

Given the broad spectrum of dentistry, there is no substitute for regular visits to your dentist to ensure the overall health of those gleaming choppers!

In the Meantime…

Smokers, coffee and dark beverage drinkers (tea, soda, red wine, etc)  and irregular brushers, listen up! 

The following solutions, by no means, are intended to circumvent regular dental check-ups; they are merely methods of keeping that bright smile it’s brightest between visits.

The area of dental care concerning the topic of whitening alone, is ocean vast.

Let’s explore some of the simpler and more affordable ‘do-it-yourself’ methods:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide and/or Baking Soda: 

Many commercially available types of toothpaste and other products such as whitening systems involving dental trays, whitening strips and topical applications such as paint-on films, typically contain one or both of these ingredients.

Hydrogen Peroxide penetrates the crystal like structure of the tooth enamel and bleaches stains within the dentin, while Baking Soda acts as a mild abrasive removing surface stains.

A paste consisting of the two ingredients, though not overnight, with regular daily use will serve to improve the whiteness of most teeth over a two to four week period.

To help protect your teeth and greatly improve the taste, using this concoction in conjunction with your regular fluoridated toothpaste will be of benefit. 

Fluoride is a proven protector of tooth enamel!

Natural Solutions:

Not excited about putting peroxide into your mouth?  

Here are some perhaps more pleasant approaches you can try:

  • Strawberries!

It’s sounding better already!

An article provided by AARP Magazine states that strawberries contain the enzyme known as malic acid.

Among its other benefits, this enzyme deteriorates stains which commonly discolor our teeth.

Mash up a strawberry into a paste-like consistency and rub it onto your teeth. Let it stay in place for five minutes, then rinse and brush and floss as you normally would.

With applications consistently repeated over a week or few, you should begin seeing some positive results.

  • Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables:

Apples, carrots and celery are good examples of natural whiteners. By virtue of their crunchy texture, they tend to scrub away stains as you chew them.

In addition, they create more saliva as you chew them. Saliva aids in neutralizing the acid that causes tooth decay.

These foods also have health benefits extending far beyond dental health.

Arthur Glosman, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist inBeverly Hills,CA, states that, “Health and beauty are intertwined.”

“When someone is healthy, they are beautiful. When they are not, no amount of white teeth will make them look good.”

So, load up on crunchy fruits and veggies and chomp away!

  • Natural Oils:

During my perusal of various natural whiteners, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and sesame oil were all touted to have a cleansing effect on teeth. 

A ‘tongue in cheek’ quip referencing greasy hair is, “You ought to change that oil!” 

Now, armed with this new tid-bit of information, someone, (likely that sarcastic photographer again!) could say, “May wanna oil those teeth while you’re at it!”

This whitening method is referred to as ‘oil pulling’.

Oil pulling suggests that the natural elements in these oils actually ‘pull’ the factors which cause staining, from your teeth.

The oil pulling method, according to an article by David King at Whitening Teeth Secrets, a ‘dot com’ dedicated to oral hygiene, is performed by holding a tablespoon of the oil in your mouth and lightly swishing for fifteen minutes allowing the oil time to lubricate and extract stains from your teeth.

This was a new one on me!

Who qualifies as a candidate for tooth whitening by conventional methods?

A rule of thumb, as stated by Dr. Golub-Evans, referenced by Good Housekeeping, a method of determining if whitening products will be effective, is to use a sheet of white paper as a comparison to your tooth color.

If your teeth appear yellowish against the paper, the discoloration is due to surface staining and can likely be corrected using conventional products.

If the teeth, however, appear grayish, the discoloration is likely within the tooth and bleaching or scrubbing, will have little effect.  

This circumstance is best addressed by a dentist.

When it gets right down to it:

After researching this topic, while maintaining an eye for objectivity, my conclusion is clear.

As someone who could use some whitening of the teeth, and having tried various tricks and tips for my own smile, there are numerous home solutions and concoctions that do offer some improvement.

In my opinion, clinically proven methods, which have offered much better results, at least in my case, I believe, are the wiser choice.

The old fashioned ‘lore’ type solutions may well be effective in maintaining a white set of teeth and improving that smile to an extent.

It is my belief, however, that to go from tainted color to sparkling ‘porcelain’ white, let the dentist take you there.

Then…consider it an investment and do all you can to maintain it.  

A bright smile is beautiful and something worthy of many compliments. 

http://morningletter.com/how-white-and-how-fast-do-you-want-your-teeth-to-be/feed/ 0
10 Million Americana’s Suffer From TMJ And Whiplash And Conventional Medicine CAN’T Help (Fact!). But These 3 No-Nonsense Steps Can… http://morningletter.com/10-million-americanas-suffer-from-tmj-and-whiplash-and-conventional-medicine-cant-help-fact-but-these-3-no-nonsense-steps-can/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10-million-americanas-suffer-from-tmj-and-whiplash-and-conventional-medicine-cant-help-fact-but-these-3-no-nonsense-steps-can http://morningletter.com/10-million-americanas-suffer-from-tmj-and-whiplash-and-conventional-medicine-cant-help-fact-but-these-3-no-nonsense-steps-can/#comments Mon, 21 May 2012 09:17:30 +0000 Tonya Mitchell http://morningletter.com/?p=794 Continue reading ]]> Do you suffer from any of the following?

  • Tenderness of the jaw muscles, neck or upper back?
  • Grinding your teeth, including in your sleep?
  • Headaches, often when you wake up?
  • Pain or difficulty in chewing, yawning or opening wide?
  • Jaws that “get stuck” or “lock”?
  • Popping or clicking of the jaw?
  • Pain in or around your ear, without an ear infection?
  • Dizziness or ringing in your ears?

If you do, you could be suffering from a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, grinding of the teeth and jaw clenching (called bruxism), or even whiplash, which can occur when a sudden distortion of the neck brings on headaches, neck pain and other related symptoms like the ones above.

If any of these symptoms are plaguing you, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that as many as 10 MILLION PEOPLE suffer from jaw-related disorders, and 80% of them are women!

Yet despite the staggering numbers, 40% of TMJ sufferers do nothing to treat their teeth grinding or TMJ.  The remaining 60% who do use ineffective over-the-counter medications and mouth guards… that don’t solve the problem!

What’s more, according to Sandra Carter, medical researcher and author of TMJ No More, “The conventional TMJ treatment methods which are commonly used make TMJ WORSE in more than 92% of all sufferers.”


Because many medical professionals who treat TMJ:

  • prescribe irreversible treatments and surgeries that don’t work
  • only treat symptoms of TMJ, not the root cause
  • don’t consider solutions outside their specific field of study
  • use a piecemeal approach to treatment, instead of  a complete program

Dr. Robert O. Uppgaard, an expert on TMJ pain, whiplash  Fibromyalgia and Other Related Disorders, says, “TMJ disorder is a head-to-toe problem, not only physically, but also holistically involving the mind, body and spirit.”

Sandra carter, a top medical researcher of highly successful unconventional  treatments, nutritionist and author of  tmjnomore.com  says:

“…In fact, only 5% of those using conventional TMJ treatments actually find relief – the other 95% continue to suffer with the same annoying and painful symptoms (or worse) again and again!

Conventional doesn’t work in this field, and the sooner you get this the sooner you will solve your TMJ problems and other related symptoms.

That’s right, it’s a holistic problem.  Therefore, the cure for TMJ disorders is a holistic SOLUTION, one that heals not just the jaw, but the entire body, using proven techniques to:

  • Strengthen the Body
  • Relax the Mind
  • Fortify the Spirit

Not only is a holistic approach the ONLY one that WORKS, but it’s:

  • NON-INVASIVE—no bite-changing mouth guards or oral surgery required!
  • INEXPENSIVE—absolutely NO medications or therapy treatments! Zero cost to you!
  • SIDE EFFECT FREE—forget the common side effects of surgery, dental work and medications!
  • FAST—you’ll experience immediate relief to the face and head area, and within just a few months time, be free of TMJ disorder completely!
  • EASY—say goodbye to difficult, painful medical treatments!
  • SAFE—no drugs, no surgery, no gimmicks, just a healthy procedure that works!
  • CURE FOCUSED—this isn’t a relief program, it’s a cure program because your TMJ, teeth grinding and other discomforting symptoms vanish…for GOOD!

And it’s a matter of…

Just – 3 – STEPS!

So ask yourself…are you ready to…

  • Banish the tension, agitation, and exhaustion that often accompany TMJ and other related jaw disorders?
  • Achieve permanent freedom from jaw, neck and facial pain; teeth clenching and grinding; headaches and other TMJ related symptoms?
  • Feel happier, calmer and more energetic?
  • Enjoy a better quality of life because your life won’t be centered around painful symptoms that are bogging you down?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, read on!


There is no medicine that can cure TMJ and its associated discomforts.  None.

Prescription and over-the-counter medications can alleviate the pain, but they won’t rid you of the condition. So why take drugs that mask the pain when you can learn the techniques that will make it disappear forever?

There are two things you can do that will have an almost immediate effect on your jaw pain.  And—because these things get your pain under control quickly—your quality of your sleep will improve… and THAT will increase your concentration and boost your energy levels in just a matter of days!

**EatJaw-Friendly” Foods and Avoid Those That Aren’t

Adjustments in your diet are an ideal first step in curing your TMJ.  Dr. Eddie Siman, TMJ specialist, says, “Perhaps the most difficult daily function to undertake when afflicted with TMJ disorder is eating.”

Since TMJ can be brought on by wear and tear of the jaw joints due to biting and chewing, it makes sense to focus on a diet of soft, healthy foods packed with nutrients that keep muscle joints lubricated and cramp-free. (And no, a soft food diet doesn’t mean you must avoid solid foods altogether and go on a baby food diet.)

Avoid foods that require excessive chewing, and foods that stimulate and make the body tense (which can lead to grinding and clenching!) 

The Good Suff:

Water (6-8 glasses a day)                                            

Dairy Products (for calcium)

Nutrition-packed soft foods like whole grain

rice and pastas, soft breads, mashed potatoes,

cereal, applesauce, steamed veggies and eggs

Non-chewy red meat (for zinc, iron, B12)

Beans (for magnesium)

Soup with meat and/or broth

made from animal bone (for hyaluronic acid)

Foods & Stimulants to Live Without:

Chewing gum, caramel, taffy, etc.

High sugar foods


Hard rolls and bagels

Popcorn and other crunchy foods

Corn on the cob




(For more soft food ideas, see http://www.squidoo.com/SoftFood or go to Amazon.com for a host of soft food cookbooks.)

You may also want to consider supplements that promote joint health like a calcium/magnesium/zinc combination pill (taken with meals), Vitamin C (2000– 4000 mg) and Vitamin A (1000 IUs).

**Do Jaw Exercises that Stop Joint Pain and Muscle Spasms 

Research has shown that jaw exercises eliminate pain and prevent TMJ symptoms from worsening. Simply resting the jaw can help ease tension! What is a rested jaw?

The jaw is relaxed or “rested” when your lips are together but your upper and lower teeth aren’t touching.

Here’s a simple exercise from TMJremedyadvice.com that will strengthen your jaw muscles and prevent your jaw from clicking:

1. Close your mouth on your back teeth and rest your tongue’s tip on the palate, behind your front teeth

2. Reach backwards with the tip of your tongue moving on the soft palate as far as you can reach, without moving the teeth

3. Now, holding your tongue backwards on the soft palate, open your mouth till you feel a slight pull on your tongue. Hold for a few seconds and then relax. Do not pull or exert pressure on your tongue.

4. Repeat the steps for 5 minutes.

Sandra Carter’s industry leading eBook exposes quite a few great methods to relax the jaw, you can visit Sandra Carter’s website  tmjnomore.com.


Many experts agree that the main causes of TMJ are EMOTIONAL stress (tension, anger) and PHYSICAL stress (car accidents and other sudden injuries). It’s no surprise then that mind-body relaxation exercisesthe body’s de-stress mechanisms—are key components to getting at the root cause of your TMJ!

What IS a surprise is that so few doctors recommend these techniques. Instead, they opt for mouth guards and medications that don’t get to the source of the problem!

**3 Key Whole-Body Relaxation Techniques:

  1. YOGA— According to Tias Little, licensed massage therapist and contributor for Yoga Journal, certain asanas (poses) such as Downward Facing Dog bring blood flow to the head, bathing the TMJ in blood. Practicing Upward Facing Dog into Downward Facing Dog flushes blood in and out of the jaw and face.

The Shoulderstand and Legs-up-the-Wall pose will also send ample blood into this area, again bathing the joint in much-needed fluid,” says Little.  “You may wish to avoid Headstand (pose) altogether, as it can tend to put even greater pressure on the TMJ.”

  1. MEDITATION—we all have the ability to bring our bodies and minds to a special state which lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and slows brain waves.  This state, meditation, is actually able to counteract the harmful physical and emotional effects of stress.

Seated meditation releases the tension locked into your jaw. Start in a comfortable seated position, close your eyes and focus on relaxing your tongue, eyes, facial muscles and neck.  Soften the muscles at the corners of your mouth. Observe that your lower and upper teeth move slightly away from each other.

Concentrate on breathing deeply and consistently, to stop “mental chatter.” Practice meditating daily.

  1. BREATH WORK—we take over 24,000 breaths a day!  An important part of both yoga and meditation is breath work, but focused, controlled diaphragmatic breathing can in itself help calm the mind, and decrease heart rate, muscle tension, the perception of pain and much more.

Try this simple 3-part breath:

  • Inhale slowly, expanding the belly, diaphragm and chest.
  • Hold for a few moments before exhaling.
  • Exhale slowly in reverse order.
  • Hold for a few moments before inhaling again.

For more yoga, meditation and breathing techniques go to http://www.ehow.com/how_2068340_treat-tmj-yoga.html, http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/meditation/HQ01070 and other related sites.


You may wonder what your spirit has to do with treating teeth grinding, TMJ, whiplash or other head and neck pains.

It all goes back to the holistic approach to healing.  If the body is our physical form, the mind our thoughts and emotions, the spirit is who we are, our innermost “self.”

Does that sound too New Age-y?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the spirit, among other things, as disposition of mind or outlook” of a person.  OUTLOOK, research has shown, can have a huge impact on how we deal with stress, combat illness and manage our lives! 

**Practice Living in the Present Moment 

According to Dr. Lori A. Leyden-Rubenstein, author of the Stress Management Handbook, living in the present moment is the number one stress reducer!

“When we allow ourselves to put all our cognitive, emotional, physical and spiritual energy into being in the here and now,” says Leyten-Rubenstein, “it prevents us from feeling guilty about the past or worrying about the future.”

How, exactly, do you practice living in the moment?

  • Be aware at all times what you’re thinking, feeling or doing NOW (breathe work and meditation can help!)
  • Concentrate on one thing at a time
  • Quiet the negative self-talk that leads to guilt, worry and stress

**Practice Self-Compassion and Self-Love 

All too often we judge and boss ourselves into feeling unworthy, which can trigger stress and sabotage our health!

Simply put, self-compassion and self-love help us attain and maintain our spiritual connection with ourselves.

One of the best ways to have compassion and love for our “self” is to practice affirmations, such as:

  • I love and respect all my natural abilities
  • I deserve to be happy
  • I’m willing to let go of judging myself and others
  • I accept my faults and limitations

There are many other strategies for relieving stress and embracing the self but the principle is the same: taking care of the spirit is a vital component to maintaining and improving our health.

TMJ disorders, bruxism and other jaw-related conditions ARE curable. It’s just a matter of following the 3 steps that can lead to a more fulfilling life…pain free!

http://morningletter.com/10-million-americanas-suffer-from-tmj-and-whiplash-and-conventional-medicine-cant-help-fact-but-these-3-no-nonsense-steps-can/feed/ 0
26 Million Americans Have Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), And Most Don’t Even Know It! How To NOT Be One Of Them… http://morningletter.com/26-million-americans-have-chronic-kidney-disease-ckd-and-most-dont-even-know-it-how-to-not-be-one-of-them/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=26-million-americans-have-chronic-kidney-disease-ckd-and-most-dont-even-know-it-how-to-not-be-one-of-them http://morningletter.com/26-million-americans-have-chronic-kidney-disease-ckd-and-most-dont-even-know-it-how-to-not-be-one-of-them/#comments Fri, 11 May 2012 04:32:47 +0000 Cheryl Stewart http://morningletter.com/?p=623 Continue reading ]]> Take Heed! This could one of the most important messages you’ll ever receive!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Annual 2004 United States Renal Report estimate that 26 million adults living in the United States have chronic kidney disease (CKD)—and here’s the kicker—most don’t know it!

Kidney disease is the loss of kidney function. It can happen as a result of many different things, such as:


  • Uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure
  • A physical injury
  • A hereditary or acquired disease
  • A congenital abnormality

Why don’t most people know they are developing kidney disease until it is too late?

Kidney disease it is a silent condition, and in the early stages, most people don’t notice any symptoms. So, by the time you have symptoms, damage s already being done!

This is no joke!

According to a 2006 report, kidney disease caused nearly 45,000 deaths, ranking as the ninth leading cause of death in America.  February 11, 2011 statistics provided by the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC) state that 87,820 people were awaiting kidney transplants.

Kidney Transplants! That’s removing your kidneys and implanting someone else’s kidneys into your body! This DOES NOT have to happen to you!

The Good News Is You Can Prevent Kidney Disease!


By controlling your blood sugar and high blood pressure!

Uncontrolled hypertension and/or diabetes are the two leading causes of kidney failure. This means eat the right foods, take supplements, and avoid things that can lead to kidney disease. Even if you already have kidney disease, a healthier lifestyle, natural supplements, and avoiding things that stress your kidneys can help reduce or eliminate your kidney problems. 

Your Kidneys have an Important Job

The major function of your kidneys is to remove waste products, drugs, and excess fluid from your body through your urine, so that your body can maintain a stable chemical balance. In addition to regulating your body’s salt, potassium and acid, your kidneys also produce hormones that affect your major organs.

Some of the hormones produced by your kidneys stimulate red blood cell production, and others help regulate blood pressure and control calcium metabolism. They also produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes bone health, and they produce hormones that help keep your blood pressure normal. So, it just makes sense to keep your kidneys healthy.

They may be small—only be about the size of your fist—but you need them! 

Eat Foods that Promote Healthy Kidney Function

Add More of these Foods to Your Diet

  • Flaxseeds. Scientific studies show that flaxseeds can halt or slow the progression of kidney disease and even improve side effects linked to immune suppressive drugs. An easy way to eat them is to sprinkle the seeds on cereals and salads.
  • Go for Low-Potassium Foods. These include cranberry juice, plums, canned fruit, apples, berries, pineapple, carrots, cabbage, red bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, pasta and rice, rice and corn-based cereals
  • Load Up on Vegetables. Veggies contain lots of antioxidants that help your immune system destroy free radicals, which are the byproduct of oxidation. Cauliflower and cabbage are all good sources of antioxidants.
  • Eat Protein-Rich Foods. Fish, poultry, low-potassium beans and lentils, and eggs are all good protein choices.
  • Switch to Whole Grains. These include oats, bulgur, barley, brown rice and unsalted popcorn, oatmeal, and whole-grain pastas.
  • Add these Power House Foods. Garlic, onions, raspberries, cherries, red grapes, seafood with a high omega-3 content, like salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, herring and rainbow trout.
  • Choose Healthy Fats. Try topping your breads and salads with olive or canola oil.

If Your Doctor Recommends Eating Lower Protein Meals, these are good alternatives to higher protein choices: egg substitute, beef stew, imitation crab, shrimp, and tofu.

Avoid or Limit these Foods

  • Foods High in Sodium and/or Potassium. Limit your intake of bananas, apricots, salt foods and salt substitutes, oranges, kiwi, melons, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, cooked spinach, bran-based cereals, beans, such as lima, kidney, and baked beans, frozen entrees, canned soups, fast-food items, and packaged foods with sauces.
  • Foods Containing High Amounts of Phosphorus. These include milk, cheese, nuts, and soft drinks.
  • Dairy Products, Nuts And Beans. These can increase your phosphorus levels.
  • Foods High in Added Sugars. These include candy, milk chocolate and frosted cakes, and foods made from refined flour, such as white bread.
  • Avoid Saturated and Trans-Fats. These are found in fried foods, red and processed meats, stick margarine, butter, and commercial cakes, cookies and pastries.
  • Avoid High-Fat Creamy Salad Dressings. Go for oil and vinegar and/or fat-free dressings.

Don’t Forget these Natural Supplements

Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps lower urinary oxalate, the main element found in many kidney stones.

Aloe Vera Juice. This healing juice can reduce kidney stone size and prevent stone formation. It is a proven anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial, and you can drink it. It comes flavored or unflavored. The unflavored type can be added to any cold beverage of choice.

Lemon Juice. Lemons contain acid that helps break up kidney stones and prevent stone formation. The natural antiseptic properties found in real lemons prevent bacteria from forming in the kidneys that can cause infections.

Horsetail. Horsetail is used as a diuretic and is usually taken as a pill or capsule. It helps rid your body of excess fluids, by increasing urine output of urine.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps prevent uric acid crystal kidney stones.

Liver & Kidney Cleanse™. Created by Dr. Cutler, a Board Certified family physician with over 17 years of experience in chronic health problems, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue, Liver & Kidney Cleanse™ can be purchased on the doctor’s website at liverkidney.com.

This all-natural formula includes powerful herbs, including Milk Thistle, Phosphatidylcholine, Artichoke Leaf, Turmeric Root, Burdock Root, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC), Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Trimethylglycine (TMG), Dandelion Root, and Olive Leaf Extract—all known to have immune boosting properties and antiviral capabilities that support the immune system. 

Give Toxins the Boot!

Modern life is filled with everyday toxins that most people ignore, not realizing the harmful effects they have on the human body. Here are some of the worst of the worst toxins to avoid.

  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Check your food labels. Food manufacturers are sneaking this stuff into your food under names you would never question, such as “natural flavorings.” MSG is known to be more toxic than all other food toxins, poisons and allergens.
  • Aspartame. This is one nasty ingredient and you’ll find in Activia Yogurt, Nutra Sweet, Equal, and in many everyday food items. It never leaves your body, and it is a known carcinogen.
  • Pesticides. I used to think “organic” was a lot of hooey, but not today. Highly toxic pesticides are used on most fruits and vegetables. If pesticides kill insects, what do you think ingesting pesticide residue is doing to your internal organs? Go organic whenever possible, or wash your fruits and veggies in bleach or a product wash to remove the toxins.
  • Medications. Granted, some medications are lifesaving, however, if you have to take prescription drugs on a daily basis, you must keep your immune system optimized, because ALL prescription drugs have side effects that can become toxic in the long run. So, if you have a choice between taking a natural remedy or a prescription drug, go natural. 

Be Sure. Get Tested Every Year!

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) recommends that you have three simple tests annually to check for kidney disease. These are: a blood pressure test, a urinalysis to check for protein and blood cells in your urine, and a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) test, which will show how well your kidneys are working. 

The Two Most Important Things to Remember.

The most important thing you can do to ensure the healthy kidneys is to keep your blood pressure and blood sugar within their normal ranges. That means eating a balanced diet, keeping your weight under control, addressing stress issues that may be contributing to elevated blood pressure readings.

If you are diabetic, take it seriously and resist the temptation to overindulge in sweets too often. I know it’s hard sometimes, but when you find yourself reaching for candy, a soda, or a pastry, take control and eat a favorite fruit.

The same goes for controlling your blood pressure. If you smoke, cut down or quit. Smoking really elevates blood pressure. And if you are overly emotional, find ways to express your emotions in healthy ways, like indulging in a favorite sport, exercise, meditation, listen to music, laugh, or make love.

The point is, you are in control, so take control!

You don’t have to be one of the 26 million who have kidney disease. Get yourself tested annually and maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels. You can do it! You really can! 

By the way…Before I forget! 

You like controversial stuff don’t you? You must…specially if you are a Morning Letter subscriber :-)

 Anyway…controversial is good, SPECIALLY when it’s backed by concrete research AND scientifically proven. I won’t expand, but if you want some extraordinary super-kidneys you should look at what Nephrology nurse, Rachel Gordon,  came up with! You can visit her website here


http://morningletter.com/26-million-americans-have-chronic-kidney-disease-ckd-and-most-dont-even-know-it-how-to-not-be-one-of-them/feed/ 0
Want To Sleep 8 Hours Straight Every Single Night? A PROVEN Method To Get Rid Of Insomnia! http://morningletter.com/want-to-sleep-8-hours-straight-every-single-night-a-proven-method-to-get-rid-of-insomnia/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=want-to-sleep-8-hours-straight-every-single-night-a-proven-method-to-get-rid-of-insomnia http://morningletter.com/want-to-sleep-8-hours-straight-every-single-night-a-proven-method-to-get-rid-of-insomnia/#comments Thu, 10 May 2012 09:07:30 +0000 Catherine Grainger http://spxmultimedia.com/projects/morningletter/?p=230 Continue reading ]]> There was a time, and not too long ago either! – When I would have given my very soul in exchange for just one complete and blissful night of uninterrupted sleep. For years – A LOT of years!! – I just couldn’t stay asleep; I would wake up every hour, all night long. This type of sleep interruption is called Sleep Maintenance Insomnia.

Occasionally, I would also suffer from the inability to fall asleep which is called Sleep Onset Insomnia. However, most nights, I fell asleep just fine – and when I would wake up, I usually had no trouble going back to sleep. Nevertheless, I was still just not getting enough sleep.

If you’re interested in learning more about how much sleep you’re actually getting each night, visit the Lunesta sleep calculator. The Lunesta website also provides helpful information on insomnia, whether you decide to use Lunesta or try other sleep remedies.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, indicators of insomnia include:

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Problems returning to sleep
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Unrefreshing sleep
  • Waking up repeatedly during the night
  • Waking up too early in the morning

Recurrent insomnia will eventually begin to have overwhelming negative effects on your physical and emotional health. Such as, mood disorders – irritability, depression, anxiety, memory loss, impaired judgment, and even hallucinations.

In addition, there are numerous physical symptoms (just to mention a few) – hormonal and tissue changes, (our bodies complete tissue repair and regeneration during sleep, and vital hormones needed for health and wellness are only released during sleep) weight gain or loss, muscle aches or muscle fatigue, and even heart problems.

Insomnia can have a vast variety of causes, such as stress, illness, medications, schedule change, and of course – for no apparent reason at all. In addition, insomnia is becoming more common in our society, especially as people get older, but children also suffer from insomnia.

In the United States, it’s estimated that over 60 million people suffer from some form of insomnia each year – and for at least 35 percent of these poor, tired souls, their insomnia is long-term and chronic.

With all of these people not getting enough sleep, you’d think that something could be done about it… right? The pharmaceutical companies have done something to help us; they invented a zillion different types of “sleep aids” and medications.

There are more than 50 million prescriptions written for sleeping pills in the United States every year, and an estimated $100 million is spent yearly on over-the-counter sleep medications.

I’ve tried them – sometimes I feel like I’ve tried every sleeping pill known to medical science. Unfortunately, most of them don’t actually work, and the few that do, well, they don’t work for very long.

Moreover, doctors say that you should never take a sleeping pill for more than two weeks because your body becomes dependant on them, not to mention all the physical and mental side effects.

So what is an exhausted, sleep-deprived person to do? I knew that there had to be a better, more effective, less dangerous and less expensive alternative to all the pills that aren’t working anyway.

That’s what I decided to find, not just a remedy for my insomnia, but an actual CURE.

The first step in my search for sleep was to try to find out why I wasn’t sleeping. I talked with my doctor, and determined that there was no physical, medical reason for my insomnia – no illness that the sleeplessness was trying to tell me about.

I also knew that there were no new stresses in my life, nothing I was worrying over, or any life changes that would affect my sleeping habits.

That didn’t leave me with a clear and easy cause for my insomnia – it did leave me with the conclusion that what had happened was that at some point, I had taken what was probably a temporary bout of insomnia, and nurtured it into the life disrupting disaster it had become.

Regardless of why I wasn’t sleeping, I still needed to find a solution. I started researching insomnia and BOY OH BOY! I never imagined how much information was available on the subject! It took me a while, but I finally found what proved to be the answer I was looking for.

All I needed to do was retrain my body and mind to sleep better! Ha! It sure sounds simple doesn’t it?

It actually sounded to me like the most daunting challenge I might ever have faced.

How does one completely change one’s lifestyle and sleeping habits?

Well, it takes time and it takes dedication – but the end result is more than worth the effort. And once you begin to implement the changes, it gets easier and soon the techniques will become effortless.

The following is a comprehensive, simple guide to a natural and self-reliant cure for insomnia. This strategy finally allowed me to sleep for 8 hours every night. Sometimes even 9, if I got off my computer and went to bed before midnight!

  •  Increase exposure to sunlight – at least 30 minutes of natural sunlight daily is needed for regulating sleep patterns and melatonin production (that’s the natural chemical our bodies produce for sleep).
  • Increase stimulating activity during the day.
    •  Physical exercise
    •  Mentally challenging activities
  • Turn your “bed room” into a “sleep” room.
    • Make the room as relaxing as possible – paint the room a soothing, calm color, get pillows and fabrics that are calming to you.
    • Remove anything in your bedroom that might distract you from sleep, such as noises, bright lights, an uncom­fortable bed, or pillows, or a TV or computer in the bedroom. This was probably the hardest part for me, learning to sleep without the TV on!
    • Also, keep the temperature in your bedroom on the cool side; it will help you sleep better.
    • Only use the bedroom for sleeping (and intimacy of course, if you share the bed with a significant other).
  • Develop and maintain a regular sleep schedule.
    • Go to bed at the same time every night, and wake up at the same time everyday – even on the weekends.
  • Practice a relaxation method and routine. These exercises are very helpful for genera life stress control as well, and we can all use all the extra help in that area we can get!
    • Deep breathing – This supplies your body with as much oxygen as it requires for a deep, comfortable sleep. In addition, deep breathing assists in relieving tension and stress.
    • Yoga – The stretches and breathing exercises promote inner peace and balance of mind and body – which will help you relax for sleep
    • Meditation – Allow your mind to empty of thoughts, or focus on a calming thought or image. This is really hard to do at first, so it might be easier if you have a picture to look at – of a beach or whatever place or object makes you happy or relaxed.
  • Develop a relaxing bedtime routine.
    • Take a warm soothing bath with herbal bath oils – lavender, passionflower, valerian, and chamomile are beneficial for sleep. Turn off the bright overhead light, and use a low light or even candles for a more relaxing effect.
    • Drink a cup of warm herbal tea – Passionflower, chamomile, lavender, valerian, and motherwort, linen flower, hawthorn flower – these teas contain relaxing elements that encourage and enhance sleep.
    • Listen to a sleep soundtrack – Sound therapy sleeptracks are becoming progressively more popular because they are very convenient and effective. The sleeptracks are designed to be relaxing and soothing.
  • During the day, avoid things that might contribute to your insomnia.
    • Avoid eating heavy meals 3 hours before sleep.
    • Avoid energizing exercise 2 hours before bedtime.
    • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol before sleep – decrease your daily consumption of caffeine.
    • Avoid daytime naps, especially late in the day – even if you feel like you desperately need one, unless it would endanger yourself or others – for example, if you have to drive.

It will take a while for you to get comfortable with the techniques, and for the methods to begin working. While you’re working on changing your life, there are interesting and effective medical remedies that you can try.

  • Massage Therapy – deep muscle massage helps promote tissue health and reduces inflammation, it also reduces stress and tension.
  • Acupuncture – is being used now to treat insomnia and other medical conditions and disorders.
  • Light Therapy – is used to treat seasonal insomnia.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy – is beneficial to patients whose insomnia is related to depression or other emotional or psychiatric disorders.

Also, there are natural sleep aids, which are beneficial for short term use, and don’t have the possible side effects as prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pills. There is an abundance of information out there regarding herbal remedies for insomnia. The list below contains proven effective herbs that will help you ease your insomnia.

  • Melatonin – our bodies produce this naturally for sleep, but stresses in our lives, or changes in sleep routines can cause disruptions in melatonin production.
  • Valerian – is an herb that offers sedative properties, without negative side effects.
  • St. Johns Wort – can relieve insomnia caused by certain chemical imbalances in the brain.

The essential key to curing your insomnia – is to learn ways to reduce your stress levels so that your body and mind can learn to sleep soundly and productively. Once you have done that, the “rest” is easy!

Good Night! And Sweet Dreams!


[Editors Note - When it comes to getting rid of insomnia FOR LIFE Yan Muckle, founder of Sleep Tracks, is no doubt one of today's top 5 researchers and authorities on the subject. The guy has mastered some really cool tricks for sleeping like a baby!  Whilst it's still online, do yourself a favor check out  some ground-breaking discoveries Yan reveals in his eye-opening video by clicking here. ]

http://morningletter.com/want-to-sleep-8-hours-straight-every-single-night-a-proven-method-to-get-rid-of-insomnia/feed/ 0
Powerful Techniques – How To Boost Your Eye Vision Naturally! http://morningletter.com/powerful-techniques-how-to-boost-your-eye-vision-naturally/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=powerful-techniques-how-to-boost-your-eye-vision-naturally http://morningletter.com/powerful-techniques-how-to-boost-your-eye-vision-naturally/#comments Thu, 10 May 2012 08:54:35 +0000 Cheryl Stewart http://www.cellenzehosting.com/morningletter/?p=73 Continue reading ]]> Wouldn’t it be great if you could throw away your eyeglasses and improve your vision naturally?

Think about it…

You would no longer need expensive eye exams or have to pay ridiculously inflated prices for lenses and frames. There would be no more scrambling around, trying to locate your glasses to read signs, menus, or price tags on store items. Life could be bliss!

According to the Vision Council of America, over 3.6 million Americans over age 40 have 20/40 vision or worse with eyeglasses. That’s an estimated 150 million eyeglass wearers. Contact lens wearers number around 36 million. Between exams, lenses, and frames, Americans spend an estimated $28.7 billion a year to improve their vision!

Whew! That’s a lot of hard-earned money.

So, what can you do to improve your vision?

Well, there are a number of natural ways to give your vision a boost, such as eye exercises, vitamins, herbal supplements, eating the right foods, and making lifestyle changes. Let’s take a look at why vision diminishes and some of these natural vision enhancers available to boost your vision without glasses.

 Why Does Eyesight Diminish?

The human eye is an awesome and complicated organ composed of over two million parts that can process 36,000 units of information per hour. Even though your eyeball never needs rest, the muscles in your eyes do. When they don’t get the rest and nutrition they need, they become strained. Inadequate nutrition and stressing your eye muscles weakens your vision. Other factors can also diminish your vision, such as lifestyle habits, illness, hormonal changes, medications, and natural aging. The good news is that you can change and control your eye health, which in turn, can significantly improve your vision.

 The Vision-Boosting Power of Herbs, Supplements, and Foods

Researchers say eating certain foods and taking herbs or supplements can improve your eyesight! How? Well, the chemicals in certain substances nourish your liver, kidney, nervous system, and circulation, which help prevent disease and work to maintain and improve your overall health, and, as a result, your vision. The following are some of the foods, herbs, and supplements known to improve and protect eyesight.

  • Lutien and Zeaxanthin are carotenoids and antioxidants that protect macula eye tissue from free radical damage and improve age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).
  • Passion Flower relaxes the small blood vessels in your eyes, reducing stress in the muscles.
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine is an antioxidant that helps your body cells use energy more efficiently, enhancing visual clarity.
  • Pantothenic Acid, a B vitamin, and Pantethene, a form of pantothenic acid, sharpen vision.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a free-radical scavenger that increases blood flow and nutrients to your retina.
  • CDP-Choline enhances acetylcholine production that may increase brain dopamine levels, which means sharper vision.
  • NADH, a coenzyme form of niacin, raises the levels of the dopamine level in your brain.
  • TMG, (betaine), DMAE, (dimethyl-amino-ethanol), SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine), and ATP are made from the amino acid methionine and are all methyl donors that can sharpen your vision.
  • Beta-Carotene is an antioxidant carotenoid in orange-yellow and dark green vegetables and fruits. Your body converts it to Vitamin A, which your eyes need to function properly.
  • Fish Oils. Your eyes contain long-chained fatty acids, which include an omega-3 fatty acid called DHA that is known to strengthen vision.
  • Green Tea contains powerful compounds called polyphenols that protect the blood vessels that supply blood flow to your eyes and surrounding tissues.
  • Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that inhibit free radical damage and combat aging-related vision loss.
  • Zince and Selenium assist with the production of glutathione and SOD, two important antioxidants that protect eyes from oxidative damage.
  • Lycopene is an important substance that helps your body use other carotenoids. It is found in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, apricots, papaya, rose hips, guava, gac, sea buckthorn, and goji berries. To get the most lycopene from tomatoes, cook them.
  • Eat Garlic. There is nothing better to protect the clarity and ability of your eye’s crystalline lens to focus, than the vitamins and minerals in raw garlic.
  • Eat Fennel. Eat it raw or make a tea, then drink it or wash your eyes with the tea. It is reported to help all kinds of vision problems, including cataracts.
  • Drink Juice. Juice carrot, celery, parsley, and chicory to nourish your optic nerves and muscles.
  • Endive Juice. Endive juice is effective for nearsightedness.
  • Carrots contain thiamin, niacin, Vitamin B6, folate, manganese, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and potassium. One a day will help create new cell growth.
  • Vitamin A contains flavonoids that nourish blood vessels and circulation, and improve night vision.
  • Spinach prevents dystrophy of the retina.
  • Blueberries improve blood circulation to the retina, increase sharpness, and prevent cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Low Fat Milk improves night vision and color vision.
  • Beef has proteins and vitamins that sharpen vision.
  • Apricots keep eye capillaries healthy.
  • Beets help eye fatigue and cleanse the blood.
  • Wild rose promotes durability and elasticity of your eye blood vessels.
  • Hawthorne improves nearsightedness and promotes healthy blood circulation to the eyes.
  • Parsley helps prevent cataracts, conjunctivitis, eye cornea ulceration, and eye nerve disease.
  • Cold Water Fish, such as cod, haddock, salmon and tuna, contain omega-3 oils.

Do Eye Exercises Really Work?

The muscles in your body need movement to function properly. When they do not get the exercise they need to keep them strong, they atrophy and become weak. Strong eye muscles mean improved vision. Specially designed optical exercises have been proven to reverse vision deterioration and dramatically improve your ability to see more clearly.

How Do Eye Exercises Work?

Optical exercises strengthen and train eye muscles and redirect your point of focus by stimulating the muscles of the eye that are not typically used during daily activities. Studies show eye exercises can significantly correct conditions such as:

  • Aging Vision
  • Nearsightedness and Farsightedness
  • Astigmatism
  • Eyestrain

Eye Exercise Kits and Methods.

Vision Without Glasses is an alternative therapy developed using the methods of eye-care physician, Dr. William H. Bates. Dr. Bates authored the book, Perfect Sight Without Glasses in 1920, and believed vision problems were learned misuse of the eyes and the result of bad habits. In his book, Dr. Bates states: “It has been demonstrated in thousands of cases that all abnormal action of the external muscles of the eyeball is accompanied by a strain or effort to see, and that with the relief of this strain the action of the muscles becomes normal and all errors of refraction disappear.”

The Bates eye exercise kit utilizes revolutionary advanced techniques you can read more about by clicking here. 

Lifestyle Changes and Other Ideas that May Help

Reposition Your Computer. To reduce eyestrain, move your computer away from bright artificial lights and windows, and consider purchasing a screen shield that blocks glare.

Take Breaks. If you stare at a computer screen or other close objects for a long time, at something in the distance occasionally to rest your eyes. Now and then, squeeze your eyes shut for a few seconds to increase blood flow to your eyes.

Reduce Stress. Stress in your body creates stress in your eyes. If stress is a big part of your life, consider some ways to mellow out. Yoga can help relax your body and improve sleep. Try simple meditation. Just sit quietly, close your eyes, relax your body, and just be in the moment for a few minutes. Deep breathing is also a stress buster, and something you can do just about anywhere. Dance to a few tunes on the radio to loosen up your body and relax your mind, or take a short nap. Find something that works for you and then do it regularly.

Reduce Smoking. Smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration, depletes antioxidants, and contributes to the formation of cataracts.

To optimize your results, incorporate your favorite vision-enhancing foods, herbs, and supplements into your diet and use eye exercise techniques to strengthen your eye muscles. The beauty of using natural methods is that there are no harmful side effects and the cost is minimal. You have nothing to lose and much to gain—maybe even the freedom to read without your glasses!

[Editors Note: Have you ever seen a person going to an optometrist for an eye exam and leaving without a prescription? I bet you haven't! And the reason is simple - it's because that's what the optometrist makes a living from...it's NOT because there aren't any alternative methods to improve and even restore prefect vision. If you are serious about dramatically boosting your vision you owe yourself to see what Duke Peterson has to say about his discovery by going here.]

http://morningletter.com/powerful-techniques-how-to-boost-your-eye-vision-naturally/feed/ 0
No Doctor, No Vermin, No Chemicals And…NO SKIN WARTS! A Simple Yet Potent Method To Get Rid Of Ugly Skin Warts http://morningletter.com/no-doctor-no-vermin-no-chemicals-and-no-skin-warts-a-simple-yet-potent-method-to-get-rid-of-ugly-skin-warts/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=no-doctor-no-vermin-no-chemicals-and-no-skin-warts-a-simple-yet-potent-method-to-get-rid-of-ugly-skin-warts http://morningletter.com/no-doctor-no-vermin-no-chemicals-and-no-skin-warts-a-simple-yet-potent-method-to-get-rid-of-ugly-skin-warts/#comments Thu, 10 May 2012 08:53:41 +0000 Lynn Hetzler http://www.cellenzehosting.com/morningletter/?p=69 Continue reading ]]> “Hi, I’m Buck Melanoma, Moley Russell’s wart!”

In the move Uncle Buck, John Candy then flips a quarter to the warty school principal and tells her to hire a rat to gnaw that thing off her face. People have been looking for ways to get rid of skin warts naturally since the dawn of time and, fortunately for you, most of them do not involve rodents.

You can get rid of skin warts naturally, without a visit to the doctor’s office or the use of dangerous chemicals. And without the aid of vermin!

One of the more than 100 strains of human papillomavirus, or HPV causes skin warts. While this virus is strongly associated with cancer, skin warts are not dangerous to your physical health. Ugly warts do inflict a significant burden on your social life.

Unsightly warts can appear on your face, lips, hands, feet or genital area. Skin warts even have a revolting name: Verruca vulgaris. There is nothing nice about a wart.

Medical Treatments

There are a myriad of wart treatments available, both inside and outside your doctor’s office. Many medical procedures freeze the wart, burn it with chemicals or zap it with laser beams.

These medical treatments waste valuable time and money and, worst of all, they are not terribly effective.

In August of 2002, the British Medical Journal, or BMJ, published a systematic review of the efficacy of various treatments for warts. One popular medical treatment is cryotherapy, where the wart is frozen and scraped from the skin. This method is both disgusting and ineffective.

Review of two small studies found no significant difference in cure rate between placebo and expensive cryotherapy.

This review also found very little proof that other scary and difficult-to-pronounce forms of wart removal, such as dinitrochlorobenzene and intralesional bleomycin, work any better than placebo.

Modern science has not come up with anything better than Uncle Buck’s rat. Worse yet, a trip to the doctor’s office costs big bucks!

Isn’t it time you gave natural wart removal remedies a try? They are cheaper, safer and you can get rid of skin warts in the privacy of your own home.

The “Do Nothing” Method

The most non-invasive, natural remedy for non-genital skin warts is time. More than half of all skin warts disappear by themselves within two years.

There are two drawbacks to waiting it out. First, your warts are ugly and no one wants to look at those hideous things for two whole years. Secondly, warts spread faster than a bad rumor. Stop the first wart in its tracks or you may suffer from an unending supply of new verruca.

Warts are highly contagious, spewing bastard warts up and down your skin from your scalp to your feet. Get rid of them by containing their spread. The HPV virus from one wart enters nearby cracks in the skin to cause future warts.

Do not pick, scratch, tug, twist or otherwise play with your wart – it is not a toy. If you discover yourself accidently molesting your wart, immediately wash your hands so you do not spread the virus to other parts of your body.

Duct tape occlusion

Apply a piece of duct tape over the wart and leave in place for six days, replacing the duct tape if it falls off. On the sixth day, remove the duct tape; soak the wart in water and then removing dead tissue with a pumice stone. Leave the wart exposed to air for about 12 hours before putting a new piece of duct tape on.

The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine published results from a study of more than 50 patients where half of the participants underwent cryotherapy, where doctors apply liquid nitrogen on the warts for 10 seconds every two to three weeks for a maximum of six treatments. The other half of the participants covered the wart with a piece of ordinary duct tape.

An overwhelming 85 percent of patients reported success with duct tape occlusion therapy, compared with only 60 percent success rate in the cryotherapy group!

It is not clear how the duct tape removes the warts – it is possible verruca vulgaris are so embarrassed to appear on a person with duct tape on his face and hands that the warts leave on their own accord.

Natural therapies

There is no scientific evidence to confirm a rat’s appetite for warts and, as of yet, no rats have been certified to remove warts. There is, however, plenty of research to support the efficacy of other natural remedies.

Podophyllum Extract is more commonly known as American mandrake, devil’s apple and Himalayan mayapple. Podophyllum is a plant extract with toxic qualities that kill infected skin cells.

Marigold Flower power gets rid of repulsive skin warts. An article published in Temple University’s newsletter, University Communications, touts marigold therapy as an effective therapy for skin warts.  Smear marigold therapy ointments onto the wart and cover with a bandage.

Cat’s Claw or Uncaria tomentosa, is an effective natural treatment for bacterial, fungal and viral infections. It also supports the immune system to fight off viral infections, such as HPV. Try 20 mg of cat’s claw three times a day.

Green Tea is delicious and gets rid of warts. The National Library of Medicine ranks treatment effectiveness based on scientific evidence and has judged green tea as likely to be an effective therapy for genital warts.

Mix one teaspoon of pure green tea extract into a cup of boiling water, let steep for 10 minutes and drink hot or cold. Prepare and drink four cups of green tea daily until the wart disappears.  Ointment made from green tea extract is effective for the treatment of genital and anal warts.

Apple Cider Vinegar is on old wart-removal standby, even listed by Mayo Clinic as an alternative treatment for our vulgar friend, verruca. Soak the wart in apple cider vinegar then scrub with a pumice stone or emery board. Apply a layer of petroleum jelly around the wart to protect surrounding skin, cover the wart with a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar and secure in place with a bandage.

Salicylic Acid The BMJ systemic review reports positive results with salicylic acid. The results of 13 trials showed treatments containing salicylic acid enjoyed a 75 percent wart cure rate.

Salicylic acid is a natural product, found in tree bark, fruits, vegetables herbs and some nuts. Early pharmacologists used to extract salicylic acid from the bark of a willow tree. Salicylic acid is chemically similar to aspirin and is widely used in the treatment of acne.

Eat foods containing salicylic acid, including:

  • Almonds
  • Apricots
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupes
  • Chicory
  • Dates
  • Green Pepper
  • Guavas
  • Mushrooms
  • Olives
  • Peanuts
  • Radishes
  • Raisins
  • Tomatoes
  • Water Chestnuts

The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests even more dietary changes to reduce the symptoms of verruca vulgaris. Researchers there suggest you avoid foods associated with allergens, such as:

  • Dairy
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Corn
  • Foods Containing Lots of Preservatives

Doctors also suggest you eat foods high in antioxidants, B-vitamins and calcium, such as:

  • Blueberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell Peppers
  • Beans
  • Spinach
  • Kale

Omit refined foods from your diet, such as bread, sugar and pasta, and items containing trans fats, like donuts and onion rings.

So what if you do not want to change your diet just to please some stupid wart? Then apply the food directly to the wart!

Cut a banana peel into a small square to use as a patch. Tape the patch into place before going to bed.

A thin slice of garlic also works, but be sure to cover the wart with a thin layer of castor oil or olive oil before taping down the garlic.

Enhance the benefits of either a banana or a garlic patch by applying 2 to 4 drops of tincture of thuja or tea tree oil. These ingredients will also disguise your wart as a garden salad, in case you are still tempted to hire a rat to gnaw it off.

While warts make for humorous movie scripts, the embarrassment of verruca vulgaris is not very funny at all. Fortunately, scientific research has verified the efficacy of several natural remedies to reduce the appearance of these unsightly bumps. Most treatments are inexpensive, safe and easy to use. Best of all, you do not need a rat.

http://morningletter.com/no-doctor-no-vermin-no-chemicals-and-no-skin-warts-a-simple-yet-potent-method-to-get-rid-of-ugly-skin-warts/feed/ 0
How to Get Rid of That Annoying High Pitched RING In Your Ears (A.K.A Tinnitus). Yes, It Can Be Done, No You Don’t Have To “Listen” To It Anymore! http://morningletter.com/how-to-get-rid-of-that-annoying-high-pitched-ring-in-your-ears-a-k-a-tinnitus-yes-it-can-be-done-no-you-dont-have-to-listen-to-it-anymore/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-get-rid-of-that-annoying-high-pitched-ring-in-your-ears-a-k-a-tinnitus-yes-it-can-be-done-no-you-dont-have-to-listen-to-it-anymore http://morningletter.com/how-to-get-rid-of-that-annoying-high-pitched-ring-in-your-ears-a-k-a-tinnitus-yes-it-can-be-done-no-you-dont-have-to-listen-to-it-anymore/#comments Tue, 08 May 2012 06:07:48 +0000 Lynn Hetzler http://morningletter.com/?p=446 Continue reading ]]> “At first, I was glad when the annoying voices in my head turned to whistling instead, but I became concerned when the high-pitched noise did not go away after a few days. I think it is tinnitus. How do I get rid of it?” 

Tinnitus is a ringing, swooshing or other type of noise that seems to be coming from your ears or your head. Do not worry – no one else can hear the awful, one-note melody playing in your ear. Unlike an earworm, in which a bad song can leap from one person’s brain to another through humming or singing, tinnitus is not contagious.

Tinnitus is common. According to Mayo Clinic, tinnitus affects about one in five people. Tinnitus is not itself a condition – it is a symptom of an underlying problem. Tinnitus is irritating but is not usually a sign of something serious. Injuries, crap in your ear, old age and certain medical problems or medications can cause tinnitus. Depending on the cause, you can get rid of tinnitus.

Try a few home remedies and lifestyle changes to get rid of tinnitus. Chances are, your tinnitus will be around a while and you will need to learn how to live with it. While there is no cure for tinnitus, you can turn down the volume. Here are few tips:

  • Avoid irritants like loud noises, bad music, noisy environments and the neighbor who mows his lawn at 5 AM each Saturday.
  • Manage stress with exercise, relaxation therapy or biofeedback.
  • Do not allow your tawdry tinnitus to drink alcohol or caffeine, smoke cigarettes or eat sugary or salty snacks.
  • Do not get old: Tinnitus may worsen with age.

Remove earwax, foreign objects and, most importantly, your finger from your ear. Earwax can harden inside your ear canal. Do not use your finger, pencil or steak knife to pull the plug on earwax – spend a few bucks to buy a professional earwax removal kit from a drug store.

Conventional Cures

See a doctor. She can determine the underlying cause of your tinnitus and help you develop a treatment plan. If you have earwax or foreign objects in your ear, she can schedule you for an ear wash. Be sure to ask for the spot-free rinse.

Treat an underlying blood vessel problem. This might require medication, surgery or another treatment. Your doctor can determine if a blood vessel problem is causing that noise in your head.

Exercise often and eat nutritious food. Stay healthy and slim to keep those blood vessels in good condition. 

Change medication if your doctor thinks it causes tinnitus. Never stop or change the dosage of any prescribed medication without first asking your doctor. 

Get counseling for your tinnitus. Find out if there is something in your tinnitus’ childhood that led to its incessant whining in your ear now. A counselor explains what goes on in the brain to cause tinnitus and gives you the tools you need to cope with the nuisance that can disturb sleep, conversations and the overall enjoyment of life.

Find a support group. Perhaps the ringing and whooshing sounds you hear are just your tinnitus trying to express its feelings. Additionally, you may be able to find harmony with others who suffer from tinnitus.

Put your tinnitus on antidepressants. Certain types of antidepressants work to reduce symptoms of severe tinnitus and lower the risk for complications associated with tinnitus. Doctors prescribe antidepressants only for extremely glum tinnitus because these drugs can cause side effects, such as:

  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Blurred Vision
  • Heart problems

Now you cannot poop, cannot see, have a tongue like sandpaper and your ticker might be going bad – but at least you have silenced the noise in your head!

Alternative Medicine

Not a big fan of fancy-pants doctors in white lab coats? Perhaps you prefer healthcare advice from a long-haired guru in a tie-dye t-shirt! Alternative medicine might be just the trick to getting rid of your tinnitus.

Acupuncture. Healers in Asia have been treating tinnitus with acupuncture for centuries. It is possible that tinnitus is just scared of needles but researchers are still working to verify how acupuncture reduces tinnitus.

Ginkgo. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, or NCCAM, says that people commonly use ginkgo to treat tinnitus. NCAAM goes on to state that researchers have not yet established whether taking ginkgo actually stops the noise in your head.

Lipoflavonoids. Clever drug manufacturers sell products containing lipoflavonoids, thought to reduce tinnitus. You can buy these drugs without a prescription.

Zinc. Some people take zinc supplements to make their tinnitus go away. In a not-so-passionate endorsement, the National Institute of Health calls zinc “possibly ineffective” for quieting tinnitus.

Put a Pillow on Tinnitus!

Potions and pills hush tinnitus by addressing the underlying cause. Relieving a medical condition may quiet tinnitus for some people but there is no guarantee that taking medicine will stop the annoying noise in your ear. You might resort to noise suppression methods that merely reduce or mask tinnitus to make the ringing less noticeable.

Relax your tinnitus with the soothing sounds of falling rain or crashing ocean waves. White noise machines broadcast simulated environmental sounds give your head something to listen to other than tinnitus. Manufacturers now offer white noise machines with pillow speakers so tinnitus does keep you up all night.

Get a hearing aid. Hearing aids are especially helpful if you suffer hearing loss along with tinnitus. A hearing aid amplifies environmental sound, making the ringing or swooshing of tinnitus less noticeable. Using a hearing aid for tinnitus is similar to turning up the television so you cannot hear your spouse barking in the background.

Put a mask on your ugly tinnitus. Masking devices, worn in the ear like a hearing aide, emit low-level noise that drowns out tinnitus. This treatment is like covering your ears with your hands and chanting, “La la la la” to muffle unwanted noise.

Enroll your head in a tinnitus-retraining program. Specialists fit you with a wearable device that hums music individually programmed to mask the specific tones you hear. The technique is similar to listening to elevator music; ABBA seems annoying on the first floor but your brain tunes it out by the time your elevator reaches the penthouse.

Last, make sure you go to Thomas Coleman’s website. Thomas is a former chronic tinnitus sufferer who reveals a unique holistic system powerful enough to permanently eliminate Tinnitus within 2 months) using a unique 5-Step method I doubt you will come across somewhere else.

Never give up!

No matter what anyone tells you, you do not have to suffer silently with noisy tinnitus. Give each treatment a chance to work before giving up. If you decide one approach is not effective for you, try another. Stick with whatever works to silence the roaring beast in your ear.

Enjoy the peace and quiet of a completely empty head – get rid of tinnitus forever! Take control of the annoying high-pitched whine or whoosh through lifestyle choices, conventional medicine, unconventional medicine and modern machinery. You might just enjoy hearing those familiar voices in your head once again.

http://morningletter.com/how-to-get-rid-of-that-annoying-high-pitched-ring-in-your-ears-a-k-a-tinnitus-yes-it-can-be-done-no-you-dont-have-to-listen-to-it-anymore/feed/ 0
How to Heal And SuperCharge Your Kidneys The Unconventional Way! (What Doctors WON’T Tell You Will KILL You.) http://morningletter.com/how-to-heal-and-supercharge-your-kidneys-the-unconventional-way-what-doctors-wont-tell-you-will-kill-you/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-heal-and-supercharge-your-kidneys-the-unconventional-way-what-doctors-wont-tell-you-will-kill-you http://morningletter.com/how-to-heal-and-supercharge-your-kidneys-the-unconventional-way-what-doctors-wont-tell-you-will-kill-you/#comments Tue, 08 May 2012 05:23:16 +0000 Lynn Hetzler http://www.cellenzehosting.com/morningletter/?p=37 Continue reading ]]> Your kidneys started out like everyone else’s, working away for endless hours to clean up the blood from your cheeseburgers-and-cola diet. From the dark nothingness of your belly, the bean-shaped organ begins to pulse with other super powers like lowering your blood pressure, regulating blood sugar and making vitamins and red blood cells. Your kidneys protect you from the villainous toxins all around you.

You now have a Super Kidney

After decades of scientific research, modern medicine has verified what traditional herbalists have known for centuries: you can develop SUPER KIDNEYS.

Traditional medicines for kidney health include dietary changes and alternative treatments focusing on specific foods, vitamins and herbs. Modern science has rediscovered the benefits of many traditional medicines. Whether you have two healthy kidneys or a single sickly one, you can improve your overall health by improving the way your kidneys function.

Explore Unconventional Treatments

The watermelon cleanse is a popular, if not unconventional treatment to improve kidney function. Simply eat several large watermelons while sitting in a bathtub filled with warm water Pee continually to flush the kidneys. It is not so super to do the watermelon cleanse in a public pool – trust me on this one.

The Lemonade Diet helps people with kidney stones. Lemons contain the highest levels of citrate of any citrus fruit. Citrate slows down the formation of kidney stones. Drink four ounces of reconstituted lemon juice in two liters of water each day to reduce your risk for kidney stones.

Duncan Capicchiano,  medical researcher, 2nd generation naturopath and kidney disease expert believes that unconventional is the way to go. Conventional medicine has to many restrictions, to many constraints, to many regulations and YOU are the one that suffers because you simply don’t get access to that really and truly works.

Duncan has helped  100′s if not 1000′s of people with his unique method.

Feed Your Kidneys a Super Hero Diet

Give your kidney all its favorite foods. Your kidneys are responsible for filtering out all the healthy junk you put into your body. Food and liquids introduce waste into the bloodstream; it is up to your kidneys to dispose of this waste. Overworked kidneys get tired and fall behind in their work. Simply putting a cape on your kidneys will not make a super hero out of them; you must change your diet.

Ancient wisdom and modern science agree on a few general food do’s and don’ts to appease the almighty kidneys. Here are some foods to enjoy, a few items to avoid and a couple of things to never, ever eat. (Prepare yourself: chocolate is on one of these lists.)

Eat more of these:

  • Acidophilus
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Garlic
  • Lecithin
  • Legumes
  • Papaya
  • Parsley
  • Potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Raw Foods
  • Seeds
  • Soybeans
  • Spirulina
  • Sprouts
  • Watercress
  • Watermelon

Eat less of these:

  • Foods containing potassium and phosphates, such as sweetened condensed milk and cheese sauce
  • Beet Greens
  • Meat
  • Spinach
  • Rhubarb
  • Swiss Chard

Never eat these:

  • Chocolate
  • Cocoa
  • Dairy
  • Eggs

It will take more than plain good eating to transform your ordinary kidney into an organ worthy of membership in the Justice League. Old-fashioned healers and current-day herbalists use common herbs to restore kidneys to their superstar status in the human body. Choose from a variety of herbal remedies to transform your everyday kidneys into super kidneys.

Treat your kidneys to an old-fashioned marshmallow! Yesteryear’s cooks used to make from the marshmallow plant, althaea officinalis, which is a natural diuretic and very good for your kidneys. Make your own marshmallow tea by steeping the leaves or boiling the roots for 7 to 10 minutes. Drink three cups each day.

Raise a glass of horsetail herb juice as a toast to your kidney’s good health! Mix 1 or 2 tablespoons of this herb into hot or cold water. Prepare and drink three glasses a day before meals.

Drink birch juice, known to reduce inflammation in the kidneys while increasing volume and output of urine. Bearberry may enhance the effects of birch juice and horsetail herb juice.

Present your kidneys with a bouquet of dandelions! Taraxacum leaf, or dandelion leaves, are a gentle diuretic, which means they make you pee out excess fluid. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, some animal studies suggest dandelion leaves may normalize blood sugar and lower cholesterol levels.

Prepare and drink three cups of dried leaf infusion tea each day. Pour hot water directly over one to two teaspoons of dried leaf and steep for 5 to 10 minutes.

Zea mays, or corn silk, is also a diuretic. Corn silk – that yellow hairy stuff on a cob of corn may also reduce kidney stones and relieve some symptoms associated with kidney stones. Pour hot water over two teaspoons of zea mays and steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink three cups every day.

Cranberries acidify urine to help dissolve tiny kidney stones before they become giant boulders. Cranberry also destroys bacteria to reduce kidney infections.

Barley water nourishes kidneys, especially during times of stress. Add 10 parts of washed barley pearls to 100 parts wter and boil for 20 minutes. Strain and measure one dose, ranging from 1 oz to 4 oz.

Berberis vulgaris, commonly known as barberry or Pepperidge bush, is frequently used to soothe kidney infections. It is especially helpful for those individuals experiencing tenderness near the kidneys. Using Berberis may help ease the sharp, colicky pain associated with kidney stones, which starts at the kidneys and radiates to the bladder and down the legs.

Other teas known to boost kidney function include:

  • Buchu
  • Goldenrod
  • Watermelon Seed

Add flaxseed oil to hot or cold cereals, fruit and vegetable dishes, juices, sauces and dips. The Natural Health Research Institute published a 2006 study that found that flaxseed oil preserved kidney function in mice with a certain type of genetic kidney disease known as PKD, or polycystic kidney disease. There are about 600,000 Americans with PKD, the fourth leading cause of kidney failure in the U.S.

Take vitamins. Some vitamins enhance kidney health. These vitamins include:

  • Vitamin A, 25,000 IU daily (avoid during pregnancy).
  • Vitamin B complex, 50 mg two times a day.
  • Vitamin B6, up to 200 mg a day.
  • Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mg a day.
  • Vitamin E, with mixed tocopherols, 400-800 IU a day.

Lifestyles of Super Kidneys

Your super kidneys demand a pampered lifestyle. Super kidneys require the perfect balance of exercise, rest and nutrition.

Identify the location of your Super Kidneys so you can easily recognize signs of trouble. Batman had the batcave and Superman had the Fortress of Solitude. Your Super Kidney also has a secret location. Assume the super-hero pose: Put your hands on your hips with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Slide your hands up your waistline with your thumbs pointing backward until you can feel your ribs with your fingers. Your thumbs now point to your super kidneys.

Give your kidneys plenty of rest. They have worked relentlessly your entire life and they are now tired. Your kidneys would love a massage while they relax. Hot packs and warm baths reduce the load on your kidneys by stimulating the excretion of toxins through your lungs or intestines rather than making your kidneys do the work.

Lose weight. A 2009 study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology shows that losing weight reduces proteinuria, which is the excess excretion of protein into the urine. Dropping extra pounds may also prevent additional decline in kidney function in those people already struggling with kidney disease.

Keep your chronic conditions under control as best you can. Diabetes is the number one cause of kindey failure, with high blood pressure ranking a close second. High blood cholesterol levels are high in patients with kidney failure. Visit your medical laboratory frequently to have your blood tested.

Keep your blood sugar under control. Excess sugar in the blood gums up the microscopic plumbing inside your kidneys. This can lead to scarring and shrinkage of the kidneys.

Control your blood pressure. One in three adults has high blood pressure but many do not know it or do not address it. High blood pressure damages your blood vessels in a way that prevents adequate blood and oxygen flow to your kidneys. Hypertension is kryptonite for the kidneys.

Take your kidneys out to play nearly every day. Physical activity improves blood pressure and circulation, helps you drop weight, reduces the risk for diabetes and lowers blood sugar levels in those with diabetes, strengthens muscles and puts you in a better mood.

Go easy on the painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine, commonly known as an NSAID. Your kidneys are responsible for removing these substances from your body and they do not particularly care for the job. NSAIDs can even cause kidney failure.

Make your kidneys giants in the organ world with proper diet, supplements, exercise and heroic lifestyle. With proper care, your kidneys can become super heroes in your body, able to clean toxins from your body in a single bound. Whether you have two fully functional filters, or only one cantankerous kidney, you can develop Super Kidneys!


P.S.  NEVER be afraid to explore advances in non-mainstream medicine.  Researchers like Duncan Capicchiano  have proven that being open minded actually pays off…and sometime big time!

http://morningletter.com/how-to-heal-and-supercharge-your-kidneys-the-unconventional-way-what-doctors-wont-tell-you-will-kill-you/feed/ 0
How To Use The Secrets Of Science-Based YOGA To Gain Back Your Youth, Health And Energy! http://morningletter.com/how-to-use-the-secrets-of-science-based-yoga-to-gain-back-your-youth-health-and-energy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-use-the-secrets-of-science-based-yoga-to-gain-back-your-youth-health-and-energy http://morningletter.com/how-to-use-the-secrets-of-science-based-yoga-to-gain-back-your-youth-health-and-energy/#comments Mon, 07 May 2012 08:42:31 +0000 Bridget Wright http://www.cellenzehosting.com/morningletter/?p=64 Continue reading ]]> Trying the Next Shiny, New Thing

Decreased energy, aches and pains, bothersome fatigue and looking and feeling “old” are all a part of life, isn’t it? Maybe even exercise programs and the latest diet or nutrition programs leave much to be desired in the way of trying to feel better.  Just trying to “find” something that works can leave you exhausted!



The fountain of youth, health and energy travels on a lonely road that runs right beside the congested highway of gimmicks, tricks and promises. The answer is not in a potion, a pill or a drink. It’s honestly in an age-old tradition that’s often overlooked.

It’s on the less-traveled road called Yoga.

What Yoga IS

Yoga is more of a science, or a practice than it is an application or a routine. It shows you ‘how to be’ rather than ‘what to do.’ As a nation, we’re accustomed to following plans, steps, etc. to get to a certain action and can you leave you feeling somewhat empty.

Just learning ‘how to be’ allows your body to heal itself, release stress, lose weight and conquer health issues. This science or practice takes focus and fortitude, but lasts a lifetime and rewards you much, much more.

Yoga deals with more than just the physical body, but it also incorporates the mind, the soul, your breathing and your entire body, working to bring you to a state of wholeness and completeness.

When your mind, body and soul are whole, you can experience permanent states of well-being, renewed energy levels, improved health conditions and youthfulness.

You feel better. You look better. You become better.

What Yoga Is NOT


Don’t expect to be converted over to any religion when you start practicing yoga. Remember, yoga doesn’t dictate anything to you, and no one will try to convert you over. It’s not that at all.

A Class

While there are yoga classes where you can participate, classes are not where yoga is. Structured classes are simply vehicles to use to learn how to correctly perform yoga moves.


Meaning, it’s not the same thing for everyone. Every individual will experience different stages of awareness when they incorporate yoga into their lives.

I Run For Fun

Distance running was something that I decided to take up later in life. My husband and I were finished with our family plans, and I was eager to get my body back into pre-mommy shape. So, I began running.

I started running in the neighborhood

I even ran with the kids at the park…or was it behind them?

Even running in marathons and races became my thing to do!

Yes, I loved running…at least for a little while.

The Calm Before the (Pain) Storm

When I first started running, everything felt great. My body was responding quite well in losing weight and toning up nicely. But later on, months later, is when things started to change. Running started to h-u-r-t, or more specifically, my muscles would hurt when I ran.

The pain was so bad sometimes that I’d forgo my newfound love of running because I just didn’t want to hurt afterwards. In talking to my veteran running friends, I discovered something crucial that I needed to do that I had never realized.

They told me to start doing Yoga.

I needed to stretch my muscles, and was advised by my uber-runner friends to do so on a routine basis. More pointedly, they said I needed to perform Yoga-specific stretching routines that would work directly with the muscles and loosen up all of the tightness I was feeling.

Yoga? For a runner? Really??

Yoga Girl Is Born

To me, initially this advice sounded pretty boring. I was, after all, a brand new runner so I didn’t want to waste my time doing Yoga two to three times a week, and what for? I thought all that yoga could do for me was relax my mind, not strengthen my quads or increase my energy or endurance.

I was wrong.

As reluctant and as stubborn as I was, I decided to incorporate yoga into my running routine, thinking that it would be something I’d do to just pass the time. I started out doing Yoga stretches after my long runs. Then, I started doing Yoga sessions for three times a week.

That’s when my running life began to change.

There was NO MORE soreness or tightness after my weekly long runs. My limbs became more flexible. I noticed an increase in my endurance. I had more energy.

Yoga became my friend.

Through yoga, your body unifies and becomes whole, which is also the meaning of the word. Once I became aware of my body, what it did (and didn’t) respond to, how it felt, I actually felt better and more energetic, slept better and yes, I ran faster!!

There Were Regrets

I actually do wish now that I had started doing Yoga earlier in my running career and even earlier in my fitness journey. But unfortunately, my faulty thinking about the “ohms” of the Yoga lifestyle kept me from getting all that I could out of it.

It turns out that Yoga is a widely practiced profession not just in the standard Yoga communities but also for the athletic and average fitness communities in general. With so much advancement in and awareness of the benefits of science-based Yoga, people are embracing the lifestyle as a way to increase energy levels and youthfulness.

Yoga: The Basics

Yoga doesn’t have to be overwhelming, especially if you know some of the basics to begin with and simply work towards perfecting those. Most Yoga poses teach you to rely on your breathing techniques and meditation awareness.

Breathing properly clears and cleanses the lungs and allows your cells and muscles to grow and strengthen. Since westernized yoga generally focuses on physical poses (also called asanas), you will learn how to use and move your body in new, different ways. As a result, you’ll experience higher levels of energy and a reduction in those aches and pains.

Sun Salutations

Begin each Yoga session with these as you stretch the length of your entire body in an upwards motion, towards the “sun.” This pose will loosen and limber the entire body in preparation for more Yoga poses.

The Easy Pose

Also known as the Meditative pose, you are seated with each leg bent at the knee, and the leg is crossed over and rested on the opposite thigh. With the back erect but loose, remember to breath. This pose helps to straighten the spine, slows metabolism, and promotes your inner focus and tranquility. This is also the pose responsible for your energy levels!

Neck, Facial and Shoulder Routines

Highly underrated as a routine, but neck tensions are a major source of body stress that can lead to tension and poor posture. There’s no more tightness and stiffness, but harmony and flexibility. This is also how you can achieve a more youthful appearance with toned and tightened neck muscles.

Tension can also be very high in the shoulders and lead to energy depletion. This routine can increase flexibility and tone shoulder muscles as well as improve overall posture. The moves are “shoulder shrugs” that you hold briefly as you take in deep, cleansing breaths.

Single/Double Leg Raises

By laying flat and slowly raising and lowering both legs, your back is strengthened, your core is strengthened and in addition, you’re increasing your metabolism (weight loss) as well as loosening your muscles for flexibility.

What Yoga Does: In and Out

Feeling that energy and vitality in your body comes by decreasing the ravages of stress on it. Yoga practices work to reduce cortisol, a body hormone that responds to stress levels.

Less cortisol equals less stress.

Other body chemicals that significantly enhance stress moods including GABA, serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals are credited with giving us those relaxed, content feelings that the brain sends out when our bodies are stabilized, as in doing yoga routines.

So how does Yoga affect these chemicals?

When our bodies are stressed or upset, our nervous system works tirelessly to restore balance. Yoga poses work on the parasympathetic nervous system to stimulate and calm it in response to stress. Organs and tissues respond to the parasympathetic nervous system in a fascinating way:

  • Blood is directed toward the endocrine glands (better circulation)
  • The heart rate and blood pressure are lowered (calmness and contentment)
  • Digestive organs receive an increase in blood flow (better absorption)
  • Lymphatic circulation is enhanced through an increased blood flow (improved elimination)

Once there is blood stimulation through the parasympathetic nervous system, the body goes into a state of elimination, healing and repair. There is a decrease in body inflammation, which is responsible for a myriad of physical ailments including diabetes and depression. Other benefits include:

  • The body extracts nutrients more efficiently, directing and routing them to crucial areas.
  • Toxins are eliminated as a result of enhanced circulation thereby allowing nutrients to work optimally.
  • The immune system is strengthened, helping to stave off sicknesses.
  • Restoration and healing are heightened because the systems are working cohesively.

The result? There is an increase in energy levels. The skin is clearer and that promotes a youthful appearance. Finally, there is an overall improvement in internal health with the blood, tissues and organs functionality.

Yoga For You

There are a myriad of Yoga poses and strategies that you can use to incorporate into your routine right away. Even if you don’t have an exercise routine, these Yoga moves will work out your body, strengthen and relax you all simultaneously:

Low Lunge Pose

This is one of my favorite poses as a runner. It strengthens the thighs and the quads and helps me run stronger and faster.

Cross the front knee over your ankle with your fingertips down by the sides of your feet. With your thigh parallel to the ground, reach as far back with the opposite foot as you can.

Bent-Leg Boat

Great for abs strengthening. Not only will you feel energetic, but you’ll also tone and tighten those muscles.

As you lower your torso and legs to the floor, your body forms a wide V. Make sure to not touch the ground for a more intense feeling.

Boat Pose

Also great for abs and core strengthening. Sit with your knees bent but with your feet flat. Lean back, holding yourself steady and grab your knees as you raise your feet off the floor.

Rocking Boat

This move progresses from the Boat Pose by tipping your knees from side to side with a steady motion.

Arm Balance (ing)

Likely one of the more difficult poses, but will reward you exceptionally with overall strength, focus and body awareness. Plus, the challenge of this pose is something to strive for as you steady the full weight of your body rested on your forearms.

Dolphin Pose

This pose builds strength and stamina. By using your hands and knees, your forearms are near to the ground and your elbows are directly under your shoulders. The belly is straight up and forms a high V-shape.

Plank (front and side planks)

A very commonly known Yoga move as well. Support your body weight either on your hands or elbows for one to two minutes, or more. Builds strength in the core and is a full-body toner. Remember to draw in the abs for more support.

Upward Dog Stretch

Lying face down with the tops of your feet on the mat, bend your elbows, placing palms downward beside you. Push straight up without locking your elbows and lift your legs and torso into the air. This opens up your chest and helps make you completely flexible.

Variety is The Yoga Spice

I often mix up each of these poses, or do different ones for different training purposes. On intense workout days, I generally focus a lot on those poses that fully stretch out the muscles and I hold the pose for a few extra seconds.

On light days, I like to challenge myself and incorporate new Yoga poses or increase my intensity on poses I already know. There is a never anything dull or boring now, especially since I can see and feel the benefits of the program.

Whichever style or type of Yoga pose you choose is purely personal since it will benefit you. All of the poses however will help you immensely in developing your flexibility, balance and strength, not to mention the incredible feeling of energy and youthfulness you’ll feel afterwards. This is why it’s important to not concern yourself with the “right” way to do Yoga, but more importantly, find what works best for you and your goals.

With the information you have here, coupled with your own ideas and creativity, you can customize your own scientific approach to design a Yoga-based routine that your body will respond favorably to. So whether you want to lose weight, de-stress your mind or eliminate those annoying aches and pains, a scientific approach to a Yoga routine with your own agenda can help you to accomplish just that!


[Editors Note: Many people (well, most) have only heard the word Yoga, and even less know what scientific yoga is all about. Well, it's time to open your eyes my friend. There is a REASON why most people who experience Yoga can't leave without it. No more aches, no more pains, more energy, better concentration and much more. ShapeShifter's 28 day program might be one of the most valuable hidden secrets in this niche (make SURE to watch the video ).]

http://morningletter.com/how-to-use-the-secrets-of-science-based-yoga-to-gain-back-your-youth-health-and-energy/feed/ 0
This Really Works If You Want A Quick 6 Pack Ab (I Mean It…It REALLY WORKS!) http://morningletter.com/this-really-works-if-you-want-a-quick-6-pack-ab-i-mean-it-it-really-works/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=this-really-works-if-you-want-a-quick-6-pack-ab-i-mean-it-it-really-works http://morningletter.com/this-really-works-if-you-want-a-quick-6-pack-ab-i-mean-it-it-really-works/#comments Mon, 07 May 2012 06:04:58 +0000 Dave Nestoff http://morningletter.com/?p=443 Continue reading ]]> Abs workouts. They’re a dime a dozen. But the products aren’t.

Those are a little more expensive.

Whether you want a highly unfashionable belt, a really big kickball or a stripped-down rocking chair, you are going to have to pay. Sure, we feel more motivated because our hard-earned dollars are at stake, but what if it just doesn’t do it for us?

Let’s face it: We can be fit without paying.

So, abs workouts. They’re free for a dozen. But with so many options, how do you choose? And is it possible that only one works while the rest are duds? Not likely. The truth is there could be a number of options that work for you.

At one point, I had a habit of hopping from one workout to the next without getting results. I did exercises in two-minutes. I did them while watching TV. I even memorized some of the routines so I could do them whenever I wanted to.

But it didn’t work. I didn’t realize until later (that abdominal kick didn’t last long) that it wasn’t because I found the wrong systems. It was because I didn’t do the right ones the right way.

So rather than spit out another option you might already know about, let’s break down HOW to exercise to get the abs you want. We’ll go over each part of the abs in detail followed by some home-ready exercises to help you work them. At the end we’ll go over a framework for creating your own program.

Rectus Abdominis

Where is it?

The rectus abdominis, or upper abs, is a muscle group that, when done right, resembles the “six pack.” It is two parallel muscles in the center of our torso. They run down from the chest and connect at the bottom to the lower abs. While visual appeal might be the biggest reason to tighten these, the muscles are helpful in stabilizing our midsection when we do any sort of lifting or exercise.


Here are three effective ways to target the rectus abdominis.

Bicycle Maneuver: Ranked as the top abs exercise by About.com Fitness, the Bicycle Maneuver can go a long way to a washboard stomach.

  1. Lie flat on your back with your hands clasped behind your head.
  2. Lift your legs to a forty-five degree angle.
  3. Raise your head and shoulders off the ground (it’s okay to look at the TV).
  4. Breathe out to tighten your abs muscles.
  5. Pretend to be peddling – your left elbow touches your right knee and vice-versa (I imagine this is how Lance Armstrong goes to sleep at night).
  6. Alternate motion continuously (contract your abs through the entire exercise).
  7. Put up your kick stand.

TIP: Try not to pull your head towards your legs when contracting. It puts strain on the neck, which lowers the benefits of the exercise. 

Abdominal Hold: This will be the only exercise on the list that requires a prop, but you just have to walk into the kitchen to get it. It’s most effective on wooden chairs without arms to get in the way, but folding chairs work, too. It’s least dangerous when you make sure your chair isn’t broken.

  1. Sit straight on the front edge of your chair.
  2. Put your hands on the chair with your fingers pointing at your knees and your thumbs pointing at each other.
  3. Crunch your abs and raise your toes 4-6 inches from the floor.
  4. Lift your butt off the chair.
  5. Stay in this position as long as possible.
  6. Lower yourself down and repeat.

TIP: When holding your body above the chair, 10 seconds is a good length of time to aim for. One set should last for a whole minute.

Vertical Leg Crunch: A different take on a classic move, the vertical leg crunch is another great way to make your upper abs hate you. The difference is rather than crossing and bending your knees, your legs are straight (making you a human right angle).

  1. Extend your legs straight up with knees crossed.
  2. Lock your hands behind the head.
  3. Tighten the abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor (as if moving your chest towards your feet).
  4. Keep your legs fixed and contract your abs to pull your belly button towards your spine before going back to the resting position.
  5. Lower and repeat.

TIP: Just as with the Bicycle Maneuver, pulling with your arms can strain your neck, and that defeats the purpose of a good workout.

Other rectus abdominis exercises include:  Vertical Leg Crunch, Long-armed Crunch and The Hundred

Lower Abs

Where are they?

Technically speaking, the lower abs are the lower part of the rectus abdominis. Exercises that target the rectus abdominis hit the lower abs and the opposite is true for exercises that target the lower abs. For maximum effect, though, it is best to approach the two areas separately.


Here are two of the best exercises for whipping your lower abs into shape.

Reverse Crunch: Everything is better in reverse. In fact, we’re all just trying to reverse to the way we looked when we were 18, right?

  1. Lie down with your hands on the floor or behind your head.
  2. Pull your knees to your chest until they’re bent at a right angle (your feet can be together or crossed).
  3. Crunch your abs while straightening your legs towards the ceiling.
  4. Raise the hips off the floor (3 inches) at the top of the movement.
  5. Lower and repeat.

TIP: Your hips should only make a small movement (not more than 3 inches from the floor). Avoid swinging your legs in order to raise your hips. Using momentum decreases the effectiveness of the exercise.

Jackknife: AskMen.com rated this one of the best moves for exercising abs. It’s effective and it’s simple.

  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight.
  2. Stretch your arms above your head, parallel to the ground.
  3. Lift both your arms and legs toward the ceiling (like a closing bear trap).
  4. Lift until your fingertips reach your toes (or as close as you can get).
  5. Slowly return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the move 10 times.

TIP: Because it has such a wide range of motion, using a mat is definitely recommended when doing The Jackknife. Unless, of course, you have fond memories of rug burn as a child.

Other lower abs exercises include:  Legs lifts, Hip lifts and Windshield Wiper


Where are they?

The obliques are the muscle groups on either side of the rectus abdominis. If you’ve ever seen Brad Pitt in “_________” (insert movie title here), you know exactly what good obliques are, and you want them for you or someone you love. 


Here are the best ways to sculpt the ever-jiggling love handles.

Windshield Wipers:  AskMen.com offered Windshield Wipers as one of the best ways to mold the obliques. Because the exercise has such a wide range of movement, it can be used as a secondary way to target your lower abs as well.

  1. Place a mat on the floor (recommended) and lie on your back.
  2. Put your arms in the “T” position for stability.
  3. Straighten your legs to bring them perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Rotate your hips, keeping them in contact with the floor.
  5. Move (not swing) your legs from left to right (think dirty windshield).

TIP: In order to get the most from this exercise, the motion should be done slowly. This allows you to best target the obliques and not let motion take over.

Side Jackknife: Rated highly by Men’s Health, the side jackknife is an exercise with a small range of motion but a big amount of upside. Pay closer attention to the tightness of your stomach than to how much your legs move when doing this exercise.

  1. Place your left forearm on the floor and raise your torso (from the waist up) off the ground.
  2. Put your top hand behind your right ear and point your right elbow at your feet.
  3. Lift your legs off the ground as far as possible while keeping your torso still.
  4. Stop at the top of the motion to feel the tightness on your right side.
  5. Lower your legs slowly and do it again on the opposite side.

TIP: Remember, keeping tightness in your stomach is the most important thing. 

Other oblique exercises include: Side crunch and Oblique V-Up

Making Your Program 

Now it’s just a matter working out your program. And then, of course, working out your program. Keep in mind:

An effective abs workout should do two things. It should work out all of the sections mentioned before, and it should work them out to the fullest. In addition, there is a fine less between resting your muscles and negating your workout.

Here are guidelines for getting the maximum results from your workout plan:

  1. Four abs workouts each week is enough. Make sure to give yourself between 24 and 48 hours of rest.
  2. Always start with 5-10 minutes of cardio. It helps to get you stretched out.
  3. Stick with 6-8 exercises, alternating the different muscle groups as you go.
  4. Slower is better. It puts more focus on your muscles. The less you use momentum, the more you use your muscles.
  5. Do 3-5 sets per exercise, with each set consisting of 8-12 reps.
  6. By the last repetition of each exercise, make it so you are exhausted.
  7. Change up the routine after 4 weeks (if you aren’t already ripped) and keep working. Do more reps, change exercises or even add weight, otherwise your muscles will not respond as well to the routine.


[Editors Note: Do you like weird videos? Well, they can be quite revealing, specially this one! Saying that the guy behind it is an authority (and has been since 2004!) when it comes to systematically getting dream abs is an understatement. It truly is. Watch it...his story and what he reveals is simply incredible (specially  the trick of  the odd foods that actually do kill abdominal fat automatically). ]

http://morningletter.com/this-really-works-if-you-want-a-quick-6-pack-ab-i-mean-it-it-really-works/feed/ 0